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Explore Verilog language details covering parameters, blocking assignments, delay time units, arrays, FIFO examples, flip-flop descriptions, and operators in digital system design. Learn practical examples and syntax to enhance your understanding.
332:437 Lecture 10Verilog Language Details • Parameters • Blocking Assignment Operator • Delay time units • Arrays of registers • FIFO Example • Flip-flop descriptions • Verilog Operators • Summary Material from The Verilog Hardware Description Language, by Thomas and Moorby, Kluwer Academic Publishers, VHDL for Programmable Logic, by Kevin Skahill, Addison Wesley Longman. Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
Parameters • Parameters – hold value that cannot change within design description • #(parameter width = 8, delay=10) • assign #(delay) xout <= xin1 ^ xin2; Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
Blocking Assignment Operator • Can be used everywhere, including in functions & tasks • MAY NOT BE SYNTHESIZED INTO WIRES OR MEMORY ELEMENTS • Blocking assignment –- immediate, not scheduled, holds only 1 value at a time • = is the blocking assignment operator Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
8-Bit AND Gate • AND gate code that works properly • Does not declare variable “i” – when “i” used in a loop, it gets implicitly declared module will_work (); wire temp, bit; always @(a_bus) begin temp = 1; for (i = 7; i >= 0; i = i - 1) begin temp = a_bus (i) and temp; end end endmodule Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
Time Units for #delay • Specify by: • `timescale <time_unit> / <time_precision> • Example: `timescale 10 ns / 1 ns // Each time unit is // 10 ns, maintained to a precision of 1 ns Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
Composite Types -- Memories • Arrays of registers reg [0:3] table8xr4 [0:7]; initial begin table8xr4 = {b’000_0, b’001_1, b’010_1, b’011_0, b’100_1, b’101_0, b’110_0, b’111_1}; end Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
Arrays • Can insert underscore between any two adjoining digits in the array values • Hexadecimal and octal fill bit arrays with bits • Three equivalent statements: • a <= 2’x7A; // bit string hex “01111010” • a <= 3’o172; // octal (base 8) • a <= 8’b01111010; // binary • x and z single digit values automatically fill out to entire width of number • When fewer binary, octal, or hexadecimal digits are specified than the width of the number, the unspecified leftmost digits are set to 0 Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
Verilog Attributes • Give some property of a signal • full_case – all case items are specified explicitly or by default • Causes case statement to be considered to be full, even though all cases are not specified • Unspecified cases are treated as don’t cares for synthesis, and no latch is inferred • parallel_case – Verilog case statement is allowed to have overlapping case items • Statements for items are executed in the order specified • Leads to complex logic – a priority encoder • Parallel_case means that the synthesis tool assumes that there are no overlapping items in the case statement, and it will implement it as a sum-of-products expression with a MUX Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
Verilog Attribute Example module synAttributes (output reg f, input a, b, c); always @(*) (* full_case, parallel_case *) case ({a, b, c}) 3’b001: f = 1’b1; 3’b010: f = 1’b1; 3’b011: f = 1’b1; 3’b100: f = 1’b1; 3’b110: f = 1’b0; 3’b111: f = 1’b1; endcase endmodule Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
Verilog FIFO Example • Concurrent statements – lie outside of process, so order of execution is unimportant • Creates an aggregate of correct width to match fifo (i) width – Decimal 0 is a convenient shorthand for an arbitrarily wide vector of zeroes Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
FIFO module fifo (clk, rst, oe, rd, wr, rdinc, wrinc, rdptrclr, wrptrclr, data_in, data_out); parameter wide = 31, deep = 20, counter = 5; input clk, rst, oe, rd, wr, rdinc, wrinc, rdptrclr, wrptrclr; input [wide:0]data_in, output [wide:0] data_out; reg [wide:0] data_outx; wire negrst; reg [wide:0]fifo [deep:0]; reg [counter:0] wrptr; reg [counter:0]rdptr; reg [counter:0] realrdptr; reg [counter:0] realrdptrb; reg [counter:0] i; Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
FIFO (continued) // fifo register array always @(posedge rst or posedge clk) begin if (rst == 1'b1) begin for (i = 0; i < deep; i = i + 1) begin fifo [i] <= 'b0; end end else begin if (wr == 1'b1) fifo [wrptr] <= data_in; end end Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
FIFO (continued) // read pointer always @(posedge rst or posedge clk) begin if (rst == 1'b1) rdptr <= 32'b0; else if (clk == 1) begin if (rdptrclr == 1'b1) rdptr <= 'b0; else if (rdinc == 1'b1) rdptr <= realrdptr + 1; end end Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
FIFO (continued) // force Synopsys to give us a rdptr flip-flop register // this had to be coded structurally, because Synopsys // design_analyzer refused to create a flip-flop for rdptr GTECH_FD2 (rdptr [0], clk, negrst, realrdptr [0], realrdptrb [0]), (rdptr [1], clk, negrst, realrdptr [1], realrdptrb [1]), (rdptr [2], clk, negrst, realrdptr [2], realrdptrb [2]), (rdptr [3], clk, negrst, realrdptr [3], realrdptrb [3]), (rdptr [4], clk, negrst, realrdptr [4], realrdptrb [4]), (rdptr [5], clk, negrst, realrdptr [5], realrdptrb [5]); Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
FIFO (continued) // write pointer always @(posedge rst or posedge clk) begin if (rst == 1'b1) wrptr <= 32'b0; else if (clk == 1) begin if (wrptrclr == 1'b1) wrptr <= 'b0; else if (wrinc == 1'b1) wrptr <= wrptr + 1; end end Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
FIFO (concluded) // three-state control of outputs always @(oe) begin if ((oe == 1'b1) && (rd == 1’b1)) data_outx <= fifo [wrptr]; else data_outx <= 'bz; end assign data_out = data_outx; endmodule Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
Synthesized Priority Encoder (*parallel_case*) case({w, x, y, z}) 4’b1xxx: j = a; 4’bx1xx: j = b; 4’bxx1x: j = c; 4’bxxx1: j = d; default: j = 0; endcase Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
Level Sensitive Latch always @(clk, d) begin if (clk == 1’b 1) q <= d; end Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
T Flip-Flop module tff_logic (input t, input clk, output q); always @(posedge clk) begin if (t == 1’b1) q <= not (q); else q <= q; end endmodule Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
module reg_logic (input [0:7] d, input clk, output [0:7] q); always @(posedge clk) begin q <= d; end endmodule 8-bit Register Description Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
Alternate Clocking Descriptions • Give up now on writing a single process for design_analyzer with events on both the rising and falling clock edges • It will never let you do it • Instead, write this as two separate processes • Moral: Only a subset of the legal Verilog code can be synthesized by design_analyzer Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
module reg_logic (input d [0:7], input reset, input init, input clk, output q [0:7]); always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin if (reset == 1’b1) q <= 8’b0; else begin if (init == 1’b1) q <= 8’b11111111; // decimal -1 else q <= d; end end endmodule 8-bit Register, Asynchronous Reset, Synchronous Preset Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
Problems with Don’t Cares • Synthesis treats x as a 1 that cannot occur • Real hardware never has signals with x • Comparing x to0 or 1 with === operator always evaluates to false • WHY? • Because 0 or 1 does not EXACTLY match x Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
Verilog Relational Operators • Obvious: • ==, !=, <, <=, >, >= • Unknown (x)or high-impedance (z) values are treated as 0 • Case equality: === • Unknown (x)or high-impedance (z) values must match exactly • Case inequality: !== • Unknown (x)or high-impedance (z) values must match exactly Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
Concatenation Operator • Collects multiple signals into an n-bit value • {a, b, c, d} • Aggregates 4 signals a, b, c, d into a 4-bit value in the order specified Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
Boolean Operators • Logical negation ! • Logical AND && • Logical OR || • Bitwise negation ~ • Bitwise AND & • Bitwise | • Bitwise XOR ^ • Equivalence ^~ or ~^ Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
Advanced Boolean Operators • Single bit AND of all operand bits & • Single bit OR of all operand bits | • Single bit NAND of all operand bits ~& • Single bit NOR of all operand bits ~| • Single bit XOR of all operand bits ^ • Single bit XNOR of all operand bits ~^ • Left Shift << • Right shift >> • Arithmetic shift left <<< • Arithmetic shift right >>> • Conditional as in the C language ?: • Convert to signed $signed (m) • Convert to unsigned $unsigned (m) Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
Arithmetic Operators • Adding + • Subtracting - • Multiplying * • Dividing / • Often refuses to synthesize hardware for this • Power ** • Modulus % Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10
Summary • Parameters • Blocking Assignment Operator • Delay time units • Arrays of registers • FIFO Example • Flip-flop descriptions • Verilog Operators Thomas: Digital Systems Design Lecture 10