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World Meteorological Organization. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO. Ship Observations Team ~ integrating and coordinating international ship-based observing programmes for JCOMM ~. Regional Specialised Monitoring Centre (RSMC) Report. SOT-IV
World Meteorological Organization Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO Ship Observations Team~ integrating and coordinating international ship-based observing programmes for JCOMM ~ Regional Specialised Monitoring Centre (RSMC) Report SOT-IV 16-21 April 2007, Geneva, Switzerland Sarah North
SOT IV - RSMC Report RSMC Exeter, as WMO designated lead centre for monitoring the quality of surface marine data, produces... • Monthly statistics for ships, buoys, and other marine platforms comparing observations with Met Office’s global model background forecast fields for each variable • These monitoring lists are exchanged with other centres, for comparison (which generally shows good agreement) • Since SOT III these monitoring statistics have been made available on the Met Office website at... http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/research/nwp/observations/monitoring/index.html
SOT IV - RSMC Report Observation Monitoring Web site
SOT IV - RSMC Report Examples of QC Plots – for Pressure (top) and Humidity (below)
SOT IV - RSMC Report Monthly Monitoring Criteria – set at correct levels ? GROSS ERROR LIMIT :15 hPa (pressure) :25 ms-1 (vector wind) :15 oC (air temperature) :50% (relative humidity) :10 oC (sea surface temperature) SELECTION CRITERIA :NOBS >= 20 , and one or more of the following: Bias >= 4 hPa (pressure) >= 5 ms-1 (wind speed) >= 30 degrees (direction) >= 4 oC (air temperature) >= 15% (relative humidity) >= 3 oC (SST) SD >= 6 hPa (pressure) >= 80 degrees (direction) >= 6 oC (air temperature) >= 25% (relative humidity) >= 5 oC (SST) PGE >= 25
SOT IV - RSMC Report Monthly Monitoring Statistics – ctd • Met Office also produces monthly monitoring statistics for a number of national VOS fleets - To do this we use quarterly WMO Pub 47 lists supplemented by updated fleet lists received by some VOS operators - Such updates would not be needed if WMO Pub 47 listing was updated on a monthly basis SOT is invited to consider possibility/advantages of merit of making monthly submissions e.g. observational problems could be dealt with more promptly
SOT IV - RSMC Report Monthly Monitoring Statistics – ctd • An email is sent to relevant JCOMMOPS mailing lists (SOT, VOS, PMO) when new monthly suspect lists are posted on the Met Office website • Monthly suspect lists also emailed directly to major VOS operating countries and any other focal points who wish to receive them - It is important therefore to keep the Focal Point and JCOMMOPS mailing lists up to date
SOT IV - RSMC Report Six Monthly Monitoring Statistics – ctd • As required, detailed monitoring lists are also sent to WMO on a 6 monthly basis. - Statistics related to suspect VOS are extracted by WMO and sent to national VOS focal points, requesting corrective action to be taken - Paper copies are also sent by the Met Office (but without the detailed time series plots to reduce size)
SOT IV - RSMC Report Observation Monitoring Web site - Timeliness Timeliness of VOS observations received at the Met Office (UK), Dec 2006
SOT IV - RSMC Report Observation Monitoring – Call Sign Masking Issue ‘SHIP’ Masked Call Signs (Japanese Proposals)- requires changes to monitoring centre infrastructure to accept FTP data - data needs to be de-crypted - risk that other countries (US ?) may adopt similar SHIP schemes using different FTP systems or encryptionUnique Masked call signs(European/Australian Proposals)- requires secure look-up table held on a - common FTP server ( on JCOMMOPS ?) - uniform Unique system would be preferable ( to avoid duplicates)RSMC Therefore supports the Unique Masked call sign system
VOS JCOMMOPS FTP ? Secure look up list for masked call signs JMA INTERNET FTP SERVER Yamaguchi LES VOSClim DAC Other NMS LES MET OFFICE FTP SERVER Met Office FROST Message Switch FTP SERVER Met Office GTS Collectives OBS HANDLER METDB Meteorological Database MIDAS Climatological Database MONITORING Centre Metadata Database UK Marine Networks (Fleet Database) NWP Monitoring NWP MODELS OPS & VAR VOSCLIM BUFR DATA for DAC GTS & FTP Server Reports for WMO & NMS Rejection & Correction Lists FORECASTS Flow Diagram to show effects of masking call signs on Met Office data handling procedures ~ 20 Minute Timeliness Delays !