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Progress of Bologna Process at Belgrade Universities: Analyzing the First Year Implementation

This study delves into the initial year of applying the Bologna Process at Belgrade's universities, examining the impact of the new laws and reforms on faculties such as Mathematics and Computer Sciences. Analysis includes challenges faced, restructuring efforts, and student and faculty perspectives on the process.

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Progress of Bologna Process at Belgrade Universities: Analyzing the First Year Implementation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bologna process at Belgrade's universities after one year of applying Dušan Tošić tdusan@turing.mi.sanu.ac.yu

  2. Introduction • Bologna process in Serbia before 2006. • - adopted Law of university • All universities (faculties) have to design the studies according to new law from 2006/07 school year.

  3. Law of university (from 2006) forces Bologna process: • EBCD are introduced • All faculties have duty to reorganize their studies according to Bologna principles • - Duration of courses is maximum 1 semester • - Permanent work and control of students is forced • - PhD studies are introduced, • - … • The commission for the accreditation is formed

  4. 2. Comments The most number of professors was against Bologna process on the beginning The law of universities is introduced without any previous experiment and preparing. Students were interested in Bologna process trying to get maximum benefits.

  5. 3. Bologna process at two Belgrade’s faculties (my view) Faculty of Mathematics Faculty of Computer Sciences (RAF)

  6. Faculty of Mathematics state faculty University of Belgrade Faculty of Computer Sciences (RAF) (School of computing) private faculty University “Union”

  7. 3.1. Faculty of Mathematics Faculty with long tradition There are a lot of students and professors (over 1000 students and over 100 professors and instructors) There are many directions (8) Doctorial studies were organized Reorganization is made according to new law (with a lot of difficulties). Each old 2-semesters course is divided into two courses and some new courses are introduced.

  8. 3.2. Faculty of computer sciences Young faculty Small number of professors and students (about 200 students and less then 10 professors) Only one direction is organized (on the beginning there are two). Without organization of PhD study Reorganization is made without many problems.

  9. Each course is characterized by two forms: Form 1 – global description of the course Form 2 – description of contents of the course per week. Form 1: OOP F1.doc Form 2: OOP F2.doc

  10. Forms are not used at Faculty of Mathematics (syllabus of each course is made, but without official forms.)

  11. 4. Results

  12. 5. Conclusions Students are motivated to work during the school year Professors have more obligations during the school year Better results (about passing) are obtained. The quality of knowledge still could not be estimated.

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