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Navigating the FY12 Consolidated Application. 9 th Annual Title Programs Conference June 14-16, 2011. Presenters. Jennifer Davenport Georgia Department of Education Title I, Part A Program Manager jedavenp@doe.k12.ga.us (404) 463-1955. Robyn Planchard Georgia Department of Education
Navigating the FY12 Consolidated Application 9th Annual Title Programs Conference June 14-16, 2011
Presenters Jennifer Davenport Georgia Department of Education Title I, Part A Program Manager jedavenp@doe.k12.ga.us (404) 463-1955 Robyn Planchard Georgia Department of Education Title I Education Program Specialist Consolidated Application Academic Achievement Awards rplanchard@doe.k12.ga.us (404) 463-3467
CLIP Enhancements • When the new fiscal year opens in the Consolidated Application, the prior CLIP entries will be auto-populated into the new FY’s CLIP (i.e., FY11 CLIP text will be displayed within FY12’s CLIP) • All formats from the prior fiscal year will be displayed
CLIP Enhancements • The LEA will remove all highlights from text and will delete text containing a strikethrough from each CLIP Descriptor. • The text clean-up process is performed by selecting the icon.
CLIP Process per Descriptor • Select applicable Descriptor Edit Icon to make edits • Select Clean-Up Icon ( ) • Select Update button • Select revised Descriptor (Same Descriptor from Step 1)
CLIP Process per Descriptor • Add new text entries and edit prior FY text entries • Highlight new text entries using the advised Highlight color BLUE for the new FY12’s Descriptor • Strike-Through text that will not apply for the new FY12’s Descriptor • Do not select the Clean-Up Icon because this will remove text that was recently formatted with a strike-through and will remove highlights from text.
Deadlines • June 21, 2011—CLIP Plan opens • Districts may begin to enter data into the CLIP • July 1, 2011—First day for CLIP Plan submission • July 31, 2011—CLIP Plan due to GaDOE • October 1, 2011—Deadline for sign-off on original Title I, Part A and Title II, Part A budgets
Title I, Part A Updates There are no new updates for Title I, Part A
N & D and Homeless Updates Please see the see the program guidance for Neglected & Delinquent and Homeless CLIP updates.
Title II, Part A Updates • The placement of updated information in the appropriate descriptor of the FY12 Consolidated Application will expedite the approval process allowing LEAs to submit budgets in a timelier manner. • Graphs and charts should NOT be pasted into descriptors. • Contact your Title II, Part A Education Specialist if you have questions.
Title II, Part A Descriptors • Note: You will notice that most of the information requested in Descriptors 1, 15, and 18 for the Title II, Part A portion of the FY12 ConApp should have been included in your approved FY12 Equity Plan. • Please cut and paste required information from your approved equity plan to your FY12 Con App.
Title II, Part A Descriptor 1 Includes a description of the LEA’s comprehensive needs assessment process that includes Title II, Part A, or a description of the Title II, Part A needs assessment process.
Title II, Part A Descriptor 1 • Descriptor 1 should include the following: • Summary of how the needs assessment is conducted identifying the data sources used and include a brief summary of the findings for: • Recruitment, retention, professional learning (including meeting diverse student needs), class size reduction, non-HiQ teachers and paraprofessionals • Equitable opportunities for all students in the areas of teacher quality, teacher experience and class size • List of the prioritized needs for Title II, Part A must be provided at the end of Descriptor 1
Title II, Part A • Statement identifying any school/district equity needs (including identifying at least one equity indicator that will be a focus for movement to target). • Note: If the Highly Qualified Teacher equity indicator is selected, an additional indicator must also be selected for focus. (The LEA should copy and paste from the first bullet under Section XI of the approved FY12 Equity Plan.)
Title II, Part A Descriptor 15 – includes a description of how internal and external stakeholders are involved in the planning process to: • Accomplish the annual needs assessment • Prioritize needs • Identify actions or strategies to address prioritized needs • (LEA should copy and paste from the second bullet under Section III of the approved FY12 Equity Plan.)
Title II, Part A Descriptor 18–includes the following: • FY11 updated information on the percentage of LEA teachers and the percentage of paraprofessionals that are highly qualified. • (LEA should copy and paste from bullet three under Section IV of the approved FY12 Equity Plan.) • A description of how a remediation plan is developed for non-HiQ teachers, non-HiQ paraprofessionals, and teachers who hold a non-renewable certificate. • (LEA should copy and paste from bullet three under Section IV of the approved FY12 Equity Plan.)
Title II, Part A Descriptor 18 (continued) • A description of how the LEA monitors to ensure each non-HiQ teacher, non-HiQ paraprofessional, and teacher with a non-renewable certificate is implementing the remediation plan and making progress toward HiQ status or clear renewable certification. • (LEA should copy and paste from bullet four under Section IV of the approved FY 12 Equity Plan.)
Title II, Part A Descriptor 18 (continued) • A description of how parents are notified of parents’ right to know professional qualifications of their child’s teachers and paraprofessionals. • A description of how the LEA ensures that parents have been notified of their right to know.
Title II, Part A • Descriptor 19 • Includes a description of how the LEA plans for and provides continued professional learning to increase teachers’ preparation and ability in meeting the diverse needs of their students.
Title II, Part A Descriptor 21 • Includes statements for each of the following at the END of Descriptor 21: • Percentage of professional learning opportunities for FY12 that were scientifically based (high quality). • Percentage of teachers that participated in at least one high quality professional learning activity during FY12. • A description of how parents are notified when their child has been taught for 20 or more consecutive days by a teacher who is not highly qualified. • A description of how the LEA ensures parents have been notified when their child is taught by a non-HiQ teacher.
System Implementation Plan • LEAs must name remediation plans under Goal 3 of the implementation plan to support non-HiQ paraprofessionals and teachers in becoming highly qualified. • Remediation plans are also required for all core academic teachers not holding a valid clear renewable certificate in the appropriate, assigned teaching field(s). • LEAs budgeting funds for class size reduction teachers must include class size reduction in the System Implementation Plan under Goal 1 or 3.
For 2141(c) Systems Only • Section 2141(c) LEAs must enter Into an agreement with the Georgia Professional Standards Commission on its use of Title II, Part A funds. • The 2141(c) Agreement of Collaboration is part of the LEA’s Con App and must be signed by the Title II-A coordinator and superintendent before the CLIP is uploaded for review. • LEAs that must sign the agreement will be notified by their Title II, Part A Education Specialist.
2141(c) Systems • Section 2141 (c) Agreement of Collaboration in the Con App site: • Go to the Title II, Part A Program Section • Select the Program Information Tab • Select the Data Collection Tab • Title II, Part A Coordinator must sign and submit • Superintendent must sign and submit
2141(c) Systems • Section 2141c Requirement: • A Local Education Agency (LEA) not meeting the 100 percent highly qualified requirement and not making AYP for three consecutive years must include in its implementation plan actions to enable the LEA to achieve the annual measurable objectives as described in NCLB, Section 1119(a)(2).
Title I, Part C Migrant Updates • No new changes for MEP. • DRAFT preliminary FY12 funding allocations were sent to districts in April 2011. • Implementation Plan document is being updated for FY12. New document and submission procedures will be shared by June 30, 2011.
Title III LEP Updates • Title III LEP Consortium • Membership is offered to LEAs who do not enroll sufficient numbers of English Language Learners to be eligible to receive Title III LEP funding. • The determining number is based upon allocations and is subject to change each year. • LEAs with low density ELL enrollment should not submit Title III budgets until after notification of status. Upon receipt of allocations, LEAs will be notified of their eligibility to receive direct funding or to join the Consortium.
Title III LEP Guidance • Title III Guidance Power Point is posted under Resources, Guidance and Contact List, on the LEA Consolidated Application web page. • Follow guidance carefully in reviewing and revising Title III Program Information that supports LEP and Immigrant grants.
Title III LEP Program Information • Step 2 of the Title III program information requires the LEA to describe how the LEA will evaluate the effectiveness of the program. This section must contain a reference to Title III AMAOs and the utilization of this data in program evaluation.
Immigrant Grant • New for FY 12: Immigrant grant has program information that must be completed. • Review Title III sections of the CLIP before submission and make sure all program information is up to date. • Remove all references to the LAB and replace with W-APT for screening and ACCESS for assessment.
State Professional Learning • Please complete program information • Use Code 890 for austerity reduction • Professional learning budgets due by December 15, 2011
Title VI, Part B Updates • Title VI, Part B allows 25 percent carryover. • Updated FY12 Program Guidance will be posted on Consolidated Application Web site as well as on the Title VI, Part B Web page.
Title VI, Part B Updates • It is anticipated that more districts will qualify for funds this year. All new grantees will be notified by phone call followed up with email.
Title VI, Part B Budgets • Title VI, Part B is usually the last allocation to be released—usually late August or September. • All FY12 budgets will be due on October 1, 2011, unless there is a delay in the release of FY12 allocations. • In the case of a delay, an email will go out to all Coordinators containing an updated deadline for budget submission.
Title VI, Part B Program Information Page • Rural Education Initiative Tab • The information requested on this tab has not changed from last year. • For the FY12 budget, enter the amount of anticipated expenditures for each activity the LEA will implement. • If the LEA is in Needs Improvement status, only the Title I, Part A activities may be selected.
Exceptional Student (IDEA) Data Collection Tab • IDEA requires additional data collections unique to special education. These items will be shown in the IDEA Flow-through budget under Program Information. • The second line will show Uploaded Files, Fiscal Effort and Exceptional Students as a separate tab or window. • Access the Exceptional Students tab and three forms will appear.
Proportionate Share Form • Provides information on parentally placed private/home school students with disabilities to ascertain the equitable proportionate of federal funds to be used. • Fill in your student count for 3-5 and 3-21 from your past December 1 count and your initial allocations for IDEA Preschool and Flow-Through.
Proportionate Share Form • The formula will calculate the amount of funds available for proportionate services. • Remember to conduct and document your consultation process prior to July and announce your decision on the services to be delivered prior to August 1 or school starting. • LEAs must track these funds locally and carryover any unused funds.
Personnel Vacancies Form • Provides data on the number of all special education personnel employed/contracted and the specific vacancies within the LEA for the previous school year. • All agencies are required to complete this tab.
Revised EIS Form • Mandatory for all LEAs. • LEAs are required to fill in their status of not applicable, optional or required participation. • Disproportionate LEAs must use themaximum 15 percent EIS funds for intervention with high risk regular education students. • Up to 15 percent may be used for optional usage of EIS funds.
Revised EIS Form • Both groups must follow and report through the portal, student interventions for two years and must locally track/carryover any unused funds. • A short narrative to describe activities and the use of funds must be completed as well as projections for the budget by function codes for IDEA and Preschool funds.
Fiscal Effort Tab • Pre-populated to indicate if district met or did not meet the MOE requirement on the aggregate or per pupil basis. • If the LEA does not meet MOE requirements, the system must lower their MOE through the Exceptions to MOE form that must be uploaded. • Documentation must be submitted to verify the exceptions to meet the MOE requirement before your budget can be processed.
Other Required Forms • Found on the GaDOE website, Curriculum tab, Special Education and then Budget and GrantApplications. • The FY12 Consolidated Application Attachments lists the following required forms that should be copied to the Uploaded File tab under Program Information within the IDEA Flow-through budget.
Local Performance Plan (LPP) Worksheet • Provides summary information on the implementation of the IDEA goals and indicators for the Division to progress monitor and for the LEA to use with their stakeholders to review and revise annually. • This form is required to be copied to the Uploaded File tab under Program Information within the IDEA Flow-Through budget.
2012 MOE Eligibility Worksheet Must be submitted to verify that the FY12 local/state special education budget meets or exceeds the most recent prior year’s local/state special education expenditures in total or by per pupil amount to receive the IDEA grant award (FY10).
Local Usage Forms • Semiannual certification for federal employees (Required to be kept locally) • Time log for multiple activities or cost objectives (Required to be kept locally) • Documentation of private/home school consultation process (kept locally) • Disposition of records sample letter • Allowable/unallowable usage of funds for each project funded • MOE Correction Worksheet • Exceptions to MOE form • Schoolwide program form for including special education students • Reduction of local effort form by 50 percent of the allocation increase from the previous year
Summary Checklist • Familiarize yourself with the CLIP planning process and navigation site. • Meet with your stakeholders and district team to review/update/revise the CLIP and LPP form. • Incorporate SWD into the overall LEA Implementation Plan as much as possible. There may be some goals and indicators that are specifically special education, i.e.,disproportionality. • Once the special education portion of the plan is approved, go to your budget and complete the required tabs and other uploads as needed by using the window or browser button
Exceptional Student Tab • Information in the Exceptional Student Tab completed by all programs • Proportionate Share Tab for SWD in private/home schools for 3-5 and 3-21 • Personnel Tab for all special education personnel from the previous school year • Early Intervening Services Tab
Uploaded File Tab • Uploaded File Tab – Upload or Attachments • LPP with goals and indicators for 2012 (Required) • MOE Eligibility form (Required) • Schoolwide form to determine amount of IDEA funds to be used (if appropriate) • 50 percent reduction of local effort form (if appropriate) • MOE Compliance Correction form if MOE is not met (if appropriate) • Exceptions to MOE form if the MOE requirement is not met (Required)
Optional Local Usage Forms as Needed • Semiannual certification for federal employees (Required to be kept locally) • Time log for multiple activities or cost objectives (Required to be kept locally) • Documentation of private/home school consultation process (kept locally) • Disposition of records sample letter • Determine your indirect cost when carryover or reallocation funds are added with the calculator