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Six Sigma What is Six Sigma?

Six Sigma What is Six Sigma?. Six Sigma is a results-oriented, project focused approach to quality. Six Sigma is a way of measuring and setting targets for reductions in product or service defects that is directly connected to customer requirements. Six Sigma Targets.

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Six Sigma What is Six Sigma?

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  1. Six SigmaWhat is Six Sigma? • Six Sigma is a results-oriented, project focused approach to quality. • Six Sigma is a way of measuring and setting targets for reductions in product or service defects that is directly connected to customer requirements.

  2. Six Sigma Targets Sigma Defects per Million 1 690,000 2 308,733 3 66,803 4 6,210 5 233 6 3.4

  3. The Six Sigma Process • Decision by senior management to engage in the Six Sigma process • Executive Seminar • Selecting the “Champions” • Special course for the “Champions” • Process improvement teams

  4. Black Belt Training • Four or five weeks • Each week of training is separated by three or four weeks during which teams apply the methods to the problem • New methods are introduced during each week • Black Belts present their work to the instructors and other Black Belts candidates

  5. Five Steps Approach (DMAIC) • Define: problem statement (Y= f(X)), mission statement for the project, critical to quality (CTQ) parameters, quality function deployment (QFD) • Measure: measurement system analysis for variables and attributes, cost of poor quality, process capability analysis • Analysis: root causes of the variation for Y, review of probability and statistics, non-normal distributions, estimation, hypothesis testing, regression and correlation • Improve: find the optimum level for X using various methods, e.g. experimental design • Control: having optimal levels for the X’s, the input factors and optimal Y establish the control

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