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LEARNING OUTCOMES AND QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORKS. ReProTool Kick-off-Meeting University of Nicosia Nicosia March 1-2 / 2012. Definition of LO. 2. gehmlich@wiso.hs-osnabrueck.de. 2. Learning Outcomes. Basis to identify the workload to allocate credits Link to assessment
LEARNING OUTCOMES AND QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORKS ReProTool Kick-off-Meeting University of Nicosia Nicosia March 1-2 / 2012 gehmlich@wiso.hs-osnabrueck.de
Definition of LO 2 gehmlich@wiso.hs-osnabrueck.de 2
Learning Outcomes Basis to identify the workload to allocate credits Link to assessment to teaching and learning methods Characterise the profile of the programme educational component (module, course, learning unit…) Respect governance shareholders´ views ethics culture Credits Based on workload required to achieve specific learning outcomes Evidence of success of having achieved specified learning outcomes Grade Qualifying the succes of the achievement of specified learning outcomes gehmlich@wi.hs-osnabrueck.de 3
You never stop learning Challenge: Howdo weknow what thelearner shouldknow and beableto do? 4
Options • Literature (Bloom, EU publications…) • Interviews et al • Four lenses: • Experience • Ideas • Design • Discourse
Experience Design Ideas Discourse volker gehmlich Osnabrueck University of Applied Sciences - Member of EUA 6
Qualifications FrameworksElements • Descriptors • Levels • Level Descriptors • Learning Outcomes Sometimes: credits Sometimes: qualifications (credentials) - which means: Qualifications Frameworks are generic descriptions of achievements of learning outcomes
Qualificationsframeworks -Referenceframeworks- EU-Commission QFW for LLL Brugges- Copenhagen- Maastricht- Process Min. of Education Higher Education QFW for EHEA Bologna-Process Levels of Qualifications- -Bachelor -Master -Doctorat Levels of Qualifications 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 6 – 7 - 8 Described by bundling learning outcomes according to the „Dublin Descriptors“ with Credits Described by bundling learning outcomes according to descriptors Knowledge and understanding Applying k&u Making judgements Knowledge & Under- standing Skills Competences Communication Learn to learn
Level Descriptors (DQR) Volker Gehmlich - Osnabrueck University of Applied Sciences 10
Imagine you travelled in England by car You are already puzzled because you have to drive on the wrong side of the road… Then you see the following signpost: . Imagine you travelled in England (Cyprus?) by car You are already puzzled because you have to drive on the wrong (?) side of the road… Then you see the following signpost: And ask yourself what does that mean ? And a few seconds later you learn ... 11 Any relationshipto the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications?
This is a circling miracle ! Thousands of roundabouts all in one gehmlich@wiso.hs-osnabrueck.de 12
Any relationship to Learning Outcomes and Q.Frameworks? gehmlich@wiso.hs-osnabrueck.de 13
Qualifications Framework Open Access - Exit LLL Mobility Recognition Quality Learning Outcomes: Employability (Driving Licence) gehmlich@wi.hs-osnabrueck.de 14
Question • Threshold/ minimumversus • Standard
Qualitatively Related Learning Outcomes EQF LLL EHEA National Level D: HE QF Quality assured Sectoral Level Organisational Level Learning Programme Quantitatively Related Credits Learning Unit / Module/ Course/ component Quality assured 16
Guidelines The guiding principles for learning outcomes are the Qualifications Frameworks, specified within a changing environment (PESTEL), the capabilities of the learner and the expectations of the society (stakeholders) The guiding principles for ECTS are the Key Features (User´s Guide) LO and ECTS got married gehmlich@wiso.hs-osnabrueck.de 17
Challenge at Programme level In outcome-based education the educational outcomes are clearly and unambiguously specified. These determine the curriculum content and its organisation, the teaching methods and strategies, the courses offered, the assessment process, the educational environment and the curriculum timetable. They also provide a framework for curriculum evaluation. (Harden1999a) gehmlich@wiso.hs-osnabrueck.de 18 18
Change times Seitenwechsel Switch sides Paradigm Shift gehmlich@wi.hs-osnabrueck.de 19
Challenge Where do we want to be? Profile! gehmlich@wi.hs-osnabrueck.de 20
…I know what you have to learn….Follow me…Listen…. Gone! Those were the days… Today: Learner centred! gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de 21 gehmlich@wi.hs-osnabrueck.de volker gehmlich Osnabrueck University of Applied Sciences - Member of EUA 21 21
General / Vocational Education and Training Put into Practice: Learning Chain -Labour Market -Qualificationsframeworks -Strategy Change of Paradigm Learner´s Profile Credits Programme Profile Learning Outcomes Credits Learning Space Modular Structure Module Learning Outcomes Assessment Credits Learning and Teaching Material Internal Quality Management (Credits) External Quality Assurance (Credits) Communication volker gehmlich Osnabrueck University of Applied Sciences - Member of EUA 22
Challenge Qualifications have to be characterised by Learning Outcomes which are described unambiguously to allow for: Evidence of compability between the various national, sectoral… and European qualifications frameworks Reliable validation of national frameworks gehmlich@wi.hs-osnabrueck.de 23
Learning Chain Achieved (Available): Tools at work for internal and external Quality Assurance Labour Market Change of Paradigm Programme-Level Learning Outcomes Subject-related Generic -QFR-NQR-HQR-SQR Learner Credit Transfer + Accumulation Application /CV / Learning Agreement/ TOR / Mobility Pass Language Pass Diploma/Certificate Supplement Learning Space Module-Level LO Teaching and Learning, Assessment Information Package / Course Catalogue Labour Market Quality Assurance/ -enhancement Standards & Guidelines / Register gehmlich@wiso.hs-osnabrueck.de gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de 24 24
Module • Definition • A module is a self-contained, formally structured learning experience with a coherent and explicit set of learning outcomes and assessment criteria. • Require • Define learning outcomes • Allocate credits • Facilitate • Design of individual study-programmes (profiles) • modularisation • Different routes (learning pathways) to identifiable degrees, certificates, profiles etc.
Test: Before your meal According to EQF (LLL): Learning Outcomes: Burger Knowledge • Layers Skills • Getting into your mouth Competence • Responsibility for your stomach gehmlich@wiso.hs-osnabrueck.de 26 26
According to HEA-QF (Dublin Descriptors): Knowledge Layers Applying knowledge Getting into your mouth Making judgements Hmmmmm (?) Communicate Friends… Learn to learn Criteria for (fast)food 27 volker gehmlich Osnabrueck University of Applied Sciences - Member of EUA 27 27
Principles in Practice Information, Consultation, Analysis processes Learning Agreement Learning Space Information Pack. Employability et al Modularisation Descriptors Individual Selection Learning Outcomes Profile • Performance • Credits • Grade Level Workload Award / Diploma Supplement Credit Transfer / Accumulation Transcript of Records Information, Consultation, Analysis processes gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de 29
Learning Chain Design Profile: Regional-National-International / General-Special / Research-Applied Study-Programme Learning Outcomes First Cycle Subject-related Generic 180 credits Bachelor IQF-SQF DQR BA-level 6 BA-level 6-2 Knowledge -Widening -Deepening Capability Accessing/ Opening / Developing BA-level 6-1 Knowledge -Widening -Deepening Capability Accessing/ Opening / Developing Knowledge -Widening -Deepening Capability Accessing/ Opening / Developing Internal Quality Assurance+Enhancement Quality (LO)/Quantity (Credits)/Assessment External Quality A+E
Knowledge widening -present tools to design a strategy and to develop business organisations strategically -interpret alternative tools to make a choice -outline consequences of strategic decisions Knowledge deepening -apply tools to implement a strategic development successfully -identify and interpret strategic issues in different contexts -realise how strategy development can be seen, how processes can be understood and what the implications are for strategy development -differentiate between strategic management in different contexts Capability – Knowledge accessing / opening / developing Instrumental (methodological) capability -apply techniques of strategic analysis -apply techniques to select adequate strategies -apply techniques to implement strategy Communicative / interpersonal capability -use different viewpoints on strategy to explain observable processes in organisations -explain implications of diffrent scenarios and different strategies Systemic capability -to demonstrate the impact of national and organisational culture on strategy formulation and implementation -to apply techniques in specific business positions LO in detail BA-level 6-1 Knowledge -Widening -Deepening Capability Accessing/ Opening / Developing gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de 31 gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de 31
Forms of Assessment -Quizzes („best two“) -Oral Presentation (Case Study- Group) -Oral exam (20 min. Individual) -Case Study („Open Book Exam“-Notes) Knowledge widening -present tools to design a strategy and to develop business organisations strategically -interpret alternative tools to make a choice -outline consequences of strategic decisions Knowledge deepening -apply tools to implement a strategic development successfully -identify and interpret strategic issues in different contexts -realise how strategy development can be seen, how processes can be understood and what the implications are for strategy development -differentiate between strategic management in different contexts Capability – Knowledge accessing / opening / developing Instrumental (methodological) capability -apply techniques of strategic analysis -apply techniques to select adequate strategies -apply techniques to implement strategy Communicative / interpersonal capability -use different viewpoints on strategy to explain observable processes in organisations -explain implications of diffrent scenarios and different strategies Systemic capability -to demonstrate the impact of national and organisational culture on strategy formulation and implementation -to apply techniques in specific business positions gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de 32 gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de 32
The Promise What? • A learner can achieve the learning outcomes (LO)designed for a learning activity… LO= „Statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand, and / or be able to do at the end of a period of learning“ How? • by investing time and effort – his workload WL)WL=„A quantitative measure of all learning activities that may be feasibly required for the achievement of the learning outcomes“
The Promise • The workload is expressed as a quantitative figure = credit • The achievement is expressed as a qualitative result = learning outcomes • This is documented = Learning Agreement
We need (to) gehmlich@wiso.hs-osnabrueck.de volker gehmlich Osnabrueck University of Applied Sciences - Member of EUA 35 35
Qualifications Frameworks:Identity? gehmlich@wiso.hs-osnabrueck.de
PS. Lunch is at 13.15pm gehmlich@wiso.hs-osnabrueck.de
Harmonisation? Standard Music In tune gehmlich@wiso.hs-osnabrueck.de
Same Value! gehmlich@wiso.hs-osnabrueck.de 40
Diversity Richness Difference Compatibility Same Value gehmlich@wiso.hs-osnabrueck.de 41
Academic Recognition Quality Assured Qualifications Frameworks gehmlich@wiso.hs-osnabrueck.de 42
That´s not too (heavy) difficult – or? Can we do it? gehmlich@wi.hs-osnabrueck.de volker gehmlich Osnabrueck University of Applied Sciences - Member of EUA 43
YES, WE CAN gehmlich@wi.hs-osnabrueck.de volker gehmlich Osnabrueck University of Applied Sciences - Member of EUA 44
Do it better Evidence? gehmlich@wi.hs-osnabrueck.de gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de 45
You never stop learning gehmlich@wi.hs-osnabrueck.de
But changing education and training is a slow process! It may take more than a life-time gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de 47 gehmlich@wi.hs-osnabrueck.de
However, it is possible to put lipstick on a pig – but it stays a pig.Changing education and training is much more than putting on lipstick – and much more than lipservice gehmlich@wi.hs-osnabrueck.de