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Mademoiselle Armour . e-mail: armour@a r rowheadschools.org voice mail: (262) 369-3611 ext. 3617. Course Goals. Develop proficiency of ACTFL (American Council on Teaching Foreign Languages) Standards: Novice (French I and II) Intermediate (French III and IV)
Mademoiselle Armour e-mail: armour@arrowheadschools.org voice mail: (262) 369-3611 ext. 3617
Course Goals • Develop proficiency of ACTFL (American Council on Teaching Foreign Languages) Standards: • Novice (French I and II) • Intermediate (French III and IV) • Beginning Advanced (AP French)
Course Goals (continued) • Proficiency developed using the 4 skill areas: • Speaking • Listening • Reading • Writing Skills will be developed in thematic units that emphasize culture of France and the French speaking world
Grading (French III and IV) • A 90-100% Speaking 15% • B 80-89% Listening 20% Reading 20% • C 70-79% Writing 15% Grammar acquisition 15% Vocabulary acquisition 15% • D 60-69% Students and parents will be able to understand strength and practice weakness skill areas • F 0-59%
Grading (AP French) • A 90-100% Presentational Speaking 15% • B 80-89% Presentational Writing 15% Interpretive Reading 15% • C 70-79% Interpretive Listening 15% Interpersonal Speaking 15% Interpersonal Writing 15% Grammar & Vocabulary Acquisition 5% • D 60-69% Class Participation 5% Students and parents will be able to understand strength and practice weakness skill areas • F 0-59%
Grading (French I and II) • A 90-100% Speaking 15% • B 80-89% Listening 20% Reading 20% • C 70-79% Writing 15% Culture 10% Grammar acquisition10% Vocabulary Acquistion 10% • D 60-69% Students and parents will be able to understand strength and practice weakness skill areas • F 0-59%
Skyward grade access PLEASE CHECK SKYWARD ON A REGULAR BASIS!! Grades and assignments will be updated regularly. Grade printouts will not be given in class.
Homework *Homework is assigned daily. *It is expected that all homework be attempted and completed. *A 20 minute after school detention will be assigned after 3 missing assignments within a 2 week period *Daily review and practice is very important! *Daily assignments will be posted on Google Classroom
Make-up Work • All tests, quizzes and assessments are to be taken on the scheduled day unless arrangements have been made ahead of time. • Any work that was due on the day of the absence is to be turned in when the student returns to school. • Students have 1 day to make up missed homework assignments. • French in Action quizzes will normally be given on Fridays (2nd semester levels I and III). One low episode will be dropped per quarter. If a student misses more than 1 episode per quarter, they must make it up with me after school or receive a 0 for the quiz.
Attendance • New material is presented every day so it is important that students attend class regularly! • A Saturday detention will be assigned after the fourth tardy.
Materials to be brought to class every day • Textbook—should be covered at all times! • French I—Discovering French Bleu • French II----Discovering French Blanc • French III and French IV—Discovering French Rouge • AP French—Allons au-delà 3 ring binder with loose-leaf paper OR A 70 page notebook just for French Discovering French Workbook (I, II, III, and IV) Folder 1 dry erase marker Pens and pencils *French I and II students need an additional composition notebook to be left in the classroom for a journal *Advanced students may want to invest in a good French dictionnary of 70,000 or more entries (I like Larousse or Webster’s New World)
Use of French • The class will be conducted in French! • Students of French III and higher (French II second semester) will be expected to use French at all times while in the classroom!
Getting Extra Help • It is important to get help right away if a concept is not well understood instead of waiting for assessment time. • Make an appointment with me in class, by e-mail or phone. • I am available at South during 5th hour (by appointment), 9th hour at North and after school every day at North. • Extra practice activities are available on my Quia web pages. There are links to these sites on my AHS home page!
Classroom Expectations • Be appropriate, be respectful, be responsible • NO gum, food or beverage of any kind • Be respectful and courteous of all others; listen when others are talking • Bring materials to class every day • Be on time—in your seat when the bell rings • Clean up after yourself • Students are expected to use technology repsonsibly and only when needed
Technology Expectations • Students will use laptops primarily for occasional short research assignments in the classroom • Students are expected to stay on website determined by Mademoiselle and follow all other classroom instructions for laptop use • You may use an online dictionary to look up individual words but not to translate larger chunks of language
Questions? • The syllabus for this class is posted on my page of Arrowhead’s website www.arrowheadschools.org • Questions about specific assignments can be answered by looking at Skyward • Extra practice activities can be accessed by the links on my page of the Arrowhead website
French Club *French Club activities are available to any French students *Approximately 1 activity per month *Tentative date for the Chicago trip: Friday, December 5th Look for information in class
Voyage en France • Thursday, April 2nd-Saturday, April 11th, 2015 • Paris, Grenoble homestay with a French family and Nice • Approximately $4200 + spending money • See Mademoiselle’s website for more info under “Trip Video”
Concours oral at AHS • Arrowhead will be hosting the state finals for the French Pronunciation Contest • Tentative date: Saturday, May 16th, 2015 • Save the date! Help needed!