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Introduction – Emily Bambridge. Recap of the proposed changes Breeding and Stud Management - Update Activity - Update Marketing and Communications - Update Operations - Update 2012 – Learning’s and Improvements 2013 – a challenging year Conclusion. Recap of Proposed Changes.
Introduction – Emily Bambridge Recap of the proposed changes Breeding and Stud Management - Update Activity - Update Marketing and Communications - Update Operations - Update 2012 – Learning’s and Improvements 2013 – a challenging year Conclusion
Recap of Proposed Changes The current structure has been in place since 1970 Committee is large and unwieldy Decision making a slow process There is no strategy, no 5 year plan and no 1 year plan to support it Structure too flat with everyone involved in every decision Decision making labour intensive with decision rarely made outside of the Committee It takes an age to get things done
Recap of Proposed ChangesThe New Structure Secretary MD /Chair Treasurer Stud Book Activity Marketing & Operations & Breeding Communications • Individual areas become sub groups • Headed by individual – will become an officers position • Heads appoint a deputy • Meets as determined by themselves • Provides report on progress to the main committee • Brings proposals to the main committee for agreement • Sub groups should not work in isolation but should cross over and involve other areas
Recap of the Proposed ChangesWhat happened after the last AGM? Agreement was given by Membership for 12 month trial Job Descriptions drawn up At first committee meeting:- Heads appointed on a probationary basis for 12 months Deputies appointed for each area 12 Month plan was developed and presented – agreed by whole committee Sub groups then went off to deliver the plan Priority given to impending Inspections and Spring Show
Breeding and Stud Management – UpdateJane Evers-SwindellProgress Against Plan Review of the Stud Book – Findings and actions taken 2012 Inspections
Breeding and Stud Management – UpdateJane Evers-Swindell Initial Plans for 2013 Passports to be made DEFRA standard 2013 Inspections Complete Stud Book review Extend usage of the Grassroots system Encourage and promote the breeding of quality Haflingers, but with responsible with considerate thought to the future welfare and safety of all Haflingers bred.
Activity – UpdateKim Ginns 2012 Plan Organise and hold the National Breed Show Organise and hold a National Spring Show Gain support for setting up Regional events Develop a diary of events and publish to the membership Provide activities to cover a mixture of the following:- Dressage Show Jumping Driving In hand work e.g. parelli Trec Develop and introduce a system for awarding bursaries Work with Breeding and Stud Management to train judges and stewards Advertise the points competition and increase membership by 20%
Activity – UpdateKim Ginns Progress Against Plan Spring Show – Booked and Advertised – Cancelled Co-ordinators in 3 Regions Eastern Region Flat Work – Booked and Advertised – Cancelled Autumn Le-trec and Jumping – Booked and Advertised – Cancelled Driving Day – Langton Lodge – 1st July Questionnaire so that you can let us know your thoughts on what you'd like to see
Activity - UpdateKim Ginns Progress Against Plan Breed Show held on 27, 28, 29 July Training Bursary – £150 awarded towards own training Advertise the points competition and increase membership
Activity - UpdateKim Ginns 2013 Plans Breed Show! Breed Show Vacancies:- Commentator Stable Manager Sponsorship Co-ordinator Oxnead Sale Weekend - 18/19th May Increase the training Bursary Encourage entries to Windsor, Royal Norfolk, Three Counties Riding Academy
Marketing and Communications - UpdateJanuary Tewson 2012 Plan - Progress Facebook page - implement or shelve Development of website and frequent updating Links to dedicated personnel Pages for subgroups FOH on line Awards Merchandising For Sale List developed and linked to FOH and website Haflinger promotion with outside publications - 4 articles this year
Marketing and Communications - UpdateJanuary Tewson Initial Plans for 2013 • New Members Welcome Pack • Further development of website incl links to dedicated personnel and pages for subgroups as well as expansion of the awards section (2012 trophy winners will be featured shortly!) • Better organisation of FOH! • More Merchandise • More events to send Society Stand to and co-ordination of volunteers to man it. • More articles in outside publications
OperationsMalcolm Burton 2012 Plan – Progress Review and amended Complaints procedure – available on the website Ongoing work updating the Society’s constitution Health and Safety at the Breed Show Code of Conduct Notices
OperationsMalcolm Burton 2012 Plan – Progress Customer Charter RESPONSIBILITIES OF OFFICERS/TRUSTEES Quarterly reports from Chair, Secretary and Registrar in newsletter Summary of committee discussions to appear in newsletter in the next available issue AGM papers dispatched to members by 1st class post in compliance with regulatory requirements (currently not less than 23 days before the meeting). Ballot papers where applicable to be sent with AGM papers Announcement of Officer and Trustee vacancies at suitable date REGISTRAR Issue of passports within 2 weeks Processing of transfers within 10 days Response to general enquiries within 2 days Updating of studbook annually MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Membership cards/ introductory literature to be sent within 14 days of receipt of subscription
OperationsMalcolm Burton Customer Charter (Cont.) MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS Response to website queries within 3 days Updating of website (including for sale list) every fortnight Publication & distribution of newsletter every quarter by agreed deadlines INSPECTION TEAM Agreement of date(s)/venue for inspections 4 – 6 months in advance. Contact owners of eligible animals 4 – 6 months in advance. BREED SHOW ORGANISERS Announcement of Breed Show date and venue by end of previous year Publication of Breed Show schedule by end March each year Publication of dressage times etc 7 days before show Publication of Breed Show results 7 days after show FINANCIAL Payment of invoices within 1 month Cheques/cash banked within 2 weeks
OperationsMalcolm Burton 2013 Plan The Society's Articles Conflict of interest policy Conflict of interest register Initial risk assessment
Other things we have doneEmily Bambridge 'Grassroots' (Stud Book System) Presentation to explain full potential of system 3 People attended training Results of 2012 Inspections Feedback received Costs analysis due for 2013 2013 Inspections
Other things we have doneEmily Bambridge • Training Judges and Inspectors • Judges contacted • Definitive list of judges and trainee judges drawn up for 2013 • Two new judges appointed:- • Angela Langman • Hazel Davies • 7 Trainee Judges identified and accepted for training • Some already experienced judges and potential fast track material • Stewarding at Breed Show for International Judge seen as educational opportunity for would be judges • Judges Training day and assessment scheduled for May 18/19
2012 Learning’s and ImprovementsEmily Bambridge Things take much longer than expected Better communication between the team More accurate and realistic planning Communication is fast! Too fast. “A lie is half way round the world before truth has got his boots on” Please........... contact me or one of the team if you want to know what is really going on. Facebook is not always correct!
2013 - A Challenging YearEmily Bambridge Formalise the new structure Paperwork (Memorandum and Articles) Actual Committee Meetings Ensure we have the right people in the right jobs Have they achieved their plans for 2012 Would someone else be better suited - skills audit Draw up 2013 plans Specific, Measurable, Timely, Achievable Hold people responsible for achieving the plans
ConclusionEmily Bambridge The old structure of the committee is large, flat and unwieldy The new structure has streamlined the committee Things get done much quicker, more efficiently Now members of a board leading a Company 2013 will see us concentrating on the things that matter to our membership:- Delivering top class events for our members including Inspections, Breed Show, events and training etc. Getting FOH out on time! Regular updating of the website and increased merchandising In the background we will also be working on:- Formalising the new structure Getting the Articles fit for purpose Training our people