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QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE QManagement is a web based Quality Management solution which based on ISO/TS 16949 quality system as reference and designed to support and enable application and operation of all known quality systems (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 22000, ISO/IEC 27001, SA 8000, ISO/IEC 17025, VDA, ISO 13485 etc.) Since 2002, our software has been developed in paralel with ISO/TS 16949 quality system, has a proven track record in all business sectors from small to large enterprises and public organizations and QManagement passed all audits with successes.Our software is secure enough to be used either as an intranet or internet solution. Developing such a product in our company, helps us to shorten the problem solution time and enables us to provide customer oriented improvements. Integration of our management system with databased applications, prevents duplicate data processing. Thus, in paralel to quality management systems , Qmanagement paves the way for process-oriented approach.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE QManagement runs on Windows servers and customer only pay for the QManagement software licence. There is no either additional or hidden cost. If your company doesn’t have a server then a computer with Windows Vista Operating System and SQL Database will help you to benefit from the QManagement performance. Our customers cut the stationery expenses by 95% and improved employee performance by 47% at the end of the first year. Our software helped our customers to move from person based tasks to institutional and process-oriented approach. More, our software helps to identify bottlenecks in processes which helps either to solve the problems immediately or to start improvement activities and prevents the re-occurence of the failure(s) and/or bottlenecks. These abilities provide value to organizations and supports them to increase their competancy on the markets.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE QManagement is composed of the following modules: File, Document and archieve management Customer and Supplier Complaints management Calibrated equipment management and MSA monitoring Process (SPC) and Machine (Cmk) Capability Analysis Training Management Corrective /Preventive/improving actions (DÖFİ) management Actions Plan Management FMEA Management Control Plan Management Questionnarie Management Proposal Management My Tasks to do Process Aproach Management 8D Management Supporting Electonical documents Health and safety at work risk types and affects analysis (EN ISO 14121) Audit Planning, imlementing analysing
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • File, Document and Archieve Management • Allows unlimited directory configuration,you may assign a responsible for each directory and able to provide access control rights for each user on directory and file basis. • Distribution and distribution management of printed documents can be monitored and reported. • To obtain the highest document security and access control, you may create different user groups and you may assign different rights and access rights to them. • New document requests can be created and monitored. Approved document requirements can be transferred to system.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • File, Document and Archieve Management • Document revision requests can be created. While revision history of the requested document can be monitored, all revision requests can also be viewed. • New document requests can be posted for the approval of the related person and approval state always can be followed. Documents can be queried and approvals are monitored. • Document contents can be read, related and linked documents, revision history can be inspected. • Using search section, you can access the documents you are searching for. • File Archieve and document archive can be followed, and storage place, destruction time, destruction type of archieved documents can also be reported.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • Process Management • Main and sub processes can be defined and monitored on the QManagement System. • Process responsibles and team(s) can be defined and you may assign access control rights for process input(s) and output(s). • Processes can be activated and deactivated. • For each process you may define input(s), output(s),resource(s) and related/interacting processes. You may report process plans interactively. • All process maps, sub-process criteria(s) and process reports can be saved and published on the QManagement System.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • Process Management • For any nonconformity on processes, products, incoming materials or goals you may create DÖFİ and manage and monitor the DÖFI on QManagement system. • By specifiying process documents, you may easy the access of the process related person(s). • Process Performance reporting can be created graphically depending on the given criteria. • Monthly variation of performance or key performance indicators for processes can be descriptively saved, reported and traced.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • Audit Management • Allows planning, impelementing and evalution of audits for different periods. • Question pools for management systems can be prepared, attached and/or related to business units and processes for use in audit plans and/or planning. • Auditor pools can be defined and active auditors can be monitored. • Audits can be executed for business units and processes. • By preparing draft audit plans and messaging to responsibles of the business units for inspection, audit plan finalization can be fastened. • Questions of finalized audits prepared by QManagement system. Business units to be audited, audit questions and audit times can be followed on
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • Audit Management • QManagement system or may be mailed to related business unit responsibles. • Auditors can print audit questions on business unit basis and accomplish pre-audit work for time saving. • Results of completed audits can be entered to the Qmanagement system by auditos and DÖFİ’s can be opened for inconsistencies. Opened DÖFi’s are delivered to related business units by Qmanagement system. • Annual audit plans can be monitored by pre-defined color combinations and detailed reports can be obtained.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • DÖFİ Management ( Corrective / Preventive / Improvement Action ) • DÖFİ type and results can be defined. DÖFİ’s can be grouped and detailed to subgroups. At DÖFİ form, you may define open, close and planned dates for DÖFİ and you may start the DÖFİ action for DÖFİ responsible and business unit. Messages for the started DÖFİ action are delivered to related users by the QManagement system. • DÖFİ responsible can assign team members for the action , can set delivery times and record the results of the activities. • When action completed, Action responsible informs the person who started DÖFİ, and after controlling the action closes it.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • DÖFİ Management ( Corrective / Preventive / Improvement Action ) • When a DÖFİ can not be finished at the planned time, additional time can be requested or a new DÖFİ can be started or DÖFİ can be cancelled by the starter. • DÖFİ reports help the users to follow ratios of activities to each other, business units starting activities, action subject and lots of different statistics.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • Calibrated Equipments Management • QManagement allows detailed information on calibrated equitments to be defined and also allow warning scheduling for calibration. • Equipment calibration certificates and verification forms can be saved, cost centers for each equipment can be defined. Besides defining equipment states, equipment responsibles can also be defined. • Related persons informed by email for equipments whose calibration time is approaching. Information mail also includes usable information about external calibration team. • QManagemet opening form warns all users for equipments with missing calibration(s) • The modül also reports calibration costs, calibration dates of equipments, equipments with missing calibrations, cost centers and equipment responsibles.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • Customer and Supplier Complaints Management • All customer and supplier complaints can be recorded and monitored. • Customer complaint forms can be saved in their original form. Allows Customer 8D report preparation. At the time of customer complaint corresponding DOFİ record can be opened and detailed reports can be produced. • Customer and Supplier reports can be queried using different search criteria. Reports for defined search criteria are prepared immediately. • Complaints can be searched according to customer, supplier, material name and type. Additionally, alert managements enable complaint communication(s) to be delivered timely.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • Customer and Supplier Complaints Management • The module enables preparation and archieving of Fax documents/writings. Archieved documents can be accessed at any time easily. • While PPM values for each customer /supplier can be reported, by inputing sales/purchase values annual PPM values can be computed and you can obtain graphically supported reports for all data. • Various reports can be produced using different criterias and combinations such as date interval, customer/supplier, complaint definition, departmants, responsibles, defective products, defect reasons etc
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • Training Management • Employees and related information can be defined. • Training requests of employees can be followed. Allows planned and other trainings, training plans and training calendar. • Training calendar allows easy monitoring of planned training(s). • Training planning and monitoring can be monitored according to employee or training subject. Allows printing of training passports, training lists and printing training certificates • Provides training contribution document for completed trainings.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • Training Management • Provides training evaluation test(s) and training action form. • Reports training cost(s) and training budgeting. • Trainings materials can be accessed easily. • Training reports includes various data for annual training including number of planned trainings, number of realized trainings, realization percentage, training plan(s), test(s),minimum, maximum and average points
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • Action Management • Action subject and steps can be defined. For each subject a responsible can be assigned and detailed work description can be written, schedule can be determined. Action step responsible may determine and assign his/her team. • Access control rights for each action step can be defined, so that only related person(s) can access the action . • Action starter can be informed by email about the action steps and tasks. • Action plan(s) can be reported at any time. States of the activities can be monitored and reported.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • Questionnarie Management • Questionnaries are composed of mutliple choice and/or commentable questions. • Questionnarie can be posted for internal and/or external users. A delivery date to complete the questionnarie can be defined. Responses are automatically updated to questionnarie to produce reports and statistics. • Results of printed and physically distributed questionnarie results must be entered manually to QManagement.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • 3İ Management • Keeps employee proposals. Proposing employees and/or groups can be classified to enable different bonus calculations. Proposals can be queried/searched on various criteria such as proposal content etc. Who is top proposer, whose proposals approved most are some of the reports. • 3i Management allows to monitor proposal lifecycle. At any time you can see which proposal is at which stage, which proposals are waiting for approval, which proposals are approved or not. • Besides date range and annual reporting, you may also obtain reports to publish at enterprise boards. • 3i Management allows management of internal proposals, easies savings calculation, enables correct bonus calculation and enforces uniquness of internal proposals by showing duplicate or previously made proposals.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • Meeting Management • This modules enables you to plan and schedule internal, external meeting(s). Allows defining meeting participants including customers, suppliers, business units and employees. • For each planned meeting has type, subject, scheduled date & time, meeting place, meeting participants.Repeting meetings such as daily, weekly, monthly annually can be defined. • Meeting reports presented with color combinations to easy monitoring of meetings and their states. • The modules keeps meeting notes and enables historical view of them.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • Meeting Management • Access rights for meeting notes can be defined according to user groups and/or meeting participants. • Completed meeting notes can be distributed to meeting participants or other related persons by QManagement system. • To easy participant following of meetings, user specific reports for given date ranges are provided. • Meeting planning also easies the meeting place management. Reporting abilities of QManagement system helps to monitor Meeting place availability.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • MSA Management • Calibrated Equipments Measurement Systems analysis are accomplished according to 1st and 2nd MSA methods. • MSA can be calculated according to variance-tolerance and X-R graph, result report and comments are available.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • 8D Management • Complaints are evaluated and inspected at 8 steps. Root cause analysis can be executed and activities can be started to prevent the re-occurence of the complaint. Complaint and detailed report can be sent to customer. • Each activities of the 8D can be monitored and reported.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • Process (SPC) and Machine (CMK) Proficiency Analysis • Measurement results are entered to the system to evaluate the process proficiency. Graphics and reports easy the process analysis and helps to drill down to failure reasons. • For all recorded SPC’s, machines can be grouped according to their characteristics, groups or descriptions. • Results can be graphed as X-R, value and Histogram. Graph types can easily be changed. • SPC, CMK calculation analysis report, value, X-R and Histogram graph, result and measurement values can be automatically reported. You may save graphs you want to store for further usage. • Reports build can be saved and mailed to related process responsibles and/or employees.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • FMEA management • Potential failures, affects of failures, potential failure reasons and preventive actions can be defined. Evaluation of defined failures and affects can easily be achieved. • If evaluation results are over accepted range of values, you may define and schedule actions and assign responsibles and start the action immediately.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • Control Plan Management • Control plans can be defined and categorized according to process types. • Control plans can be reported, edited and changed.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • Health and Safety at work Risk Types and affects Analysis (EN ISO 14121) • ISO 1050 Standard items can be defined on the system. Items can be evaluated. If evaluation results are not in defined/accepted range(s), activities can be started and reported.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • Supporting Electronical Documents • Forms used for daily operations/activities can be imported to the system which enables interactive usage of those forms via QManagement. • For our customers we strongly suggest to define most actively used forms electronically and use through out the QManagement.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE • My Tasks • MyTasks helps users to see their actions and tasks assigned to them when they login to QManagement. • MyTasks allows the user to see and manage the all tasks from different modules of the QManageement.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE What are the QManagement Server Requirements ? Processor We suggest newest generation CPUs. RAM 2 GB Hard Disk 1 GB + document archieve size Operating System Microsoft Windows 2003 veya 2008 Server QManagement runs on Windows server systems. Developed with ASP and uses MSSQL databsase. Qmanagement can be used either by intranet or internet.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE How can QManagement software be used on geograhically different locations and countries? While ArtıKalite software company located in Bursa, we have customers from all provinces of Turkey. After software purchased we setup remote connection to server where the software will be used and our technical support team installs QManagement software. Next, depending on the customer requirements we provide onsite or remote training. Technical support operations are executed via remote connection.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE Does QManagement help instituonalization of our company? Primary purpose of such a software is to enforce and fasten the instituonalization of companies. Software decreases person/employee dependency and enables operations to be executed on Qmanagement which helps to increase instituonalization. What is the Cost of such a System? Costs depends on the customer requirements. But, gainings and improvements provided by software especially the decrease in stationery expenses amortizes the software cost. More, ArtiKalite software is a member of technology development zone and our services and products are free from VAT After QManagement installed, should existing documents to be imported? By attaching document descriptive information and attaching document
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE What we will benefit from QManagement Software? QManagement will help for efficient understanding of quality to be widened through out the company and will enforce and increase the instituonalization. Daily tasks, routines will be executed and delivered through Qmanagement and will increase the performance of employees. All documents and quality related activities will be transferred to electronical enviroment so that stationery expenses will decrease by 95%. By this way, document creation, revision, archieving, distribution activities will be managed and executed through QManagement which will yield full control over your documents. Qmanagement internal messaging and alert systems will help the activities to be completed at schedules and increase the control on daily operations. Reports and statistics preparation will be easier than before and will increase the employee performance. Also, with QManagement your company always will be ready for any audit.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE Do we need Certificate to use QManagement ? Qmanagement can be used by organizations who have a management sertificate or planning to have a management certificate. Why QManagement Software ? QManagement Quality Management System Software is leader in her area and an integrated management system software.QManagement is designed and developed to transfer your management systems into electonical platform, to control document distribution inside company, to help employees to do their tasks simpler and easier than before and increase the employee performance, minimize the stationery expenses, to warn and alert the employees about what will they do. QManagement helps you to keep management system documents securely and shortens and simplifies the road to obtain desired and/or targeted management system certificates.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE ADVANTEGES * Designed and developed according to ISO TS 16949 standart * Allows usage of more than one management system together * Multiple location support * Maximum performans with minimum hardware requirements * Flexibility of the software allows QManagement to be used on all sectors and public organizations * Besides organizational usage with the help of Access control rights, your customers and suppliers can also use the QManagement * Prevents employee dependent systems/solutions usage and enforces institutionalization by providing standardized management systems.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE ADVANTEGES * EMail integration enables warning related employees, responsibles by automatically which increases the management systems usability and operability. * Each user can see all the activities he/she has to do which easies tasks management and increases operatibility. * Tasks, activities which are not completed can easily be monitored. * Flexible reporting solutions for each modules of the Qmanagement. * 95% decrease on stationery costs *Documents are controlled and managed from a single place. * Decreases document count and easies document monitoring.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE ADVANTEGES * Knowledge security increases * Query and document linking ability easies the document Access * Integration with the other software eliminates document duplication. * IPK,CMK,MSA statistics * Modular structure allows activities to be managed, followed easily. * Enforces wider usage of Quality and Management system inside the enterprise and increases applicability of those systems and Quality understanding. *Helps to prevent repetition of failures using root failure analysis.
QMANAGEMENT INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE ADVANTEGES * Alert and warning systems enables to see bottlenecks . * Access Control rights can be defined for each user specifically. This allows users to see and participate only the activities they are responsible and/or related. * Document prepation approval, revision and archieving becomes easier and shorter
PLUSQUAİTY SOFTWARE THANKS FOR TAKİNG THE TİME www.artikalite.com.tr Artıkalite Yazılım Bilişim San. Ve Tic. Ltd.Şti. Address Uludağ Üni. Ulutek Tek.Gel.Böl. Kat:3 No:306 Bursa/Türkiye Phone +90 224 2400997 Fax +90 224 2479096 E-mail info@artikalite.com.tr