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CS101 Computer Programming I. Ms. Amany AlSaleh Prince Sultan University, College for Women. Outline. Instructional Staff Catalog Description Learning Objectives Textbook Course Requirements and Policies Academic Misconduct Policy Assessment Scheme On-Line Resources.
CS101Computer Programming I Ms. Amany AlSaleh Prince Sultan University, College for Women
Outline • Instructional Staff • Catalog Description • Learning Objectives • Textbook • Course Requirements and Policies • Academic Misconduct Policy • Assessment Scheme • On-Line Resources
Instructional Staff • Mrs. Amany AlSaleh • Office: 356 • Phone: 4535189 • Email: asaleh@pscw.psc.edu.sa • Office Hours: Saturday 10:00 – 10:50 Sunday 10:00 – 10:50 Wednesday 11:00 – 11:50
Catalog Description • CS 101: Computer Programming I. • Credit Hours: 4. • Tutorial: 1. • Prerequisite: None. • This course teaches basic programming and problem solving concepts. • Emphasis will be on techniques of problem analysis and the development of algorithms and programs.
Learning Objectives At the end of this course student are expected to learn the problem solving skills necessary to develop software solutions to problems. • Knowledge Have a functional knowledge of the Java programming language. • Cognitive Skills Understand and be able to apply the concepts of structured computer programming as well as object oriented programming. • Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility Apply the basic skills used in the Software Development Life Cycle in real time problems & projects. • Numerical & Communication Skills Can effectively use basic information, computer technology & numerical skills in solving problems and finally to be able to write, compile & run a program in Java.
Sources for study and practice: Students should study & practice from the following sources: Book \ Book Exercises Lectures Labs Tutorials Programming Races HW Assignments Extra Programs
Course Requirements and Policies • Besides attending lectures (which I highly recommend!) you are expected to produce evidence of your performance in this course based on: • Homework problems. • Laboratory experiments. • Two quizzes. • Two 1-hour mid-term exams and one 2-hour final exam.
Assessment Scheme • Class Attendance & Participation -5% • Homework assignments – 10% • Quizzes – 10% • Midterm I – 15% • Midterm II – 15% • Lab – 5% • Final Exam – 40%
Course Requirements and Policies Attendance • You are expected to show up on time for class and stay for the whole lecture. Students are expected to participate in class activities and discussions. • If a student was absent in any lecture, then she is expected to read the lecture material and is welcomed for any specific question she may have. • You are required to have your cell phone off at all times during the lecture. You may not make or receive calls on your cell phone in the lecture hall. • You are not allowed to stay wearing 3abaya during lecture time.
Course Requirements and Policies Attendance (Cont.) • Lecture slides will be available the day before lecture, it’s useful to print them out and bring them to class with you. • You are responsible for all material posted to the web site or sent as email. Ignorance of such material is no excuse. • You are responsible for all material presented in lecture, even if it does not appear on lecture slides. • Your performance in this class will be determined by you! It will require a strong dedication to learning the material and may require a substantial time commitment to complete assignments.
Course Requirements and Policies Homework Assignments • Homework problems, which are critically important for understanding and reinforcing the course material, will be assigned weekly and posted on the class web site along with the due dates. • You need to submit both a hard copy and a soft copy for your assignment. • Write your information especially your name and section on your floppy/CD. The CD will contain your whole project. • You are responsible for turning in your own work on all assignments. Unauthorized collusion is not allowed and constitutes a violation of the university's policies on academic integrity. • You are responsible for protecting your work from being copied by others. • Late assignments will not be accepted for any reason.
Course Requirements and Policies Examinations • There will be three quizzes, two midterm exams and one final exam (dates to be determined on the site). • No make-up quizzes. • Make-up exams will be given ONLY for an official PSUW conflict or an emergency. You must submit a written make-up request with proof to the instructor.
Academic Misconduct Policy • While you are free to discuss the course material with your classmates, collaboration on homework or programming assignments is not permitted. • Helping a friend understand the intent of a homework or programming assignment specification is permitted. Students who work together too closely (e.g. design their solution together) should be aware that this is a form of cheating called COLLUSION and is subject to academic penalties. Penalties for academic misconduct include a failing grade in this course. • Acts that exceed the bounds defined by the approved collaboration practices will be considered cheating. Such acts include: • Copying solutions from someone else or giving someone else your solutions. • Participation in a discussion group that develops a solution that everyone copies. • We urge everyone in the class to take appropriate measures for protecting one's work. You should protect your files, homework solution sheets, etc. as deemed reasonable.
On-Line Resources • The course has a website at http://cs101.110mb.com • The website will contain last-minute changes in homework assignments, lab experiments, homework solutions, etc. • It will also have reference information such as links to useful sites, lab schedules, and office hours.