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Mathematics and Science Partnerships, Title II, Part B, NCLB. MSP Purpose.
Mathematics and Science Partnerships, Title II, Part B, NCLB
MSP Purpose • To improve the academic achievement of students in math and science by supporting programs that improve and upgrade the status and stature of m/s teaching by encouraging higher education to assume greater responsibility for recruiting, training, and advising m/s teachers.
Purpose cont. • Focus on education of m/s teachers as a career-long process that stimulates intellectual growth and upgrades skills; • Brings m/s teachers in contact with working scientists and mathematicians at IHEs.
Purpose cont. • Develop rigorous curricula that are aligned with state standards; • Improve and expand training of m/s teachers, including effective integration of technology into curricula and instruction.
MSP Management Overview • State formula grant program to the states. • States make competitive grant awards. • Partnerships are between math, science, and engineering faculty of IHEs and high-need LEAs. • Others may be included. • Content-focused PD supported. • Individual projects must report to ED on annual basis.
MSP Management Overview • States make competitive awards to eligible partners: --must include an engineering, mathematics of science (STEM) department of an institution of higher education; and a high-need LEA. --may include another IHE STEM department; other LEAs; a business; or nonprofit or for profit organization.
MSP Management Overview Authorized PD Activities: --support 2-week summer institutes with follow-up during the school year. --improve subject matter knowledge. --promote strong teaching skills. --recruit STEM majors into teaching. --develop rigorous curricula aligned with state standards. --prepare teacher leaders. --place teachers in scientific settings. --identify exemplary STEM teachers. --prepare under-represented individuals for STEM fields.
MSP Management Overview Evaluation Requirements: Each project shall develop an evaluation and accountability plan for activities supported by these funds that includes rigorous objectives that measure the impact of these activities. Each plan shall include measures on growth in teachers’ content knowledge, and on improved student achievement.
MSP Management Overview • Annual Performance Reports: --web-based data collection instrument. --each funded project submits annually to ED. --The State reviews and approves before it is submitted to ED.