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SABC CORPORATE PLAN MTEF 2010 - 2013. PRESENTATION TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON COMMUNICATIONS 19 March 2010 Cape Town. CONTENTS. Introduction SABC Corporate Goals Corporate Plan: MTEF 2010 – 2013 3.1 SABC Mandate 3.2 SABC Vision, Mission & Values
CONTENTS Introduction SABC Corporate Goals Corporate Plan: MTEF 2010 – 2013 3.1 SABC Mandate 3.2 SABC Vision, Mission & Values 3.3 Medium Term Strategic Focus 3.4 Strategic Projects 3.5 Financial Plan ADDITIONAL REPORTS 2010 FIFA World Cup AGSA Report License Fee Collection Costs Turnaround Planning Unit 2 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
Contents Introduction Objectives Expected outcomes 2010 Marketing Positioning Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy IMC Elements Creative Campaign – Ad Internal mobilisation PR strategy Branding 9. Implementation plan 1. INTRODUCTION Chairperson 3 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
1. INTRODUCTION • The Board started its work in earnest with an introductory and handover meeting on 13 January 2010 • We have since established committees of the Board and developed clear Corporate Goals which will inform the strategy roadmap. • I have the pleasure of sharing these with the Portfolio Committee, after which I will handover to the Group Chief Executive Officer who will outline how Executive Management has translated Corporate Goals into strategy and business plan for the next MTEF period. • This being the year when our country will be hosting the most spectacular sporting event on earth, after the Corporate Plan presentation, we wish to indulge the Committee with a brief presentation of the SABC 2010 FIFA World Cup plan with a view to give this house comfort that the SABC is ready to make the country proud in broadcasting this historic event. • We will also make presentation on AGSA Report and Television License Fee Collection Costs as requested by the Committee on 23 February 2010. 4 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
Contents Introduction Objectives Expected outcomes 2010 Marketing Positioning Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy IMC Elements Creative Campaign – Ad Internal mobilisation PR strategy Branding 9. Implementation plan 2.SABC CORPORATE GOALS 5 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
2. SABC CORPORATE GOALS • The Board adopted a set of Corporate Goals that to guide strategy development of the Corporation in the following framework: • 1. Auditor General of South Africa (AGSA) Report and Capacity • 2. Governance and Finance • 3. Operations • 4. Stakeholders 6 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
2. SABC CORPORATE GOALS • Auditor General of South Africa (AGSA) Report and Capacity crisis • Auditor General of South Africa (AGSA) Report: • Address all outstanding issues • Delegate responsibility and set performance timelines • Monitor and track ‘clean up’ process • Capacity crisis: • Executive leadership: Ensure competent, professional leadership cadre • Ensure competent, professional leadership cadre (30 June 2010) • Complete skills audit (30 March 2010) • Complete strategy-based structure (30 April 2010) • Implement new structure in phased responsible manner, in consultation with all parties concerned 7 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
2. SABC CORPORATE GOALS • Governance and Finance • Governance: • Create an effective performance management system • Adherence to performance-based contracts – require accountability and consequences for non-delivery • Ensure appropriate risk management system for SABC with emphasis on procurement, including SABC archives • Financial: • Develop and approve appropriate remuneration and reward system • Financial targets must exceed Government Guarantee thresholds to take account of servicing the debt • Manage liquidity • Create an effective performance management system – review and amend existing contracts (30 June 2010) • Adherence to performance-based contracts – require accountability and consequences for non-delivery 8 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
2. SABC CORPORATE GOALS • Operations • Consistent, demonstrable improvement in the quality of and demand for SABC programming • Optimise audiences and commercial revenues • Focus on SABC’s primary social contributions, news, sports and locally created content and appropriate foreign programming • 2010 FIFA World Cup • 2011 Local Government Elections • Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) Migration 9 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
2. SABC CORPORATE GOALS • SABC Stakeholders • Re-establish relationships of trust and confidence with all stakeholders • Develop a reputation among all stakeholders as a professional, prudent and reliable partner • Rebuild staff morale • Ensure creation of a productive, professionally satisfying working environment in which performance is recognized and equitably rewarded, to restore pride and loyalty to SABC staff as contributors to a nationally acknowledged South African asset • Develop and implement proactive regulatory strategy • Strengthen the Corporation’s relationship with Corporate Social Partners • These Corporate Goals are the foundation upon which the Group Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer will now outline the Corporate Plan of the SABC 10 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
Contents Introduction Objectives Expected outcomes 2010 Marketing Positioning Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy IMC Elements Creative Campaign – Ad Internal mobilisation PR strategy Branding 9. Implementation plan 3. CORPORATE PLAN Group Chief Executive Officer 11 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
Contents Introduction Objectives Expected outcomes 2010 Marketing Positioning Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy IMC Elements Creative Campaign – Ad Internal mobilisation PR strategy Branding 9. Implementation plan 3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.1 SABC Mandate 12 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.1 SABC Mandate • The mandate of the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC), as a public broadcaster, is embedded in legislation as well as Regulations, Policies, Codes of Conducts and Licence conditions, among others: • The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 • Broadcasting Act, 1999 as amended • Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Act, 2002 as amended • Electronic Communications Act, 2006 13 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.1 SABC Mandate • In terms of its legislative Charter, the SABC is charged with meeting the broadcasting needs of all South Africans and is obliged to: • Ensure access of its services to all citizens throughout the country; • Inform, educate and entertain; • Make services available in all official languages; • Reflect both the unity and diverse cultural and multilingual nature of South Africa and all of its cultures and regions to audiences; • Provide programming for children, women, youth and people with disabilities; • Broadcast national, developmental and minority sports; • Develop talent and showcase South African content; and • Provide independent news of high quality standards. 14 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.1 SABC Mandate • In executing its mandate, the SABC is also guided by: • SABC Corporate Goals • Memorandum and Articles of Association • Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), 1999 as amended; • Companies Act, 1973 as amended; • Shareholder Compact and Materiality Framework; and • King Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa 15 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
Contents Introduction Objectives Expected outcomes 2010 Marketing Positioning Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy IMC Elements Creative Campaign – Ad Internal mobilisation PR strategy Branding 9. Implementation plan 3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.2 SABC Vision, Mission & Values 16 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.2 SABC Vision, Mission & Values • Vision • Broadcasting For Total Citizen Empowerment • Mission • To be a people centred, content driven, technology enabled, strategically focused and sustainable public service broadcaster • Corporate Values • Conversations and partnerships • Restoration of human dignity • Building a common future 17 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
Contents Introduction Objectives Expected outcomes 2010 Marketing Positioning Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy IMC Elements Creative Campaign – Ad Internal mobilisation PR strategy Branding 9. Implementation plan 3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.3 Medium Term Strategic Focus 18 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.3 Medium Term Strategic Focus • Over the past twenty four months, the SABC has faced a severe crisis characterised by lack of leadership, breakdown of governance structures and inadequate executive capacity resulting in the Corporation posting a R910 million loss before income tax for the year ending 31 March 2009. • In an effort to contain and minimise this crisis • An Interim Board was appointed to stabilise the SABC • Parliament commissioned the Auditor-General of South Africa (“AGSA”) to conduct an investigation into allegations of financial irregularities and breaches of corporate governance. • The SABC continued to experience liquidity challenges and was granted a R1.473 billion Government Guarantee 19 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.3 Medium Term Strategic Focus • The SABC’s strategic thrust for the MTEF period will focus on implementing a turnaround Strategy Plan. • The long term success of the Turnaround Strategy will require a fundamental review of SABC policies and the operational model of the Corporation. • The current review of the public service broadcasting legislative framework is also a critical enabler for the turnaround of the SABC • The Board and GCEO have adopted a 3-Phased Turnaround strategy approach for the Corporation: • Phase 1: Stabilise the Corporation as a going concern (FY10/11); • Phase 2: Rebuild and re-align operating business model (FY11/12); and • Phase 3: Implement sustainable public service broadcasting model. 20 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.3 Medium Term Strategic Focus • PHASE 1: STABILISE • The core focus of the Turnaround Strategy for FY10/11 is to stabilise the SABC as a going concern. This phase aims to ensure that the Corporation meets its public service mandate whilst complying with the Government Guarantee Conditions 21 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.3 Medium Term Strategic Focus • PHASE 2: REBUILD • The rebuild phase will be concentrated in the FY11/12. Key focus areas will be development and implementation of a new organisation structure and operating model. 22 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.3 Medium Term Strategic Focus • PHASE 3: SUSTAIN • The thrust of the Corporation’s Turnaround Strategy in FY12/13 is sustainability. This phase aims to ensure that the SABC will have in place a sustainable public service broadcasting model for the future. 23 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
Contents Introduction Objectives Expected outcomes 2010 Marketing Positioning Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy IMC Elements Creative Campaign – Ad Internal mobilisation PR strategy Branding 9. Implementation plan 3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.4 Business Strategies – FY10/11 24 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.4 Business Strategies – FY10/11 • The SABC’s core business strategy for the FY10/11 is stabilising the liquidity of the Corporation to that of a going concern. Concurrently, the SABC will have to be cognisant of predictions that 2010 will fundamentally change the media landscape as a consequence of technological changes, particularly, digitisation. • On the positive side for the SABC’s strategic approach for FY10/11 is a report from a recent study by Deloitte that over 90 percent of all television watched and over 80 percent of all audio content consumed will be via traditional broadcast • For the SABC, this means the Corporation needs to continue its focus on creating content that is relevant for the core markets (linear television and linear radio) whilst at the same time, identifying potential opportunities for exploiting content on new media platforms that will deliver digital and non-linear content and additional value in terms of audiences and revenues. 25 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.4 Business Strategies – FY10/11 • NEWS & CURRENT AFFAIRS 26 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.4 Business Strategies – FY10/11 • PUBLIC BROADCASTING SERVICES DIVISION 27 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.4 Business Strategies – FY10/11 • PUBLIC COMMERCIAL BROADCASTING SERVICES 28 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.4 Business Strategies – FY10/11 • CONTENT ENTERPRISES 29 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.4 Business Strategies – FY10/11 • TECHNOLOGY 30 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.4 Business Strategies – FY10/11 • AUDIENCE SERVICES 31 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.4 Business Strategies – FY10/11 • COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES 32 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.4 Business Strategies – FY10/11 • HUMAN CAPITAL SERVICES (1/2) 33 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.4 Business Strategies – FY10/11 • HUMAN CAPITAL SERVICES (2/2) 34 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.4 Business Strategies – FY10/11 • CORPORATE AFFAIRS 35 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
Contents Introduction Objectives Expected outcomes 2010 Marketing Positioning Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy IMC Elements Creative Campaign – Ad Internal mobilisation PR strategy Branding 9. Implementation plan 3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.5 Strategic Projects 36 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.5 Strategic Projects • 2011 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS • In 2011 South Africans will go to the polls and it is only a well-informed citizenry that can properly exercise their democratic rights. The provision of balanced, fair and relevant News by the SABC on an ongoing basis is key to this, but beyond that, it is essential that the people of South Africa are fully informed of the entire election process as it unfolds. • The SABC is the only organisation that is positioned to deliver news of the elections together with voter education programmes, to all the people of South Africa in the language of their choice. • The SABC wishes to recoup its expenditure on these elections and will present its Election Plan and request for funding assistance estimated at R15m to the Department later this month. The funding request, if granted, will positively impact on the Corporation’s current financial position. 37 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.5 Strategic Projects • DIGITAL TERRESTRIAL TELEVISION • In 2005 the Minister of Communications convened industry workgroups to look at the opportunity for South Africa to migrate to digital broadcasting in order for the country to benefit from what is called the ‘digital dividend’ by freeing up spectrum. • The SABC is committed to working together with Government and all stakeholders to facilitate the migration to DTT. The dual illumination period will be imperative in encouraging citizens to purchase STBs to enable the analogue switch off. This though is costly to the SABC, which will not be able to recover costs of programming being broadcast on DTT until approximately five million households have made the switch. • Following publication of DTT Regulations by ICASA on 15 February 2010, management is in the process of reviewing the DTT Business Plan before resubmitting to the Board and the Department for approval. 38 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
Contents Introduction Objectives Expected outcomes 2010 Marketing Positioning Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy IMC Elements Creative Campaign – Ad Internal mobilisation PR strategy Branding 9. Implementation plan 3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.6 Financial Plan 39 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications
3. CORPORATE PLAN 3.6 Financial Plan • INTRODUCTION: Growth Outlook • All Media Ad spend projected to grow at 4% in 2010, mainly driven by the marginal increase in Retail Sales underpinned by the upcoming 2010 FIFA World Cup. 2011 Ad spend projected to grow at 0.7% and at an average of 8% from 2012 onwards. Household Consumption Spend projected to grow at 1, 2% in 2010 vis-à-vis a 3.1% decline in 2009 and thereby 3% average from 2011 onwards; • Retail Sales projected to increase by 4.2% in 2010 vis-à-vis 2009 largely; • GDP projected to marginally recover showing a 1, 5% growth as compared to a 2, 4% decline in 2009. Recovery driven the Fixed Capital Expenditure projects mainly from Government and Parastatals; • CPIX expected to be within the Reserve Bank 3%-6% target range in 2010 (subject to range being maintained) thus further putting pressure of Media Inflation; and • Media Inflation projected at 12% in 2010 and 6% from 2011-2014. The 12% increase in 2010 mainly driven by the projected Ad Spend growth underpinned by the FIFA Soccer World Cup 40 SABC Corporate Plan _ Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Communications