It's very complicated and there
It's very complicated and there are lots of steps. But once you have digested it it's no longer inthe hole - the only thing that comes out the other end there, into the toilet bowl, iffibre from plants that you couldn't digest, and bacteria that have inhabited your digestivetract. So that's the difference between digestionand metabolism. The first step is digesting, getting it into your blood, then you metaboliseit in your cells. That's where you split these molecules back up. Now while we're on the topic of sugar I'd better quickly show you what we're talkingabout here. If you drink a bottle of soft drink this big and wonder why you might beputting on weight if you're drinking one of these every day - I'll just show you somethingamazing. If you do the maths that much soft drink - it doesn't matter what brand, it doesn'tmatter what flavour, it has about 17 teaspoons of sugar in it. You can do the maths if youknow that a teaspoon of sugar is four grams. So I've got a metric teaspoon here.
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