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The Attribute Gatherers Team

The Attribute Gatherers Team. Team Leader: Suvendu Kumar Dash Developers: Adrijan Radikovic Shari Naik Wang Xue Tester: Hogil Kim. Achievements. First Team to complete all the functionalities by March 31 st Started with the Timesheets idea to track the project development

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The Attribute Gatherers Team

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Attribute Gatherers Team • Team Leader: Suvendu Kumar Dash • Developers: • Adrijan Radikovic • Shari Naik • Wang Xue • Tester: Hogil Kim

  2. Achievements • First Team to complete all the functionalities by March 31st • Started with the Timesheets idea to track the project development • Given the suggestions for changes in the Database Schema (Thanks to Adrijan)

  3. Rational Tools Attribute Gatherers Application MS SQL Server Database Rational Clearcase CAL Parser System Architecture

  4. Hogil Kim: Tasks • Implementation of AG GUI(Attribute gather GUI) program • Interface with CAL sub module and Parser sub module • Interface with Pampa_d Database • Attributes gathering and Saving them into DB • Function test • User Manual documentation

  5. Views for AGGUI • My Views for the AGGUI • Intermediate program between CAL sub module and Parser sub module • User Interface for Attribute gather • It works properly. • Suggestion • Build the wider system environment • Future work • Need to be upgraded for WEB-based program

  6. Adrijan: Tasks • Check in resume • Connect to ClearCase server and get some data from it • Get a full listing of all available elements for a project • Rebase stream • Prepare the list of attributes that you can gather from clearcase • Get the size of the file from clearcase • Prepare a unit test plan for your sub-module • CleaerCase drive mapping of complete version tree • Complete version information based on activities after a given date • Integrate programs and fine-tune the output fields • Demo 1 • Obtain DB information and import data to correct tables in correct way • Demo 2 • Modify tables in the DB • Get projects and tasks from DB and make corresponding associations

  7. CAL Module perl ClearCaseData.pl view=M:\<your integration view> out=<filename> since=<date> Instructions: The user must have ClearCase and access to the desired project(s). User needs to specify the following: view – His integration view name preceded with the main ClearCase drive (usually M:) out – output filename since – date after which the modifications were made Example: Perl ClearCaseData.pl view=M:\asr3744_PAMPA_integration out=out.txt since=24-Apr-2003 Rework Lines added Lines deleted Lines changed ClearCase Date of change User Event Extended path File type Event Branch File version

  8. GUI/ Integration FriendClass AttGather • Main GUI class with all the code PublicFunction Run_CCScript(ByVal view AsString, ByVal outfile AsString, ByVal since AsString) AsInteger • CAL interface call PrivateSub adddb_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles adddb.Click - database import PrivateSub Parse_data() • Parser interface call PublicSub Load_File(ByVal filename AsString) • output file import PrivateSub loadtask_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles loadtask.Click • task db query PrivateSub loadproject_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles loadproject.Click - project db query PublicClass results - represents a file version with its software metrics PublicClass task - represents a task obtained from the DB PublicClass project - represents a project obtained from the DB

  9. Wang Xue: Parser Sub-Module for Java, C, C++ file • Tasks: Parse the java, c, c++ files and gather the attributes that were not gathered by the CAL sub module. • Get the volume of the source code in bytes • Get the number of lines of source code • Get the number of comments • Get the number of blank lines • Get the number of functions • Get the number of Compiler directives • Get the number of data declarations

  10. Hello.c Test Results • Size of file = 764 bytes • Number of code line = 38 lines • There are 2 comment lines in the file • There are 2 comment blocks in the file • There are 1 function in the file • There are 6 blank lines in the file • There are 4 compiler directives in the file • There are 14 variables in the file

  11. Shari: Parser • Parse source files (for C, Cpp and Java) and gather information related to file size • Tasks • Prepare List of chunks and plan to get those chunks • Retrieve Various Size attributes • Communication between VB application and parser(Java) • Module testing and Preparation of test cases

  12. Architecture • Language used – Java • Software – jdk 1.3

  13. Module Structure • Classes • Parser - finds the type of file to be parsed and invoke the respective parsers • ReaderWriter - Read lines from input file, after retrieving file’s attributes, saved information to output file. • Cparser - parses C file and retrieve attribute information • CppParser - parses C++ file and retrieve attribute information • JavaParser - parses Java file and retrieve attribute information

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