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One Million Canadians have maxed RSPs You can have too much money in your RSP Retirement needs differ from what you will have OAS Claw backs ($60,806, fully clawed back at $98,660) Fully taxable as retirement income (RIF). Reality. Stop Contributing RSP will be over funded

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Presentation Transcript

  1. One Million Canadians have maxed RSPs You can have too much money in your RSP Retirement needs differ from what you will have OAS Claw backs ($60,806, fully clawed back at $98,660) Fully taxable as retirement income (RIF) Reality

  2. Stop Contributing RSP will be over funded Desired Income will mean OAS claw backs Start Withdrawing Determine over funded amount What can be withdrawn per year to get to desired RSP amount? Use Withdrawals to pay for Investment Loan Determine what size loan can be serviced with proceeds from RSP Try to match Interest Exp with RSP withdrawal The RSP Meltdown

  3. Converting Registered into Non Registered Slows down growth inside RSP Non reg not subject to minimums or maximums Allows more control of income stream Tax Advantaged Potentially better tax treatment (Cap Gains/Div Income) Complete Flexibility CI Corporate Class is a perfect solution Things to Consider

  4. Assuming leverage on accumulated funds Leverage is NOT for everyone Borrow less than investor can afford Interest Only works best for this strategy Be conservative with Investments Make sure client has consistent, predictable cash flow Benchmark for leverage – 30 - 50% of net worth Things to Consider

  5. Tax Advantages Interest Income – 100% inclusion Cap Gains – 50% inclusion Interest exp on loan tax deductible Proceeds from RSP fully taxable Tax deduction from interest wipes out tax obligation of RSP witdrawl Things to Consider

  6. Great strategy when client has a lot of $$$ in RSP Small RSP investor assuming big leverage doesn’t make sense Client must understand risks of leveraging Client must fit profile – steady cash flow If loan is subject to margin calls client must have funds to cover it Home Equity line of credit may work best Borrow less than investor can afford Can create significantly more after tax dollars for investor A great idea to bring to clients – establish a planning relationship Summary

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