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Twelve Days of Christmas

Twelve Days of Christmas. Patricia Daniel 25 th December 2010 to 6 th January 2011.

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Twelve Days of Christmas

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Twelve Days of Christmas Patricia Daniel 25th December 2010 to 6th January 2011

  2. This was my contribution to a project organised by Linda King. For each of the 12 Days of Christmas a group of us “made a commitment to spend some time doing something which nourished soul and spirit” – art, poetry, photography, reflection - and sharing our work online at https://www.facebook.com/groups/222421307111/ • The project was about “connecting with this special time of the year, when many consider the veils between the worlds are thin and permeable.” [Linda King] Background notes

  3. ‘Apparently the coinciding of the lunar eclipse with the winter solstice this year is very auspicious’

  4. Full moonbeam on snowdrift fields Bare brave branches dance But I’m still hibernating Day 1 January

  5. Heron of tranquillity Stately by the pool. Lucky rabbit leaps and flees. My grown-up daughter’s birthday - Bring laughter from the solstice.  Day 2 February

  6. Sweet crab-apple flowers, • Earth stirs and tides turn. • The spirit is quickening. Day 3 March

  7. Project on AIDS in IndiaI jet in and outStreet kids running to greet me. • They praise peer educationAnd say: “We’re on the right track.” Day 4 AprilThis is positive visioning for some work I’ll be doing in April (which is a month for travelling)

  8. Come, lie down by cool waters. • Forget these fanfares • And weigh your future wisely. Day 5 MayDay 5 is for my birthday and gives good advice for water dragons in the year of the white metal rabbit

  9. Five lovely haikus:Finally I realise –Wrong syllable count! Day 6 June Two poems today, the first by way of an apology for the previous offerings (the haiku form is 5-7-5 syllables)

  10. Electricity • As morning sun strikes smooth stone • You’re my heart’s desire Day 6 JuneThe summer solstice celebrates the consummation of solar power

  11. What an assumption!High days and holy daysMixing metaphors. • Men compete in haymaking,A virgin sets the example. Day 7 JulyThe assumption of the Virgin Mary into heaven and the Celtic feast of Lughnasadh - for competitive games and arranging marriages

  12. Four wand’ringplayers • Pitch up in a high-class bar • Spinning tales for change. Day 8 AugustPositive imaging for our show at the Edinburgh Free Fringe Festival (although it didn’t actually happen!)

  13. All things are equal: • You must return to the west – • But don’t forget me. Day 9 SeptemberThe autumn equinox

  14. Outside my window • Sparrows crowd a bright wet bush, • Dripping with birdsong. Day 10 October

  15. Muddy underfoot; • Rockets burst into the sky. • A warm hand to hold? Day 11 November

  16. Twelve windmills turn, • Guardians of my Pennine ridge. • Our year comes full circle. Day 12 December

  17. “The lunar eclipse gave me hope for the future and I also met a poet at a writers' get together yesterday who told me about the tanka form (like haiku but longer  5-7-5-7-7 syllables).” (Patricia) • “Tanka sounds just perfect! You are obviously in touch with the magic.” (Linda)

  18. The Elemental Tides http://www.innerlight.or.uk/journals/Vol24No4/elements.htm • First total lunar eclipse to coincide with Winter Solstice in almost 400 years http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1340144/First-total-lunar-eclipse-coincide-Winter-Solstice-400-years.html • Haiku or Senryu? http://startag.tripod.com/HkSenDiff.html • Tanka Poems http://www.chinatownconnection/tanka-poems.htm References

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