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Information, Advice and Support May 2014

Information, Advice and Support May 2014. National Network of Parent Partnerships.

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Information, Advice and Support May 2014

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  1. Information, Advice and Support May 2014

  2. National Network of Parent Partnerships • The National Parent Partnership Network (NPPN) was established in 1995 under the auspices of the Council for Disabled Children (CDC) to support, develop and promote the work of parent partnership services (PPS). NPPN is funded by the Department for Education (DfE).

  3. Workshop Schedule • Presentation – Reform: what will be the IAS duties and requirements on LA’s? (to whom, what and how?) • Activity – Next Steps in implementing IAS locally • Presentation - What is ‘Independent Support’ and how does it fit in?

  4. IAS Duties – Key Legislation/Documents • Key legislation/guidance which will guide new IAS Obligations: • Children & Families Act • Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 • SEND Code of Practice

  5. C&F Act: Section 32 – Advice & Information

  6. IAS - Children and Young People Expectation that many children and young people will receive IAS via or alongside their parents But… LA’s must also ensure that they (CYP) are able to receive information, advice and support separately from their parents

  7. C&F Act Section 19 – Parent & CYP Participation • Local Authorities MUST have regard to: • Views, wishes and feelings of the child and his or her parent, or the young person • Importance of the child and parent, or the young person, participating as fully as possible in decisions • Importance of the child and parent, or the young person, being provided with the information and support to enable participation in decisions; • Need to support the child and parent, or the young person, to achieve the best possible outcomes.

  8. C&F Act: Section 26 – Joint Commissioning Joint commissioning arrangements must include arrangements for considering and agreeing — • What advice and information is to be provided about education, health and care provision; • By whom, to whom and how such advice and information is to be provided;

  9. SEN and Disability Regulations 2014 Personal Budgets Information, advice and support 3.  Where a local authority maintains an EHC plan or is securing the preparation of an EHC plan for a child or young person, it must make arrangements for the provision to the child’s parent or young person of the following information— (a) the provision for which a personal budget may be available; (b) details of organisations that provide advice and assistance in connection with personal budgets; and (c) the conditions which must be met before direct payments may be made. Assessment and Plans Provision of advice, information and support to parents and young people 9.When securing an EHC needs assessment the local authority must consider whether the child’s parent or the young person requires any information, advice and support in order to enable them to take part effectively in the EHC needs assessment, and if it considers that such information, advice or support is necessary, it must provide it.

  10. SEND Code of Practice - April 2014 Draft Chapter 2 – Impartial Information, Advice and Support • A dedicated and easily identifiable service; • Built on existing Parent Partnership Service and any other local services for young people to create an Information, Advice and Support Service; • Young people must be able to access independently from their parents; • Should be impartial, confidential, arms length, free and accessible • Promote independence and self advocacy • Inform policy and practice

  11. IAS - What Should be Provided? • Local policy and practice; • The local offer; • Personalisation and personal budgets; • Education law on SEN and related law on disability, health and social care, through suitably independently trained staff; • Helping children, young people and parents to gather, understand and interpret information and apply it to their own situation; and • Provision of advice through individual casework and through work with parent carer support groups, local SEN youth forums or local disability groups, or training events.

  12. Health and Social Care - IAS duties • The Care Bill requires local authorities to establish and maintain a service which must provide information and advice relating to care and support for adults and support for carers. • The Health and Social Care Act 2012 shifted responsibility for provision of Independent Complaints Advocacy Services from the Secretary of State for Health to local authorities from April 2013

  13. Next Steps - Exercise • Identify health and social care providers and commissioners to agree provision • Identify people and organisations who currently provide IAS to parents/carers, children and young people - what do they provide and how? Could their services be extended and become part of the IASS ‘umbrella’? Could staff be bought into the IASS? Co-location? What additional skills, knowledge and resource are needed? • Where are the gaps?

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