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EducationUSA /Porto Alegre. Location. Instituto Cultural Brasileiro Norte-Americano (Cultural) Rua Riachuelo, 1257 – Centro Porto Alegre / RS Fone: 30250618 E-mail: culturalgrad@cultural.org.br Site: www.cultural.org.br Educational Adviser: Marjory da Motta Martins
Location Instituto Cultural Brasileiro Norte-Americano (Cultural) Rua Riachuelo, 1257 – Centro Porto Alegre / RS Fone: 30250618 E-mail: culturalgrad@cultural.org.br Site: www.cultural.org.br Educational Adviser: Marjory da Motta Martins E-mail: marjory.martins @cultural.org.br
Cultural • Instituto Cultural Brasileiro Norte-Americano, known as Cultural, is a binationalcenterthataims to promotetheintegrationbetweentheAmericanandBraziliancultures, througheducational, social and cultural actions • Founded in 1938, theinstitution is a cultural reference in thestateof Rio Grande do Sul • Nowadaystheinstitution is dedicated to thefollowingactions: • - Culture Center: cultural events • - Bilinguallibrary: around 30.000 volumes in Englishand in Portuguese • - Access Program: specialEnglishcourse for underprivilegedstudentsfromthepublicschools • - CulturalGrad: officialrepresentativeofEducationUSA
CulturalGrad Services - Advise students who want to study at American Colleges and Universities - Translation of documents for the admission proccess (all the Science without Borders transcripts in the state are translated at the office) - Test Administration: TELP, MTELP, ECCE and ECPE
Office Contacts July 2012 – July 2013 • EducationUSA Porto Alegre Office had 1.574 advising contacts last year • The advising contacts include: - Individual appointments - By phone or SMS - By e-mail - At education fairs
Porto Alegre • Porto Alegre is the capital and largest city in the state of Rio Grande do Sul • Population: around 1,500,000 • It was founded in 1772 by immigrants from the Azores, Portugal • The city lies on the eastern bank of the Rio Guaiba (Guaiba Lake), a giant freshwater lagoon navigable by even the largest of ships. Its port is important for transporting local produce. • The city has a broad-based economy that lays particular emphasis on agriculture and industry. Agricultural production includes plums, peaches, rice and cassava. The shoe and leather industries are also important. • Porto Alegre offers a lot of entertainment: parks, theaters, museums, hotels, shopping malls, nightlife and restaurants. There are many barbecue places, a typical food from the South of Brazil. • In recent years, Porto Alegre hosted the World Social Forum and became famous for being the first city that implemented participatory budgeting • Porto Alegre will be one of the host cities of the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
Rio Grande do Sul • Rio Grande do Sul is the southernmost state in Brasil and the state with the highest standard of living • Population: 10,860,000 inhabitants • Climate: humid subtropical climate - Summer: around 32 °C and Winter: around 10 °C or less • In the 19th century the state received many immigrants from other parts of the world, particularly from Germany and Italy • The state is the largest wine producing center in Brazil • Many gauchos cultivate the traditions of the Pampas – region of the border with Uruguay and Argentina – such as drinking mate, eating the typical barbecue and listening to gaucho music • The industrial sector is the largest component at 42.6%, followed by the service sector at 41.1%. Agriculture represents 16.3% • Rio Grande do Sul exports : footwear 18.1%, soybeans 14.2% , tobacco 13.6%, vehicles 8,1%, frozen meat 7.2%, chemicals 6.8% and leather 5.3% • The state is also known for its grain production, viticulture and ranching • Share of the Brazilian economy: 6.7% (2005) • Rio Grande do Sul has a great potential for paleontological tourism, with many palaeontological sites and museums • Torres is a city on the coast of the state Rio Grande do Sul. Unlike the rest of the state's coast, which is uninterrupted sandy beach, Torres boasts four high rocky formations standing in the sea that contain several caves created by the action of the waves over the years • Ecoturism is very popular in the Germanesque cities of Gramado and Canela ; their cold weather is among their attractions for internal tourism • Tourism is also high in the wine regions of the state, principally Caxias do Sul and Bento Gonçalves • The state is also home to the historic São Miguel das Missões, the ruins of an 18th-century Jesuit Mission.
Universities in Rio Grande do Sul • State Public - UERGS - Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul • Federal Public - FURG - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - IFFarroupilha - Instituto Federal Farroupilha - IFRS - Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - IFSul - Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense - UFCSPA - Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre - UFPEL - Universidade Federal de Pelotas - UFRGS - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFSM - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UNIPAMPA - Universidade Federal do Pampa - UFFS - Universidade Federal da Fronteira do Sul
Universities in Rio Grande do Sul • Private: communitary or philanthropist - FACCAT - Fac. Integradas de Taquara - FACOS - Faculdade Cenecista de Osório - FISMA - Faculdade Integrada de Santa Maria - FAPA - Faculdade Porto Alegrense - FEEVALE - Universidade Feevale - FACENSA - Faculdade Cenecista Nossa Senhora dos Anjos - IACS - Instituto Adventista Cruzeiro do Sul - MARQUÊS - Instituto de Educação Cenecista Marquês de Herval - IESA - Instituto Cenecista de Ensino Superior de Santo Ângelo - PUCRS - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - UCPEL - Universidade Católica de Pelotas - UCS - Universidade de Caxias do Sul - ULBRA - Universidade Luterana do Brasil - UNICRUZ - Universidade de Cruz Alta - UNIFRA - Centro Universitário Franciscano
Universities in Rio Grande do Sul • Private: communitary or philanthropist - UNIJUÍ - Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do RGS - UNILASALLE - Centro Universitário La Salle - UNILASALLE-RJ - Centro Universitário La Salle - RJ[6] - UNISC - Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul - UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNIVATES - Centro Universitário UNIVATES - UPF - Universidade de Passo Fundo - URCAMP - Universidade da Região da Campanha - URI - Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões - EST - Faculdades EST
Universities in Rio Grande do Sul • Private Institutions - ESMARGS - Esc.Sup. de Mús. do RGS - FAM - Faculdade Antonio Meneghetti - FAACS - Faculdade Anglo-Americano de Caxias do Sul8 - FSG - Faculdade da Serra Gaúcha - FTEC - Faculdade de Tecnologia TecBrasil - UNIANHANGUERA - Anhanguera Educacional S.A. - UNIRITTER - Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis - FEMA - Escola Técnica e Superior Machado de Assis - Santa Rosa - FADISMA - Faculdade de Direito de Santa Maria - CASTELLI - Escola Superior de Hotelaria Castelli - FAE - Faculdade Anglicana de Erechim
Schools in Rio Grande do Sul • http://www.educacao.rs.gov.br/pse/html/busca_escolas.jsp