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Municipal Solutions for a Greener Earth – City of Kawartha Lakes –. September 2007. Table of Contents. Objectives and Methodology 3 Important Issues 5 Assessment of the Local Environment 10 Local Government Performance and Priorities 14 Environmental Behaviours 17.
Municipal Solutions for a Greener Earth– City of Kawartha Lakes – September 2007
Table of Contents • Objectives and Methodology 3 • Important Issues 5 • Assessment of the Local Environment 10 • Local Government Performance and Priorities 14 • Environmental Behaviours 17
Objectives and Methodology • The primary objective of this research was to provide the City of Kawartha Lakes with a better understanding of citizens’ environmental behaviours, attitudes, and priorities. • A total of 300 telephone interviews were conducted with Kawartha Lakes residents aged 18 years or older. • All interviews were conducted between September 5 and 10, 2007. • Overall results are accurate to within ±5.7 percentage points, nineteen times out of twenty. • Results have been weighted using the 2006 Census to ensure that the sample’s age/gender distribution reflects that of the actual Kawartha Lakes’ population. • Where appropriate, results have been compared to Ipsos Reid’s municipal norms for added context and insight.
On an unprompted basis, transportation tops the public issue agenda – the environment places fourth overall In your view, as a resident of the City of Kawartha Lakes, what is the most important issue facing your community, that is the one issue you feel should receive the greatest attention from your local leaders? Are there any other important local issues? Norm 25% 10% 5% 8% 8% 11% 12% 6% 16% 11% 3% 3% 13% Base: All respondents (n=300)
When prompted, the environment rises to the top along with crime and safety and social issues Thinking of all the various issues facing your community, please tell me which one of the following you would most like to see the City of Kawartha Lakes focus on over the next year. And which one would you next most like to see the City of Kawartha Lakes focus on over the next year? And which one would you next most like to see the City of Kawartha Lakes focus on over the next year? Norm 56% 67% 66% 54% 48% Base: All respondents (n=300)
On an unprompted basis, water pollution is identified as the most pressing environmental issue – water quality/availability is also a concern In your view, what is the most important environmental issue facing the City of Kawartha Lakes today, that is the one environmental issue you feel should receive the greatest attention from your local leaders? Anything else? Note: Only total mentions of 4% or more are shown. Base: All respondents (n=300)
Support36% Support42% Oppose61% Oppose54% Citizens oppose increasing property taxes to help pay for environmental initiatives Would you support or oppose the City of Kawartha Lakes increasing citizens’ property taxes to help pay for initiatives aimed at addressing these environmental issues? (Is that strongly or somewhat support/oppose?) Norm 10% 32% 20% 34% Base: All respondents (n=300)
Excellent/Good67% Excellent/Good57% Fair/Poor43% Fair/Poor32% Perceptions of the overall quality of Kawartha Lakes’ environment are moderately positive How would you rate the overall quality of the environment in the City of Kawartha Lakes today? Would you say … ? Norm 10% 57% 27% 5% Base: All respondents (n=300)
Excellent/Good70% Excellent/Good63% Excellent/Good37% Excellent/Good64% Fair/Poor29% Fair/Poor36% Fair/Poor47% Fair/Poor32% While Kawartha Lakes’ air quality scores highly, perceptions of drinking water quality are much less positive How would you rate the overall … in the City of Kawartha Lakes today? Would you say … ? How about the overall … ? Norm 12% 19% 51% 45% 28% 21% 8% 11% Base: All respondents (n=300)
Citizens are pessimistic about the direction Kawartha Lakes’ environment is heading Right now, do you think the overall quality of the environment in the City of Kawartha Lakes is getting better, getting worse, or stayingabout the same? Norm 13% Net Score -25 Net Score -15 57% 28% Base: All respondents (n=300)
Good Job66% Good Job74% Poor Job24% Poor Job30% The City receives moderately favourable performance ratings Overall, how would you rate the performance of the City of Kawartha Lakes when it comes to preserving and protecting the local environment? Would you say … ? Norm 12% 62% 18% 6% Base: All respondents (n=300)
When prompted, waterways top the list of environmental priorities I am going to read a list of things the City of Kawartha Lakes could do to preserve and protect the local environment of your community. Please tell me which one of these you think should be the highest priority for the City of Kawartha Lakes over the next year. And which one should be the next highest priority? And which one should be the third highest priority? Base: All respondents (n=300)
Good Job97% Poor Job3% Most believe they are doing their part to preserve and protect the local environment Overall, how would you rate your own personal performance when it comes to preserving and protecting the local environment? Would you say … ? Norm 32% Good Job94% 62% 5% Poor Job6% 1% Base: All respondents (n=300)
Citizens are engaged in many different environmental activities Please tell me how often you participate in each of the following activities. Do you always, sometimes, or never … ? How about … ? Norm Never 1% 99% 1% 100% 2% 92% 7% 91% 5% 91% 7% 90% 7% 96% 29% 55% 41% 70% Base: All respondents (n=300)
Kawartha Lakes’ Index Score is 74.2% and ranks second overall Based on responses to the question: Please tell me how often you participate in each of the following activities. Do you always, sometimes, or never … ? How about … ? Statistically lower than Kawartha Lakes’ Index Score Base: All respondents (n=300)
To encourage environmental behaviour, citizens suggest the City focus on recycling/composting/garbage removal programs Overall, what suggestions do you have for things the City of Kawartha Lakes can do to make it easier for you to preserve and protect the local environment? Anything else? Note: Only total mentions of 4% or more are shown. Base: All respondents (n=300)
For more information, contact:Jacqueline BoukydisResearch Manager, Ipsos Reid416-572-4480jacqueline.boukydis@ipsos-reid.com