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The Memory Assessment Service (MAS)

We assess memory problems and cognitive skills, provide support plans for living with dementia, and offer guidance on various types of memory issues. Our team comprises professionals from different backgrounds for a comprehensive approach.

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The Memory Assessment Service (MAS)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Memory Assessment Service (MAS) Dr Nikki Belsham Clinical Psychologist/Clinical Lead Karen Thompsett Senior Practitioner

  2. Who we are? • A team of Senior Practitioners (nurses or occupational therapists by profession); psychologists, medics, occupational therapists and admin • We are an assessment and diagnosis service for people who have memory problems or difficulties with other thinking skills

  3. Memory and Forgetting • No-one has a perfect memory and we all forget things from time to time • I bet we have all got into a room & cannot remember what we went for… • Or we have all sat watching the TV trying to remember the actor’s name or what else they have been in… • Or what day it is… • Or when our doctor’s appointment is… • And so on and so on!

  4. Possible Reasons for Memory Problems • Tiredness and poor sleep • Stress and having too much to do • Feeling down, depressed or worried about things • Physical health problems and feeling unwell • Chronic pain • Vitamin B12 deficiency • Medication – prescription and over-the-counter • Excessive alcohol over a long period of time

  5. And the “D” Word” or Dementia • It is not inevitable or a normal part of ageing • It can affect anyone • The greatest risk factor for developing dementia is age • Whilst there currently are not any cures, there are treatments, interventions and supports to help people and their families live well with dementia

  6. What is dementia? • The word “dementia” is an umbrella term used to describe a collection of symptoms that occur when the brain is affected by specific diseases and conditions • People generally have memory problems but usually will have other difficulties with cognitive abilities or thinking skills • These memory/cognitive problems have to affect the person in everyday life i.e. managing their day-to-day responsibilities • Other causes for these problems have to be ruled out

  7. Types of dementia • There are thought to be over 100 different types of dementia • Most common type is Alzheimer’s disease • Other dementias include Vascular dementia, Lewy Body dementia, Parkinson’s disease dementia, Frontotemporal dementia, Alcohol related dementia

  8. The Assessment Process • Pre-assessment counselling • Clinical history gathering – asking lots of questions to find out what has been going on • Paper and pencil tests and questionnaires • Feedback appointment – the outcome of the assessment • Support Planning – to help you live well

  9. Support planning:Living Well With Dementia • Written Support Plan and information • Consideration for anti-dementia medication • Memory groups run by the Trust • Research possibilities • Alzheimer’s Society – Dementia Connect service • Admiral Nurse Service and DISC • Social Services input if needed

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