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Experience of SEC “Biomass” in development of JI projects in Ukraine. UNFCCC Workshop on Joint Implementation 9-10 March 2006, Bonn, Germany. Dr. Georgiy Geletukha SEC Biomass, Ukraine. Content. SEC “Biomass” introduction Case studies of developed JI projects
Experience of SEC “Biomass” in development of JI projects in Ukraine UNFCCC Workshop on Joint Implementation 9-10 March 2006, Bonn, Germany Dr. Georgiy Geletukha SEC Biomass, Ukraine
Content • SEC “Biomass” introduction • Case studies of developed JI projects • Potential JI projects in Ukraine • Final words
SEC “Biomass” Ltd. • Scientific Engineering Centre “Biomass” is a private consulting and engineering company, established in 1998. Staff – 20 employees, 5 possess PhD • Proposes high-quality consulting in the field of energy production (including from biomass) • Provides following services: • Preparation of pre-feasibility/feasibility studies • Selection of commercial equipment for energy generation • R&D, engineering and design works • JI project identification, consulting including preparation of tender documents for JI projects (PIN, PDD, Business Plan, etc.)
SEC “Biomass” Ltd. (cont) Experienced in preparation of: • 8 PINs for Austrian JI Programme • 3 PDDs for Austrian JI Programme • 3 PINs for ERUPT-5 tender • 2 PDDs for ERUPT-4 and ERUPT-5 tenders • 6 Feasibility studies (FS) for Japan JI Programme • 5 PINs for Japan JI Programme • 2 FSs for German JI Programme • 5 PINs for Japan JI Programme • 1 PIN for private buyer Totally: 22 PINs; 5 PDDs; 8 FSs
Ukraine’s JI procedure (approved by Ukrainian Government, decree N206 of 22.02.2006) 1. JI projects should be designed according to the requirements approved at the Conferences of Parties. Obtaining a Letter of Endorsement(LoE) at first stage and a Letter of Approval (LoA) after submitting a full project proposal 2. Owner of an object, where project is expected to be implemented (project owner), will submit printed and electronic version of justification materials on potential JI project prepared according to specific requirements to the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) 3. MEP during a month will check the justification materials on conformity with Ukrainian and international legislation and in case of a positive consideration will prepare LoE. 4. Project owner on the basis of LoE will develop a JI project according to the specific requirements, which shall include the following chapters: • Baseline study • Estimation of the emission reduction units • Monitoring plan of project implementation • Environmental impact assessment • Financing plan
Ukraine’s JI procedure (continue) 5. Project owner in order to obtain LoA will submit project materials together with expert conclusion of independent certified organization to the MEP for consideration regarding conformity to JI criteria. 6. MEP could organize if necessary an expertise of the project. 7. MEP during a month will consider the project and make a decision. In case of approval MEP will prepare a LoA 8. JI project should be registered in MEP in order to keep an accounting record on ERUs or absorption of GHGs. • The monitoring of GHG reduction is done by independent expert organization. • The report on the test results and monitoring of GHG should be submitted by owner to MEP for registration. Transfer of ERUs from the National Register to the register of corresponding partner country is doing after registration of above mentioned report and achieved ERUs in MEP. 11. The information on the project implementation should be distributed in mass media.
Case Study 1: Utilization of sunflower husks for steam and power production at OJSC Kirovogradoliya (Austrian JI/CDM Program) Project Idea: Installation of a new husk fired CHP plant: • 2 operational husk fired boilers (16 t steam/hr each) • Steam turbine (2.5 MW) - 1 reserve husk fired boiler (16 t steam/hr) Expected GHG Emission Reductions: 1. Replacement of natural gas by biomass - 22,000 t of CO2e/y 2. Avoiding brining biomass to the landfill - 13,000 t of CO2e/y 3. Avoiding of electricity purchase - 15,000 t of CO2e/y Total ERUs for the commitment period (2008-2012): 250,000 t of CO2e Total investment: 6,1 million EUR Payment for ERUs makes up 25 % of total project cost under 6.5 EUR/t CO2e Status: Positively validated PDD is under evaluation at Austrian JI Program
Case Study 1 (continue): additionality test 1. JI project is not economically attractive without ERUs sale 2. Baseline scenario has better financial showings (it is much cheaper and technically easier: 760,000 EUR against 6 mill EUR of JI project) 3. First CHP plant in Ukraine on solid biomass Discount rate for all cases is 10%
Case Study 2: Rehabilitation of the District Heating System of Crimea – (Austrian JI/CDM Programme) Project Idea: Reconstruction and modernization of existing DH system: 1) Rehabilitation of 188 boiler houses; 2) Fuel switch (from fuel oil to natural gas) for a number of boiler houses; 3) Replacement of 43 km of heat networks by pre-insulated pipes; 4) Installation of 6 CHP units (total installed capacity 3 MWe) 5) Landfill gas recovery and utilization for energy purposes Expected GHG emission reductions: 120,000 tons of CO2e/y Total expected ERUs for (2008-2012): 600,000 tons of CO2e Total investment: 13.6 million EUR Carbon credits may cover over 25% of the total investments at price 6 EUR/t CO2e Status: Positively validated PDD is under evaluation at Austrian JI Program
Case Study 3: Electric power production on stripped casing-head gas in Boryslav city – (Austrian JI/CDM Programme) Project Idea: utilization of non-conventional gas byconstruction of a power plant with total capacity of 12 MWe. Expected GHG emission reductions: 60,000 tons of CO2e/y Total expected ERUs for (2008-2012): 300,000 tons of CO2e Total investment: 9,000,000 EUR Carbon credits may cover over 20% of total investments at price 6 EUR/t CO2e Status: Positively validated PDD is under evaluation at Austrian JI Program
Case Study 4: Methane Capture at Odessa MSW Landfill (for ERUPT-5) Project Idea: Installation of LFG extraction system at Odessa MSW landfill and replacement of natural gas in Cement factory kilns (500 m from the landfill) Expected GHG Emission Reductions: 1. Natural gas replacement at Cement factory - 7,000 t of CO2e/year 2. Capture of methane emissions at the landfill - 60,000 t of CO2e/year Total expected ERUs for (2008-2012): 320,000 t of CO2e Total investment: 1.1 million EUR Carbon credits may cover over 170% of total investments at price 6 EUR/t CO2e Status: Positively validated PDD is rejected by the Netherlands JI Program.
Possible types of JI projects from Ukraine • Substitution of traditional fuels by less carbon intensive fuels or biomass • CHP (~30% of fuel economy, and ~30% of GHG emission reduction) • Energy efficiency in DH sector and electricity generation • Capture of coal mine/coal bed methane, biogas from municipal solid waste landfills, agricultural farms, waste water treatment plants (flaring or utilization) • Heat or CHP production from solid biomass, MSW etc. • Methane emission reduction under gas and oil production and transportation. • Other energy saving projects in metallurgy, cement production, mineral fertilizer production, chemistry etc.
Potential JI projects in coal industry • About 95% of coal mines in Ukraine are underground mines • Ukraine’s coal industry responsible for the biggest share of methane emissions in the country • Coal industry of Ukraine emits 1,5 billion m3 of CH4 annually • 42 coal mines in Ukraine have installed degasification systems and only a few mines use CMM in boiler houses • Methane concentration range in degasification pipeline is 25-60 % • There is good experience in CMM utilization in Ukraine. The biggest in the history of GE Jenbacher project on CMM utilization is in Ukraine at Zasyad’ko coal mine (65 MWe + 65 MWth).
Final words • The procedure for JI project development and approval has been approved by Ukrainian Government on 22 February 2006. • The big increase of natural gas prices in Ukraine from 2006 (more than twice) is stimulating implementation of energy saving projects in Ukraine. • These two factors do Ukraine by country with a great potential for JI projects right now. • There is a considerable experience in SEC Biomass in development of JI projects in different sectors of economy. • SEC Biomass intends to “push forward” more JI projects from Ukraine to the international emissions market.
If you are interested in JI consulting services: - JI project identification - Feasibility studies - PIN development - PDD development - JI project portfolio development Welcome to contact SEC “Biomass”: www.biomass.kiev.ua Welcome to Cooperation
First announcement(will be distributed in ~2 weeks) 2-nd International Conference on JI Projects in Ukraine “Climate Change and Business” October 23-25, 2006, Kyiv, Ukraine Organized by: • Ministry for Environmental Protection of Ukraine • Institute of Engineering Ecology • SEC “BIOMASS” • PointCarbon Conference web site:www.biomass.kiev.ua
Thank YOU for Your Attention! Contact information: Georgiy Geletukha geletukha@biomass.kiev.ua, http://www.biomass.kiev.ua