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Campus Emergency Management Program Overview http://bfa.sdsu.edu/emergency/. What is Emergency Management?. Emergency Management is a continuous process. Mitigation Preparedness Response Recovery. Components of Emergency Management.
Campus Emergency Management Program Overviewhttp://bfa.sdsu.edu/emergency/ Spring 2008
What is Emergency Management? • Emergency Management is a continuous process. • Mitigation • Preparedness • Response • Recovery Spring 2008
Components of Emergency Management • Mitigation(ongoing) includes activities that reduce or eliminate the impacts to people and property. • Preparedness (ongoing) includes developing plans to ensure the most effective, efficient response to an emergency; taking steps to minimize injuries and damages; and identifying and maintaining resources. • Response (immediate/short term/long term) includes first response in the field from the onset of an emergency or disaster as well campus emergency operations center response to manage the incident from a campus perspective. • Recovery (short term/long term) includes steps to return the campus to normal operations during or as soon as possible following an emergency. Spring 2008
At the Campus Level • CSU Executive Order 1013: Directs Campuses to Implement and Maintain an Emergency Management Program • President Weber is the highest level of authority in an emergency; in conjunction with the Provost and Vice Presidents he establishes policy and declares a campus emergency when required • President Weber delegates responsibility to Sally Roush, Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs as the Emergency Operations Executive; in consultation with the President, she directs the activation of our campus Emergency Operations Center and manages/commands the Emergency Operations Center, when activated. • Vice President Roush delegates functional responsibility to campus staff in the Emergency Operations Center. • Our Emergency Management Program is supplemental to our campus administrative policies, procedures, and practices followed during normal university operations. During an emergency, normal departmental reporting lines become invisible and direction may be given under the auspices of the President and Vice Presidents by EOC response team members in fulfillment of their functional responsibility. Spring 2008
Focus of this Overview • Mitigation • Preparedness • Response • Recovery Spring 2008
Campus Emergency Preparedness Spring 2008
Emergency Operations Plan SDSU has an Emergency Operations Plan in place that documents our emergency management program efforts. Our Preparedness effort begins with a threat assessment to determine potential risks to the campus and local community and with that identifies our campus emergency response and recovery organization and procedures. Spring 2008
Threat Assessment Threats to the campus include those that have occurred or those that could potentially occur, given our campus characteristics and the surrounding region. Potential threats to the SDSU community include: Earthquake, Fire, Flood, Hazardous Materials Incident, Utility Failure, Physical Threat/Assault, Civil Disorder, Terrorism, Aircraft Incident, or Pandemic Spring 2008
Preparing to Respond • Maintaining the Campus Emergency Operations Plan (threats, emergency response assignments, mutual aid, emergency supplies, communication resources, or changes at the CSU, state and/or federal level) • Establishing, equipping, and maintaining an Emergency Operations Center • Coordinating efforts among campus emergency response departments (Public Safety, Environmental Health & Safety, and Physical Plant) – most threats to the campus involve the expertise and response of these departments – and the Emergency Operations Center Response teams • Specialized Training, including drills and table top/full scale exercises, for Building Safety Coordinators, Emergency Operations Center response team members, and emergency planning team memberson an annual basis • Overview training for the campus community (students, faculty, and staff) on an ongoing basis Spring 2008
Campus Emergency Response Spring 2008
Level of Emergency Determines Campus Response Our plan provides for a full emergency response; however, only those sections of the response organization that are required to address the situation are activated. Under Level 1: A minor or moderate incident where campus resources are adequate and available. Level 2: A moderate to severe campus emergency where campus resources may not be adequate and local mutual aid may be required. (President Weber may proclaim a campus State of Emergency.) Levels 3-5: A major disaster where resources in or near the impacted area are overwhelmed and extensive county, state and/or federal resources are required. (President Weber will proclaim a campus State of Emergency.) Spring 2008
Campus Emergency Operations Center Response • At the campus level, whether in the field (Police/Fire Command Post) or in the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), our response teams are structured using the Incident Command System (ICS) • ICS was first developed in the 1970s by Federal, State, and Local Fire services • ICS was adopted in the 1980s for law enforcement use • Why it works? It is a flexible, consistent way of structuring response organizations of varying agencies and jurisdictions • It has since been adopted at the State (SEMS) and National (NIMS) levels as a tool to manage incidents, regardless of their complexity (may cross operational areas, may involve mutual aid and even multi-agency coordination) Spring 2008
ICS Incident Command System NIMS National Incident Management System SEMS Standardized Emergency Management System SEMS is a state-wide California approach to incident management. SEMS incorporates the use of ICS and provides an organizational framework and acts as an umbrella under which all response agencies may function is an integrated fashion. NIMS is a comprehensive National approach to incident management. NIMS incorporates the use of ICS and provides an organizational framework that is applicable at all jurisdictional levels and across functional disciplines. Spring 2008
Management/Policy Operations Planning Logistics Finance ICS Functions Spring 2008
Management/Policy (Command in Field) • Establishes emergency response policies and is responsible for activation, oversight and termination of the EOC. Declares campus emergency. Spring 2008
Operations Represents the campus emergency services units (the on-scene emergency responders). Operations is responsible for the assessment and implementation of field operations from onset of the incident through recovery operations. Spring 2008
Planning Responsible for receiving, evaluating, and analyzing all incident information and providing updated status reports to the EOC Management/ Policy group, field operations, and EOC functional teams. Prepares an Incident Action Plan (IAP) with short- and long-term goals for managing the incident. Spring 2008
Logistics Responsible for ordering supplies, personnel, and the material support necessary to conduct the emergency and recovery operations (e.g., personnel call-out, care and shelter, transportation, food services) Spring 2008
Finance Responsible for overall cost accountability, supply and equipment procurement, claims of damage to property, equipment usage, vendor contracting, and response personnel time tracking and worker's compensation record keeping. Spring 2008
Activation of the EOC • In consultation with the Management/Policy group (and information received from Public Safety and/or Marketing and Communications), Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs activates the EOC • EOC members may be notified to report to the EOC by phone call, voice or text message • EOC is currently located in Public Safety and back up is Physical Plant • Standard procedures for opening EOC (sign in/roll call, set up of equipment, phone trees, checklists, etc.) • Important to remember all EOC response team members may not be available to respond Spring 2008
Campus EOC Roles and Responsibilities • Identified by the ICS structure (at the campus level, identified by position/area of expertise) • Next steps? • Review of EOC roles/responsibilities (individual/team checklists) • Train (ICS/SEMS/NIMS) • Continue to Develop and Bridge Preparedness Efforts • Emergency Response Departments, EOC Response Teams, Essential Personnel, Building Safety Coordinators, Emergency Planning Team, Campus Departments, Individuals (Faculty/Staff/Students/Parents) • Goal: Collaborate, Educate, Communicate, Practice! Spring 2008