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Section Two Stems

Section Two Stems. Definition: important vegetative organ . Physiological function conduction supporting function preservation breeding Medicinal value. Cortex Eucommiae. Herba Ephedrae. Medulla Tetrapanacis. Lignum Aquilariae Resinatum. 一、 Morphological Features and types

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Section Two Stems

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Section Two Stems Definition: importantvegetative organ. Physiological function conduction supporting function preservation breeding Medicinal value

  2. Cortex Eucommiae HerbaEphedrae Medulla Tetrapanacis Lignum Aquilariae Resinatum

  3. 一、Morphological Features and types of Stem 1. ☆morphological features Definition: node , internode , shoot

  4. ☆ buds In fact it is meristem or immature structure of developing organs. According to the growth location of buds • Normal bud : terminal bud,axillary bud,accesory bud • Adventitious bud

  5. The outer form of stem 1.terminal bud 2.Lateral bud 3.node 4.Leaf scar 5.internode 6.lenticel

  6. According to the nature of the development of buds • Leaf bud • Flower bud • Mixed bud • According to the activity of buds • Active bud • Dormant bud

  7. According to bud scales with or without • Naked bud Scaly bud

  8. Way branching stems 1.Monopodial branching 2.Sympodial branching 3.Dichotomous branching 4.False dichotomous branching

  9. ☆2.Stem types woody stem: tree, shrub, subshrub, woody vine herbaceous stem: annual herb, biennial herb, perennial herb, herbaceous vine succulent stem

  10. erect stem twining stem climbing stem screeping stem

  11. ☆3.Stem Modifications ①upper terraneous stem Leafy stem Shoot thorn Hook-like stem Stem tendril Tubercle,bulblet False bulb

  12. Abnormal aerial stem 1.Leafy shoot 2.leafy stem 3.hook-like stem 4.Shoot thorn 5.stem tendril 6.Tubercle 7.bulblet

  13. Anomalous aerial stem 1.Leafy shoot(天门冬)2. leafy stem(仙人掌)3. hook-like stem(钩藤) 4.Shoot thorn(皂荚)5. stem tendril(葡萄)6. tubercle(示珠芽)

  14. ②Subterraneous stem Rhizome Tuber Corm bulb

  15. abnormal subterraneous stem Ⅰ.rhizome Ⅱ.rhizome Ⅲ.tuber Ⅳ.corm Ⅴ.bulb 1.scaly leaf 2.terminal bud 3.bulb plate 4.adventitious root Ⅵ. bulb

  16. The abnormal subterraneous stem 1.rhizome(姜)2. tuber(半夏)3. corm(荸荠) 4.bulb(洋葱)5.lognitudinal onion 6.bulb(百合)

  17. 二、Inner Structure of Stem ①Structure of Stem Apex meristematic zone elongation zone maturation zone

  18. ②Primary Structure of Dicot Stems epidermis(trichome and stoma) cortex vascular cylinder Definition : endarch: The order of differentiation and maturation of primary xylem of stem is from the inside to outside, and is known as endarch.

  19. Primary structure of Dicot stems 1、epidermis 2、cortex 3、vascular cylinder 4、collenchyma 5、parenchyma 6、phloem fiber 7、primary phloem 8、fascicular cambium 9、primary xylem 10、pith rays 11、pith

  20. 双子叶植物茎的初生构造(横切)

  21. Transverse section of sunflower 1、epidermis 2、collenchyma 3、resin canal 4、cortex 5、phloem fiber 6、pith rays 7、primary phloem 8、sieve tube 9、fascicular cambium 10、vessel 11、xylem fiber 12、xylem parenchyma 13、pith

  22. ③Secondary Structure of Dicot Stems A. Woody Dicot Stems Fascicular cambium , Interfascicular cambium , secondary xylem , secondary phloem Definition:annual ring , early wood , late wood , sap wood , heart wood , rhytidome

  23. 1.Epidermis 2.Periderm ①phellem ②phellogen③phelloderm 3.Cortex 4.Phloem fibre 5.Vascular bundle ①phloem ②cambium ③xylem 6.pith

  24. transverse section radial ~ tangential~

  25. Ⅰ.transverse section Ⅱ.radial section Ⅲ.tangential section 4.Secondary xylem 5.ray 6.Annual ring 7.Sap wood 8.Heart wood

  26. Early wood and late wood Sap wood and Heart wood

  27. B. Herbaceous Dicot Stems The model sketch of herbaceous stem 1.non-glandular hair 2.Glandular scale 3.Collenchyma 4.Epidermis 5. glandular hair 6.Endodermis 7.Fibre 8.Phloem 9.stone cell 10.xylem

  28. The detail drawing of herbaceous stem

  29. c. Rhizome of Dicot Stems 一、Normal Structure of Rhizoma Transverse section of huanglian rhizoma 1、phellem 2、cortex 3、stone cell group 4、5、rays 6、phloem 7、xylem 8、pith

  30. Transverse section of the rhizome of Huanglian 1.cork 2.cortex 3.Stone cells 4.Pericyclic fibre bundles 5.cambium 6.phloem 7.Pith ray 8.xylem 9.pith

  31. 二、Anomalous Structure ofRhizome of Dicot Stems (1)Anomalous structure of rhubarb rhizoma Up,1、phloem 2、cambium 3、xylem rays 4、star dots Down,1、vessel 2、cambium 3、phloem 4、grume cavity 5、rays

  32. Transverse section of rhizome of Dahuang 1.xylem 2.pith 3.Allotype vascular bundle

  33. (2)Transverse section of Mihuadou stems

  34. (3)Transverse section of spikenard Rhizoma 1、phellem 2、phloem 3、xylem 4、pith 5、cranny

  35. ④Structure of Monocot Stems ①Without cambium and phellogen ②Closed collateral vascular bundle or amphivasal bundle ③No pith endodermis

  36. Transeverse section of stem of Monocot and Dicot

  37. ⑤Gymnosperm Stems Like Woody Dicot Stems , but different parts is that it has tracheid ,rays , xylem parenchyma without xylem fiber. Meanwhile secondary phloem is simple.

  38. Transverse Section of Gymnosperm 1、epidermis 2、phellem 3、phellogen 4、cortex basic meristem 5、epithelia 6、phloem 7、cambium 8、xylem rays 9、resin canal 10、secondary xylem 11、pith rays 12、metaxylem 13、protoxylem 14、pith

  39. Review Questions 一.Definition node , internode , exarch , endarch , annual ring , early wood , late wood , sap wood , heart wood 二.simple answer 1.what is the difference of the stem of Monocotyledoneae and Dicotyledoneae? 2.what is the function of the stem? 3.How about the secondary structure of the woody stem?

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