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Renovation in Austria. working paper CZ-AT EEG DRAFT. Wolfgang Streicher 1) , Markus Michlmair 1) , Martin Treberspurg 2) , Roman Grünner 2) 1) University of Technology, Graz, Austria http://www.tugraz.at
Renovation in Austria working paper CZ-AT EEG DRAFT Wolfgang Streicher 1), Markus Michlmair1), Martin Treberspurg2), Roman Grünner2) 1) University of Technology, Graz, Austria http://www.tugraz.at 2) University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austriahttp://www.boku.ac.at
Content • Statistics on the housing sector • Current Building regulations • Retrofit Scenarios • Costs and Benefits of Renovations • Best Practice Examples
Housing and dwelling stock • Housing and dwelling stock is about the same size in Austria and the Czech Republic. • 4,3 Million dwellings in the Czech Republic • 3.8 million dwellings in Austria
Austrian Building Stock The Austrian Building Stock classified due to the main use Bundesanstalt Statistik Österreich, STATISTIK AUSTRIA, 2006
Energy use in the dwelling stock(AT) Im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Jugend und Familie, JUNGMEIER ET AL., 1996 Specific space heating demand (useful energy) of single and (two) dwelling buildings (SFH), multi family buildings (MFH, MFH-S: small MFH, MFH-B: large MFH) and non- residential buildings (NRB) in Austria classified by the building age [33], Origin data source: Jungmeier, et al. (1996)
Similarities in thermal building standards • Both Austrian and Czech Energy thermal-technical requirements for new as well as renovated buildings are being very similar due to the gradual harmonisation of technical standards according to the EU’s CEN standardization. • Therefore new buildings are far better energy parameters than old ones Differences in thermal building standards • Old buildings are generally in a better condition in Austria than in the Czech Republic (CR) with a long history of panelled flats. • low quality of materials and construction works carried out and • long-time neglected maintenance • Building standards are on national level in Czech Republic and provincial level in Austria (harmonization is in progress)
CO2 Emissions of the dwelling stock (AT) WIRTSCHAFTKAMMER ÖSTERREICH, Innovation & Klima, Innovative Klimastrategien für die österreichische Wirtschaft, 2006 Specific CO2-emissions of single and (two) dwelling buildings (SFH), multi family buildings (MFH, MFH-S: small MFH, MFH-G: large MFH) and non- residential buildings (NRB) in Austria classified by the building age
Current Building regulations • A Competency on national level • Legal framework for residential buildings • The Austrian strategy for sustainable development • Harmonization of building codes • Implementation of the EPBD • The Austrian government programme 2007 - 2010 • B. Competency on level of provinces • Required minimum standard of heat protection • Subsidies
EPBD (European Performance of Buildings Directive of the European Commission, in force: probably Jan. 2008?) • Austria has a harmonized calculation scheme for all provinces. • This has been extended in 2004 by the energy efficiency of a heat source and a heating system. It will meet the full EPBD in the end of 2007. • No work according the EPBD has been carried out in the Czech Republic so far.
A3 Harmonization of building codes - AT OIB, Erläuternde Bemerkungen zu OIB-Richtlinie 6 „Energieeinsparung und Wärmeschutz“ und zum OIB-Leitfaden „Energietechnisches Verhalten von Gebäuden, 2007 Future general requirements on heat transmission of structural parts according to directive 6 of the harmonised body of rule
A4 Implementation of the EPBD Example of an Austrian energy certificate for a residential building OIB, Leitfaden - Energietechnisches Verhalten von Gebäuden, Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik, 2007
A4 Benchmarks for renovations OIB, Erläuternde Bemerkungen zu OIB-Richtlinie 6 „Energieeinsparung und Wärmeschutz“ und zum OIB-Leitfaden „Energietechnisches Verhalten von Gebäuden, 2007
A4 Benchmarks for renovations per volume OIB, Erläuternde Bemerkungen zu OIB-Richtlinie 6 „Energieeinsparung und Wärmeschutz“ und zum OIB-Leitfaden „Energietechnisches Verhalten von Gebäuden, 2007
A5 The Austrian government programme 2007 - 2010 ÖSTERREICHISCHES NORMUNGSINSTITUT, ÖNORM H 5056, 2007 Measures of the Austrian government programme concerning buildings
B2 Subsidy schemes • New buildings and renovations are subsidized in Austria • In several Austrian provinces also the use of renewable energy carriers is subsidized • Amount of support provided • Austria: 2.5 billion € • CR several tens of millions €
B2 Subsidies in the Austrian Provinces BUNDESMINISTERIUM FÜR FINANZEN, Daten aus den Jahresberichten der Länder seit 1989 Share of spended money for financial subsidy for renovations and new buildings in Austria over the years 1996-2004
Retrofit Scenarios Current renovation activities 01…Installation of lifts 02…Renovation of roof covering 03…Renovation of windows in most of the building 04…Connection to fresh water network 05…Connection to gas network 11...Renovation of facade with insulation 12...Other heat demand reduction measures 13...Installation of water and sanitary equipment 14...Installation of decentralized waste water treatment plant 06…Connection to waste water network 07…Connection to district heating system 08…Installation of a central heating system in the whole building 09...Installation of "alternative" heat delivery systems 10...Renovation of facade without insulation STATISTIK AUSTRIA, Gebäude- und Wohnungszählung, 2004
Retrofit Scenarios Importance of the thermal renovation rate WIRTSCHAFTKAMMER ÖSTERREICH, Innovation & Klima, 2006 Illustration of the potential for reduction of CO2-emissions due of single family buildings (SFH) and multi family buildings (MFH) to a raise of the renovation rate and change of heating energy source to renewable energy (20% change from oil to biomass/solar energy) for one- and multi-family dwellings
Retrofit Scenarios Importance of the thermal renovation rate WIRTSCHAFTKAMMER ÖSTERREICH, Innovation & Klima, 2006 Trend scenario of thermal renovation and fuel switch of all Austrian dwellings
Retrofit Scenarios Ideas for renovations • 1. Comfort & Cash • 2. National State & Buildings • rent law (MRG) • co-operative housing law (WGG) • condominium law (WEG) • 3. Provinces & Buildings • Reduction of subsidies for detached houses • Reduction of subsidies for solely maintenance works • 4. Business & Buildings
Retrofit Scenarios Ideas for renovations • Comfort & Cash • The idea of this measure is to install an image-campaign to increase comfort of living and decrease CO2-emissions. This aim should be realised by following actions: • - raising of the rate of thermal retrofitting • - replacement of existing buildings which cannot be renovated usefully • - raising of the renovation rate of systems for building services • - increased use of renewable energy sources
Retrofit Scenarios Ideas for renovations • 2. National State & Buildings • - rent law (MRG) • - co-operative housing law (WGG) • - condominium law (WEG)
Retrofit Scenarios Ideas for renovations • Provinces & Buildings • - Reduction of subsidies for detached houses • - Reduction of subsidies for solely maintenance works
Retrofit Scenarios Ideas for renovations • 4. Business & Buildings • Experiences of Austrian real estate companies (BIG, LIG) show that thermal renovations can be done in combination with long-lasting contracting-agreements. • The duration of those contracts is at maximum ten years which implies problems: • Such a short duration provides a return of investment for renovation of the • systems for building services but not for a heat insulation of the building. • Longer runtimes are not practicable due to the fact that no private firms are able to • provide durations for more than ten years.
Costs and benefit of renovations SCHULZE DARUP, B, Gebäude- und Wohnungszählung, Hauptergebnisse Österreich,2004 Analysis of five expert’s reports for renovations with elements on Passivhaus-standard; costs of measures
Sample projects • Best practice retrofitting example • - single family house • - multi family house
Best Practice Example – EFH Pettenbach BUILDING OF TOMORROW – PROJECT DESCRIBTION, The very first reconstruction in Austria of a one-unit house to passive house standard http://www.hausderzukunft.at/results.html/id3955
Best Practice Example – MFH Makartstraße BUILDING OF TOMORROW – PROJECT DESCRIBTION, PASSIVe house renovation, Makartstrasse, Linz http://www.hausderzukunft.at/results.html/id3951
Best Practice Example – Concepts for panel-block buildings project description simulation for a panel-block building location Brno Novy Liskovec, Object Obla 14/ Czech Republic, key words low energy standard motivation heating costs, model example subsidised BMLFUW heating demand (b/a) 100 kWh/m2a / 40 kWh/m2a architects Arch. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Adil Lari, Vienna Arch. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Georg W. Reinberg, Vienna Arch. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Martin Treberspurg, Vienna Atelier Zlamal + Stolek, Brno
Future Joint Projects • Joint effort for the implementation of the EPBD (Austria can help the Czech Republic in introducing and adapting its calculation scheme • Cooperation in new housing construction (cheap low energy buildings) • Helping the Czech republic to establish a research program similar to the Austrian “Building of Tomorrow” program.