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Watch this videonow I’m talking about Email vs SMS/Text performance. Just look at this EYE-OPENINGdifference: OpenRates… Email:22% SMS:98% Click-ThroughRates… Email:7% SMS:14% ConversionRates… Email:2% SMS8% Time toOpen… Email: 384 minutes (if ever) SMS: 90seconds The bottom line is, if your business doesn’t adapt to mobile – it willdie. Today is the day to make the easytransition. A new platform called TextDeliver has just beenreleased. Best of all, it functions like an email autoresponder which we are all use to – however its for SMS… and delivers massive BOOSTS in deliverability, engagement andsales! You need to check out TextDeliver and itsspecial IntroducingTextDeliver:
TextDeliver is the Most Powerful SMS Platform for creating & managing text message campaigns with your subscribers andcustomers TextDeliver keeps you comfortable with the email autoresponder-like layout, but for MOBILE. Best of all there are no restrictions (but for a very shorttime). Add an unlimited number of subscribers, lists and send as many SMS messages you wouldlike. Other services charge between $99 -$299/mo for this type of platform. You pay less than that AND at a one timeinvestment. http://crownreviews.com/textdeliver-review-bonus/ https://www.facebook.com/TextDeliver-reviews-and-bonuses-TextDeliver- 1624928017821034/ https://medium.com/@coxakava/textdeliver-review-mega-23-500-bonus-of- textdeliver-5e6137b7a6f3#.mibhguto9 www.linkedin.com/hp/update/6161841310174113792 http://ruwotoku.tumblr.com/post/147743490310/textdeliver-review-pro-15900- bonuses-free
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