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BACTERIAL DISEASES. Bacterial Diseases. Diphtheria – Cornye bacterium diphtheriae. Whooping cough – Bordetella pertusis. Cholera – Vibrio cholera. Typhoid fever – Salmonella typhi. Leprosy – Mycobacterium leprae. Tuberculosis – Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Bacterial Diseases Diphtheria – Cornye bacterium diphtheriae. Whooping cough – Bordetella pertusis. Cholera – Vibrio cholera. Typhoid fever – Salmonella typhi. Leprosy – Mycobacterium leprae. Tuberculosis – Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Plague – Yersinia pestis. Syphilis – Treponema pallidium. Gonorrhoea – Neisseria gonorrhoea.
Bacterial Diseases Salmonella are pathogenic bacilli which cause three kinds of infection to humans. They are enteric fever (typhoid or para typhoid), gastroenteritis and septicemia.
TYPHOID Typhoid fever is caused by Salmonella typhi. caused due to contamination of food and water. Typhoid is characterized by a continued fever, inflammation of the intestine, formation of intestinal ulcers and enlargement of the spleen.
Gastroenteritis It is caused by Salmonella choleraesuis. The bacteria reaches the blood stream from the intestinal tract where it multiplies. It causes high fever, chillness, loss of appetite and weight loss. When the bacteria infect the organs from blood they can cause meningitis, pneumonia, nephritis, osteomyelitis, endocarditis etc.
CHOLERA Cholera is caused by vibrio cholera. It is transmitted in human being by contamination of food and water. This bacteria attaches in the epithelium of small intestine, where multiply and produce the enterotoxin. Symptoms : vomiting, Profuse diarrhoeal stool, severe dehydration, loss of minerals, increased blood acidity and haemo concentration.
Plague Plague is caused by Yersinia pestis. There are two types of plague. They are bubonic plague and pneumonia plague. Bubonic plague is characterized by enlarged and inflammed lymph glands. The symptoms are chills, fever , nausea, vomiting and general weakness. Pneumonia plague is a pneumonia characterized by a their watery sputum with blood.
Syphilis The syphilis disease is a sexually transmitted disease ( STD ). It is caused by Treponema pallidium . This disease is transmitted through direct sexual contact or through placenta from an infected mother to the foetus.
Syphilis Thechrononic condition of this disease leads to blindness, loss of hearing, brain damage, insomnia, head ache, delusions, spinal cord damage, disfiguring granulomatous lesions called gummas or with in various parts of the body.
Gonorrhoea Gonorrhoea is another sexually transmitted disease caused by Neisseria Gonorrhoea. In the males the primary site of infection is the uretheraand in the female it is the cervix It causes pain during urination and a yellowish discharge from the urethera of male or vagina of female. Other symptoms are fever, abdominal pain , arthritis,meningitis etc.