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Internet Skills ELEC135

Internet Skills ELEC135. Alan Noble Room 504 Tel: 0151 79 44562 (44562 internal) a.noble@liv.ac.uk. Overview of the module. Aims To introduce the internet To review the basic protocols To introduce the language used to write web-pages To indicate future developments

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Internet Skills ELEC135

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Internet SkillsELEC135 Alan Noble Room 504 Tel: 0151 79 44562 (44562 internal) a.noble@liv.ac.uk

  2. Overview of the module Aims • To introduce the internet • To review the basic protocols • To introduce the language used to write web-pages • To indicate future developments • To provide you with practical skills

  3. Topics Covered • What is the internet?A short history and how it developed. • Servers (responsibility, common servers)., communication links. Introduce URL's. Overview of TCP/IP • Hypertext and protocols HTTP, FTP, Web browsers. What is a web-page?

  4. Topics Covered (continued) • Introduction to HTML. Text - font, size, colour. Hyperlinks. Alignment and tables. Adding images and multi-media content. • Further HTML - Frames forms and image maps. Style sheets. Java script. The future of HTML, DHTML, XML Active Server Pages. • Web authoring tools. Managing a web site. Where? How many pages. What should the page look like? Helping people find the site.

  5. Topics Covered (continued) • Finding information on the Web. Search engines. How to search. How do search sites locate information (Meta tags and web-crawlers). • e-commerce. What is it? Security on the internet.

  6. Course Structure Continual Assessment No Exam Primarily a learning process Assessment is a secondary exercise NO RESIT !

  7. Assignments MARKING A ++ A+ A B C D F 90 – 100 80 – 89 70 - 79 60 - 69 50 - 59 40 - 49 <40

  8. Use ACME ! http://acme.eeng.liv.ac.uk

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