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African Solutions To African Problems Part 2

African Solutions To African Problems Part 2. PAMRO CONFERENCE AUGUST 2013 Antananarivo, Madagacar. Media planners could go back to the target market of a campaign and measure brand awareness, take-out, media noted. What if ……. - DAILY.

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African Solutions To African Problems Part 2

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Presentation Transcript

  1. African Solutions To African Problems Part 2

    PAMRO CONFERENCE AUGUST 2013 Antananarivo, Madagacar
  2. Media planners could go back to the target market of a campaign and measure brand awareness, take-out, media noted What if …… - DAILY
  3. Media planning can be done including OOH, Internet, Other ‘new Media’? In other words a Fully Integrated Media Plan (FIMP) What if ……
  4. Marketers & Media Planners knew what the advertising response function was for categories, genres, styles? What if ……
  5. Marketers & Media Planners could find out what the effect is of a TV programme change, a new radio presenter, a new station within a week? What if ……
  6. And more…… IT COULD BE DONE AFFORDABLY! What if ……
  7. Better data… Validated & verified respondent data Faster… Within 24 hours or less Cheaper! In Nigeria, as little as 200 Naira per question (equates to R12.50) What it would mean for……the Marketing community
  8. Verification & validation of fieldwork De-duplication of respondents Independent oversight of data What it would mean for……Media Planning Services
  9. Free air time (or cash) for opinions Regularly, without hassle, real time Belong to an information community Informed of Civic issues What it would mean for……Respondents
  10. Lower cost of recruitment Access to hard-to-get active and validated panellists Independent oversight and arbitration What it would mean for ……BROADCASt Research Contractor
  11. Measurable and reliable platform for dissemination of civic communications (free?) Connecting more & more constituent’s voices with the decision makers in local, state & federal government What it would mean FOR…… Government & Society
  12. Multi-threaded consumer research panel Recruited as a by-product of the MPS Diaries Robustly managed, validated, verified and qualified panellists Short surveys (<=10 questions) Frequent surveys (from 5 surveys per day to one per month) Instant payment on validated completion How?
  13. Type the following into your mobile browser www.PanelServicesAfrica.co.za/responsive Join the panel & Let us know what you think Try it for yourself!
  14. Media Measurement Broadcast Audience Research Print,etc Audience Research OOH Audience Research
  15. Media Measurement Broadcast Audience Research OOH Audience Research Print,etc Audience Research
  16. Our Suggestion OOH Audience Research Broadcast Audience Research Print,etc Audience Research
  17. In order to evaluate the feasibility of deploying Panel methodology using mobile technology. This paper reports on the initial finding of the South African pilot project. Further pilots are planned in Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon and Mauritius. Pilot Projects
  18. Knowledge is based on panels, whether TAMS, ‘Dragon’s Den’ or medicine The only way to prove causation A sample drawn from a randomly distributed sample owns the same statistical properties Panels are more efficient and measuring change Methodology&Mythology
  19. Three surveys Random sampling of quota stratified panellists Three Randomly allocated sub-samples Sampling Plan – South Africa Pilot Week 1
  20. Three surveys Random sampling of quota stratified panellists Three Randomly allocated sub-samples Sampling Plan – South Africa Pilot Week 2
  21. Three surveys Random sampling of quota stratified panellists Three Randomly allocated sub-samples Sampling Plan – South Africa Pilot Week 3
  22. Response Rates Response Rates Compliance = 63%
  23. People Respond Quickly
  24. Response Times
  25. Profile of Responding panellists
  26. Out Of Every 7 Days, How Many Days Do You Travel By Taxi? Things that Shouldn’t change, Don’t
  27. More than just a pretty picture
  28. Twin Peaks!
  29. Grazing!
  30. Websites Incorporating into Media PlanningAn example fromDCDM Mauritius TV Radio
  31. Verification Response Function Estimation Intermedia Planning Optimisation Longitudinal measures – pre & post Marketing effectiveness measures Daily reporting OtherResults in the pipeline
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