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PAS 1010 Workshop

PAS 1010 Workshop. CSFI & Workbook - Spring 2011. Agenda. Introduction Activity PAS 1010 Workbook What is it & how do I use it? How do I share feedback @ it? CSFI What does it do & how do I set it up? How does the student use it? Additional Resources Kanar Premium Site

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PAS 1010 Workshop

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PAS 1010 Workshop CSFI & Workbook - Spring 2011

  2. Agenda Introduction Activity PAS 1010 Workbook What is it & how do I use it? How do I share feedback @ it? CSFI What does it do & how do I set it up? How does the student use it? Additional Resources Kanar Premium Site COURSE CARE & Instructor Support Site

  3. Introduction Activity Tell us @ your students

  4. Introduction Activity • Name , email, classes you teach • What is something your students love about this course? • What is most challenging for them?

  5. Materials for PAS 1010 PAS 1010 Principles and Strategies of Successful Learning How do I Use them?

  6. PAS 1010 Workbook Supplemental Student Workbook Hopper I Fawcett I Nolting What is it & how do I use it?

  7. PAS 1010 Workbook Hopper – Survival Kit & Chapter by Chapter Activities Nolting – Math Study Skills Fawcett – Writing Guide

  8. Hopper Preface

  9. Hopper Preface

  10. Hopper Preface

  11. Hopper Preface

  12. Survival Kit

  13. p. 132 Chapter 6 Critical Thinking Activity

  14. Parallel Parking p. 135 Ch 6 Review

  15. p. 89 Ch 4 Goal Setting

  16. Goal Setting

  17. p. 77 Chapter 3 Thinking @ Thinking

  18. Your Workbook Suggestions Jessica’s Affirmation (things she likes) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qR3rK0kZFkg&feature=player_embedded • Listen – Note-taking http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vm-tvSXg5AM 1. FEATURE ARTICLE: Teaching with Online Videos Back in May, I asked readers of the OCNewsletter to share their favorite online video(s) for teaching. Today's issue adds many new videos to that collection...along with a nifty list from Curt Bonk of 10 ways to use online videos for instructional purposes. Curt is the author of the book "The World is Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education." In addition to the videos already posted, videos added this week can be used in the following courses: mathematics, student success, art, physics, study skills, psychology, career exploration, and speech. A few of the videos can be used in almost any class. You'll find this feature article at <http://oncourseworkshop.com/Miscellaneous027.htm>.

  19. How will you use the workbook? What do you think?

  20. College Success Factors Index What is it? How do I set it up? How do students use it?

  21. Gradebook What does it tell me?

  22. Instructor Experience How do I set it up?

  23. Instructor Log-In Username: your email Password: welcome http://login.cengage.com/cb/login.htm

  24. Find Kanar on Bookshelf

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  26. Create a new course

  27. Create a new course

  28. Course Information

  29. Create an assignment

  30. Assignable Study Tool

  31. Assignment Information

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