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Color Blindness

Color Blindness. Different Forms. There are a few different kinds of color blindness Deuteranopia (red/green) tritanopia (blue/yellow) Monochromacy (no colors). Who’s most likely to get it?.

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Color Blindness

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Color Blindness

  2. Different Forms There are a few different kinds of color blindness Deuteranopia (red/green) tritanopia (blue/yellow) Monochromacy (no colors)

  3. Who’s most likely to get it? Most forms of color blindness are linked to the Y chromosome. This means that it can only be inherited if you are male. However, brain and eye injury may also cause color blindness that may or may not be reversable. No ethnicity is more likely to receive it. Brain

  4. Symptoms Obviously a symptom of color blindness would be having difficulty distinguishing colors. In small children coloring objects with the wrong color might also be a sign. Example, they color grass red or water purple. Color blindness effects either eyes or brain. Color blindness has no physical traits.

  5. Who has it? Color blindness is found in 1 out of every 10 men. (10%)

  6. Is it fatal? No color blindness does not shorten your life span. The only reason it could be fatal is if you accidently run a red stop light or something along those lines.

  7. Can it be tested for? There are some eye exams that can be taken. They look like the one to the left. If you can see the number you are fine, if not, you might be colorblind. There are also other more frivolous tests. These tests can be taken at a very early age. No the red square. Please stand on the red square. Are you aware you might be colorblind? No not purple. Red. Gee what gave you that idea doc?

  8. Cure? Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for the disease once inherited. However, color blindness from brain or eye damage may be reversible

  9. Help? There is a support group at http://www.mdjunction.com/color-blindness If you need support or would like to ask questions about the disease You can go there.

  10. Random Facts People with color blindness may have difficulties playing videogames since they can not tell the difference between allies and enemies. Red and Green are very common colors to distinguish them Although they may struggle to pick out different colored objects, they seem to excel at picking out objects with the same color back ground. Ex, a green object with a green background. A different traffic light has been developed to allow them to easily tell whether the light is green or red by using shapes as well. Red is a triangle, Yellow stayed a circle, and green is a square.

  11. Thanks. "Color Blindness Support Group." Online Support Groups for Your Health Challenges. Web. 27 Jan. 2011. <http://www.mdjunction.com/color-blindness>. "Facts About Color Blindness." Expert Advice & Forums on Health, Home Improvement, Finance & More. Web. 27 Jan. 2011. <http://factoidz.com/facts-about-color-blindness/>. Miller, Timothy. "Colorblind Facts and Selftest." Tjshome.com. Web. 27 Jan. 2011. <http://tjshome.com/colorblind.php>.

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