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Understanding Fractions: Part of a Whole and Equal Parts

Learn about fractions as parts of a whole or set, how to recognize fractions, read them correctly, and represent them in different scenarios. Includes examples of fractions in everyday situations.

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Understanding Fractions: Part of a Whole and Equal Parts

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What Are Fractions?

  2. What is a Fraction? • A fraction is a part of a whole • like a piece of a whole pizza or a whole pie • A fraction is also a part of a set • like in a dozen cupcakes

  3. Equal Parts • To have a fraction, you must have equal parts not equal parts equal parts

  4. numerator 1 denominator 4 What does a fraction look like?

  5. 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 10 6 3 2 4 How Do We Read Fractions? • one half • one sixth • one eighth • one third • one fourth • one tenth

  6. Parts of a Set • Example - We made 6 cookies. 1 is peanut butter and 5 are chocolate chip. How would you write the number of peanut butter cookies as a fraction. 1 the number of peanut butter cookies 6 the total number of cookies

  7. Parts of a Set • What fraction of the triangles are red? 1 red triangles 2 total number triangles

  8. Parts of a Set • What fraction of the boxes are orange? 1 orange boxes 4 total number boxes

  9. Parts of a Set • What fraction of the stars are yellow? 4 yellow stars 10 total number stars

  10. Parts of a Whole • Example – I ordered one whole pizza. It was cut into 8 slices. I ate 2 slices. What fraction of the whole pizza did I eat? 2 the number of slices I ate 8 the total number of pizza slices

  11. 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 8 6 Parts of a Whole • What is the fraction of the colored part of each picture below?

  12. 4 Parts of a Whole • What is the fraction of the blue part of the picture below? 4 3 2 1

  13. 2 4 3 2 7 3 6 4 2 8 Parts of a Whole • What is the fraction of the colored part of each picture below?

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