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VisiNex (and DropNex + RainNex )

VisiNex (and DropNex + RainNex ). Visibility measurement ( correlation with human vision = 100%) - Testing efficiency of wipers , windshield washer , demist , defrost , lighting , Rain Sensor , …

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VisiNex (and DropNex + RainNex )

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  1. VisiNex (and DropNex + RainNex) Visibilitymeasurement(correlationwithhuman vision = 100%) - Testingefficiency of wipers, windshieldwasher, demist, defrost, lighting,RainSensor, … Customers : AXIMUM,PSA Peugeot Citroën, Robert BOSCHGmbH, SAINT GOBAIN, TOYOTA, VALEO Comparison of twoqualities of rubberblades Link to VisiNexproduct page : http://nexyad.net/Automotive-Transportation/?page_id=159 Link to RainNexproduct page (a rain machine thatworkswithVisiNex if youdon’t have yourownrain machine) : http://nexyad.net/Automotive-Transportation/?page_id=151 Comparison of twodemistsystems


  3. RoadNex RoadNexis a functional bloc (software) for ADAS : detection of the road shape/contours and lane in front of the vehicle(click the picture) • Main interesting points : • Self Calibrated(and calibration isreshaped on a regular basis whiledriving) : no need to know exact location of the camera (6 parametersthat change duringaccelerations of the car …) and lens data. • - shapes of the lane + lane • - robust: shapes are detectedmost of the time evenwith no white line of withexhausted road signs. • - self diagnosis: the function tells whenitfails Available for sales :User Licence for research and demo cars : as a DLL for windows, as a component for the Real Time software RT-MAPSEmbedded User Licence for mass market (as a bloc of YOUR ADAS system on YOUR hardware) : on demand

  4. SafetyNex SafetyNexis a functional bloc for d’ADAS (software) : safetymeasurement, takingintoaccount :map and GPS geolocation , speed, accelerations, visibility, adherence, distance to obstacle SafetyNexcanbeused to pilot a ACC (a step in direction of autonomousvehicle) (click the picture) • Main interesting points : • Variable number of inputs : some data maybeavailable or not depending on the instant or on the kind of vehicle : SafetyNexgives the best risk estimation with the available inputs. Available for sales :User Licence for research and demo cars : as a DLL for windows, as a component for the Real Time software RT-MAPSEmbedded User Licence for mass market (as a bloc of YOUR ADAS system on YOUR hardware) : on demand

  5. VisiNexOnboard VisiNexOnboardestimates the visibility on a region of interest (visualquality score and distance of detection). (click the picture) • Main interesting points : • 100% correlatedwithHuman vision performance Available for sales :User Licence for research and demo cars : as a DLL for windows, as a component for the Real Time software RT-MAPSEmbedded User Licence for mass market(as a bloc of YOUR ADAS system on YOUR hardware) : on demand NB : canworkwith a camera in a car (as soon as every image issegmentedwith a region of interest : example : in front of the car, …)

  6. DrowsiNex DrowsiNexwatches the driver and detects the eyes : if eyesdisappear or are closedduringtoomuch time, thenDrowsiNexgenerates an alarm. (click the picture) • Main interesting points : • Self Calibrated: Size of the eyesis self calibrated . Available for sales :User Licence for research and demo cars : as a DLL for windows, as a component for the Real Time software RT-MAPSEmbedded User Licence for mass market(as a bloc of YOUR ADAS system on YOUR hardware) : on demand Smart Phone App: underdevelopment

  7. ObstaNex ObstaNexdetects obstacles (a car, a pedestrian). Definition of an obstacle : objectthatis not plane (or thatis « enough » vertical), and/or that has a movementthatis not due to the movement of the camera. (click the picture) • Main interesting points : • Only ONE camera • Robust Available for sales :User Licence for research and demo cars : as a DLL for windows, as a component for the Real Time software RT-MAPSEmbedded User Licence for mass market(as a bloc of YOUR ADAS system on YOUR hardware) : on demand


  9. On demandspecialprojects for car industry :examples - intelligent triggering for airbags / recognition of passengers on seats - driving style recognition - driver’s attention monitoring - automaticcomparisonbetweenvehiclesignals and 3D dynamiconboard model outputs - obstacle detectionusingrear camera - obstacle detectionusingrear capacitive / ultrasoundsensors - autonomousvehicle (DARPA Challenge 2009) - design plans of validation for ADAS systems on open road

  10. How to test NEXYAD modules ? - on a PC withyour images data base (DLL) - on a PC using the real time simulation environment RT Maps(Intempora) - see a demo car (RoadNexisused by an autonomousdemo car in France) - other ? Feel free to propose

  11. Thankyou for your time Questions / Answers sales@nexyad.net

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