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Unit 6d: What is the Qur’an & why is it important to Muslims?

Unit 6d: What is the Qur’an & why is it important to Muslims?. Unit 6d: What is the Qur’an & why is it important to Muslims?. This is a picture of a copy of the Qur’an. When it is not in use, it is kept covered up, on a high shelf or other special place.

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Unit 6d: What is the Qur’an & why is it important to Muslims?

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  1. Unit 6d: What is the Qur’an & why is it important to Muslims? Unit 5b: How do Muslims express their beliefs?

  2. Unit 6d: What is the Qur’an & why is it important to Muslims? This is a picture of a copy of the Qur’an. When it is not in use, it is kept covered up, on a high shelf or other special place. When it is to be taken out, the reader first washes their hands before touching the book It is then placed on a special wooden stand to be read. Why do you think the Qur’an is treated in this way? What does this suggest to you about the book? Muslims treat the Qur’an with special respect because they believe that it is the word of God. It is the basis for the faith and guides them in their everyday lives. Unit 6d: What is the Qur’an & why is it important to Muslims?

  3. Unit 6d: What is the Qur’an & why is it important to Muslims? Can you remember the story of the revelation of the Qur’an to Muhammed ? Many Muslims learn the words of the Qur’an by heart, and then recite them, rather than reading them. Have you ever tried to learn something by heart? What was it? Did you find it difficult? Why do you think it is important for Muslims to learn the words of the Qur’an? The prophet Muhammed said that it is important for Muslims to have some knowledge of the Qur’an in their hearts. Some Muslims can recite the whole of the Qur’an by heart. They are called ‘Hafiz’ and they are highly respected. Unit 6d: What is the Qur’an & why is it important to Muslims?

  4. Unit 6d: What is the Qur’an & why is it important to Muslims? Draw a diagram like the one below to show the things which are important in your life. Unit 6d: What is the Qur’an & why is it important to Muslims?

  5. Unit 6d: What is the Qur’an & why is it important to Muslims? Every time Muslims recite the Qur’an they begin with the words “In the name of Allah, the compassionate, the merciful.” What do the words compassionate and merciful mean? What does this tell us about how Muslims feel about God? Can you think of a situation where you might need to be compassionate or merciful? Why might this be? Below are some other words which Muslims use to describe God. Try to think of situations where people might need to use these qualities. Nourisher Creator Greatest Guardian Guide Forgiving Judge Generous Unit 6d: What is the Qur’an & why is it important to Muslims?

  6. Unit 6d: What is the Qur’an & why is it important to Muslims? Think about where you get guidance from Magazines Teachers Internet Parents/ Guardians Older siblings Friends Television Books When is it important to receive guidance? How do you know the difference between things which are a good influence and things which are a bad influence? Many Muslims receive guidance from the Qur’an. When they have to make a decision they may stop and think about what the Qur’an would advise them to do. What sort of books or texts would you advise children and young people to read for guidance? Unit 6d: What is the Qur’an & why is it important to Muslims?

  7. Unit 6d: What is the Qur’an & why is it important to Muslims? This picture shows Muslim children at a Qur’an school or Madrasah. These schools are usually held at mosques. The children are taught about the Qur’an, and also about what it means to be a Muslim, and how to live a Muslim life. Can you think of any other religions which have special schools where children can learn about their faith? Why do you think it is important to Muslims that their children learn about the Muslim faith? What sort of things do your parents think are important for you? If you had children, what sort of knowledge and values would you want to pass on to future generations of your family? Unit 6d: What is the Qur’an & why is it important to Muslims?

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