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Charity versus Justice: A Macro Look at Compassion Bob Wolensky Stevens Point, Wisconsin

Charity versus Justice: A Macro Look at Compassion Bob Wolensky Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Works of Mercy. To feed the hungry. To give drink to the thirsty. To shelter the homeless. To clothe the naked. To visit and ransom the captive, (prisoners). To visit the sick. To bury the dead.

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Charity versus Justice: A Macro Look at Compassion Bob Wolensky Stevens Point, Wisconsin

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Charity versus Justice:A Macro Look at CompassionBob WolenskyStevens Point, Wisconsin

  2. Works of Mercy • To feed the hungry. • To give drink to the thirsty. • To shelter the homeless. • To clothe the naked. • To visit and ransom the captive, (prisoners). • To visit the sick. • To bury the dead.

  3. Charity • All people of good will are obliged to show compassion, to help persons in need • Jesus’ two greatest commandments: “Do unto others. . . “ “Love your neighbor. . .” • Charity is one way we share our common humanity, between giver and receiver. • THEME TODAY: Charity is vitally important, but insufficient.

  4. The Story of the Social Worker • Walking along the Mississippi River near Winona, Minnesota • Showing Compassion • Etc. • The Root of the Problem

  5. Sociology and Social Structure • Three Levels of Analysis: micro, meso, macro • Micro Level—Individual level • Meso level—Small Group level • Macro level— Societal/ Cultural/Structural level

  6. Macro level—Societal/Cultural/Structural level • Focus on Institutions—especiallythe two most important today: Economy & Government • Focus on Values—especially individualism, materialism, consumption, freedom • Focus on Inequality—Poverty, Wealth, Class • Focus on Power Relationships—above board (legislatures) and behind the scenes power (lobbying)

  7. Charity • Charity takes place at the micro and mesolevels • We help individuals (micro example) • We help families (meso example) • But why are so many young children being thrown into the Mississippi? • And who (or what) is throwing them in? • If we can stop or lessen them from being thrown in, we get to the ROOTof the problem

  8. Sociology and Structural Solutions • Structural Solutions Address ROOTcauses • Why so many poor? • Why so many homeless? • Why so much inequality? • Why so much child labor? • Who so much disease? • Why so much ignorance?

  9. Social Justice • Seeks to change institutions, values, laws, power relationships, ideologies, etc. which form the root causes of problems. • Seeks to reformpolicies and traditions that form the root causes of problems. • Seeks to reorder relationships within society that form the root causes of problems.

  10. EXAMPLE: Child Labor in 1912 ● ROOT Causes of the Problem: 1. Low Wages for working fathers (economy) 2. Families need child’s income survive (economy) 3. No law prohibiting child labor (government/power) 4. No compulsory education laws (government/power) 5. Children under-valued in society (values) • Micro Solution: Help an individual child (charity approach) • MesoSolution: Help a family (charity approach) • Macro Solution: Reform laws, raise taxes, build schools, train teachers, set standards (institutional changes)

  11. Poverty and Inequality in the U.S.

  12. Inequality in Western Countries

  13. Poorer Poor & Richer Rich, 1975-2007

  14. Income Gains, 1979-2007

  15. Inequality and Social Mobility

  16. The Distribution of Wealth: An Unjust Social Structure

  17. Summary • Charity is important & necessary • Charity is founded, in large part, on compassion • However, justice also relates to compassion • One can show compassion for others by seeking structural changes in laws, policies, values, etc. • Compassion has a structural dimension

  18. Summary • There is a need for both charity &justice • Compassion can be shown at three levels: Micro, Meso, and Macro • Individuals can act unjustly—and can change • Groups can act unjustly—and can change • Social structures can be unjust (apartheid, Jim Crow Laws)—and can be changed

  19. Ideally, we would act compassionately at all three levels: • Micro—Work to help individuals • Meso—Work to help families, gangs etc. • Macro—Work to reform social structures

  20. Thank You!

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