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NYCDOE’s Advance: NYC Performance Assessments. Agenda. K-5 Performance Assessments for MOSL. 6-8 Performance Assessments for MOSL. * Regents Year. 9-12 Performance Assessments for MOSL. NYC Performance Assessments focus on c ommon i nstructional g oals a cross subjects.
6-8 Performance Assessments for MOSL * Regents Year
NYC Performance Assessments focus on common instructional goals across subjects.
Performance Assessment Rubric Scoring • IMPORTANT UPDATES • There is now a 6 digit “Scorer ID” number that will be automatically generated for every teacher in ATS. Schools should view & print the teacher Score IDs using the RTES function in ATS. Teachers will enter and bubble their 6 digit Scorer ID on each score sheet they complete. • Scorers or assessment coordinators should bubble in the “Month” and “Day” in which the assessment was ADMINISTERED. • Scorers or assessment coordinators should bubble in the “Days for Assessment” (single or multiple). • For students who are exempt, scorers or assessment coordinators should bubble in the appropriate category indicating the reason: “Taking NYSAA” or “First Year ELL”. • For students who refuse to complete the task or the administration is invalidated the “Exam Invalidated” bubble should be filled in on the ATS score sheet (see pg. 29 of the EOY Handbook). • If the student took the assessment in an alternate language, the scorer or assessment coordinator should bubble in the appropriate language. • Please refer to the NYC Performance Assessments: ATS Guide for Assessment Coordinators for additional data systems guidance for NYC Performance Assessments.
Performance Assessment Scoring: Group Norming • Before scoring assessments, educator teams should norm using the rubrics and anchor papers. This entails: • Reviewing the rubric and discussing expected performance at each performance level for each rubric trait. • Reviewing annotated sample student work and discussing the evidence for each score. • Individually scoring “anchor” papers, then discussing as a group the evidence for each score.
Deep Dive: NYC Performance AssessmentsActivity #1 – Task Design Investigation Objective Participants will be able to interpret a sample NYC Performance Assessment by analyzing the requirements for students and predicting students’ strengths and struggles. Activity Preview the sample NYC Performance Assessment and consider the four key questions on the handout. Use the chart to take notes while you’re reviewing the task and texts. Share your reflections with your table.
Deep Dive: NYC Performance AssessmentsActivity #1 – Task Design
Deep Dive: NYC Performance AssessmentsActivity #2 – Norming & Scoring Objective Participants will be able to apply the rubric as an evaluative tool for scoring student writing and establish a shared understanding of the expectations of the NYC Performance Assessments. Activity Individually read and score Sample 1 according to the rubric. Be sure to provide a score for each individual trait, and then discuss your findings with your table. Refer to evidence in the sample of student work and the rubric to justify your choices and seek consensus. Repeat the process for Sample 2 (time permitting).
Deep Dive: NYC Performance AssessmentsActivity #2 – Norming & Scoring
Thank You! • Lori Ann O’Connor • Senior MoSL Implementation Specialist-Cluster 6 • Office of Academic Quality • loconno@schools.nyc.gov • 718-420-5659 (office) • 646-696-8170 (BlackBerry)