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Dr Gokhale explains about different Surgical Treatments to treat Heart failure.
SURGICAL TREATMENTPROCEDURES by Dr Gokhale http://www.drgokhale.com
Heart Pumps • These mechanical devices, called left ventricular assist devices (LVADs), are implanted into the abdomen and attached to a weakened heart to help it pump blood throughout the body. Implanted heart pumps can significantly extend and improve the lives of some people with end-stage Heart Failure who are waiting for a new heart or who aren't qualified for a heart transplant. http://www.drgokhale.com
Pacemakers & ICDs • Implanted devices can control arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms) that may result from Heart Failure. Devices include pacemakers to treat a too-slow heart rate and implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) to stop a too-rapid heart rate that could be life threatening. Sometimes a biventricular pacemaker is combined with an ICD for people with severe Heart Failure. http://www.drgokhale.com
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery • The most common surgery for Heart Failure is bypass surgery, if Heart Failure is caused by coronary artery disease and there are blockages that can be "grafted" or bypassed. http://www.drgokhale.com
Coronary Stenting • This refers to the insertion of a wire mesh metal tube called a stent into a clogged vessel to help keep it open. This usually occurs in conjunction with balloon angioplasty. Balloon angioplasty is a catheter-based procedure in which plaque is pressed back against artery walls to make more room for blood to flow through the artery. http://www.drgokhale.com
Infarct Exclusion Surgery (Modified Dor or Dor Procedure) • When a heart attack occurs in the left ventricle (left lower pumping chamber of the heart), a scar forms. The scarred area is thin and can bulge out with each beat. The bulging thin area is called an aneurysm. When Heart Failure occurs after a heart attack, the surgeon may choose to combine bypass surgery and/or valve repair, with removal of the infarcted (dead) area of heart tissue or the aneurysm. Infarct exclusion surgery allows the surgeon to return the left ventricle to a more normal shape. Reducing the size of and reshaping the left ventricle help restore normal function to the pumping mechanism. http://www.drgokhale.com
Heart Valve Surgery • Diseased heart valves can be treated both surgically (traditional heart valve surgery) and non-surgically (balloon valvuloplasty). http://www.drgokhale.com
Cardiac Resynchronization • Cardiac resynchronization is designed to correct a condition called ventricular dysynchrony in which the two lower chambers of the heart (known as the left and right ventricles) do not beat at the same time. The surgery helps the two sides of the heart beat together again and improve the heart’s efficiency. In this procedure, a biventricular pacemaker is implanted to coordinate, or synchronize, muscle contractions in the ventricles. http://www.drgokhale.com
Heart Transplant • A heart transplant is considered when Heart Failure is so severe that it does not respond to all other therapies. Heart transplants have dramatically improved the survival and quality of life of people with severe Heart Failure. But the availability of a donor heart is a big problem. http://www.drgokhale.com
Cardiac Wrap Surgery • Researchers are studying a technique that wraps a failing heart in a mesh bag, to prevent its further failure. A surgeon pulls the mesh wrap over the base of the heart and attaches it with stitches. The goal is to prevent a weakened heart from enlarging (dilating) and failing further. http://www.drgokhale.com
Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP) • This noninvasive technique has been used as a treatment for heart-related chest pain, and researchers are studying whether it is beneficial for people with Heart Failure. Inflatable pressure cuffs are placed on the calves, thighs and buttocks. These cuffs are inflated and deflated in sync with the heartbeat. The theory is that EECP increases blood flow back to the heart. http://www.drgokhale.com