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Cool​ ​Designing Tips​ ​They​ ​Don’t Teach​ ​You​ ​in Classes​ ​#2

We hope you have read our first installment of the designing hacks <br>series. If you haven’t don’t worry, you can read it here. If you don’t <br>want to switch to a new tab just now, then don’t worry either, we will​ ​cover​ ​those​ ​points​ ​succinctly​ ​in​ ​this​ ​post​ ​too. <br>

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Cool​ ​Designing Tips​ ​They​ ​Don’t Teach​ ​You​ ​in Classes​ ​#2

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cool​​​​Designing Tips​​​​They​​​​Don’t Teach​​​​You​​​​in Classes​​​​#2

  2. We hope you have read our first installment of the designing hacks series. If you haven’t don’t worry, you can read it here. If you don’t want to switch to a new tab just now, then don’t worry either, we will​​​​cover​​​​those​​​​points​​​​succinctly​​​​in​​​​this​​​​post​​​​too. Earlier, we discussed the bright and increasing job outlook for web designers in as many​​Node.Js web development companies in USA are focusing on ramping up the look and feel of the project they develop.

  3. Development, despite the fact how immaculate it is, it always stays behind the curtain, especially for your visitor. The front-end of any web or app project is what your users would see. So, a web designer should be loaded with all the clever hacks to boost your creativity and productivity. We are here to exactly help you let you achieve that. In our last installment, we focused on the significance of using potent code editors such as Cloud 9 instead of conventional text editors including Notepad to boost speed and reduce the possibilities of errors. Moreover, we shed light on the importance of using colors that not only look pretty but also spur viewer’s emotions. If you have been waiting for new hacks since yesterday, your wait is over. Here’s​​​​the​​​​add​​​​on​​​​to​​​​our​​​​last​​​​post:

  4. 1.​​​​Don’t​​​​Compromise​​​​Speed​​​​with Aesthetics The more spices you add to a dish the more delicious it becomes. However, if you don’t halt, excess spices could ruin the taste of the entire dish. Likewise, without a doubt, color and design elements make​​​​your​​​​website​​​​appear​​​​beautiful​​​​but​​​​it​​​​impacts​​​​its​​​​loading​​​​speed. Slow loading website is a big no-no for search engines including Google. It’s more than a good reason for them to rank your website down. On a side note, Amazon noticed that if their page takes one more extra second to load, they will lose more than $1.5 billion of sales.

  5. 2.​​​​Don’t​​​​Forget​​​​About​​​​CTAs2.​​​​Don’t​​​​Forget​​​​About​​​​CTAs If you successfully get a job in a renowned ​​Node.Js web development service​​, you would be handed over the opportunity to work​​​​for​​​​a​​​​number​​​​of​​​​different​​​​clients​​​​with​​​​different​​​​requirements. However, the primary goal of all of them would be the same i.e. to convert website visitors into customers. And that is only possible with a solid CTA (call to action) page that entices the visitors to take a certain action. The action could be anything such as calling, dropping an inquiry email, or filling out the quote form. Hence, try to see each project from customer’s perspective and think what would be​​​​the​​​​best​​​​design​​​​elements​​​​they​​​​will​​​​like. These tips are from several experts to bolster your designing base. Eventually, we will come up with our final installment with 4 outstanding​​​​designing​​​​tips.

  6. Source:- https://webhonozitservices.wordpress.com/2017/09/13/co ol-designing-tips-they-dont-teach-you-in-classes-2/

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