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Read These……….

Read These………. Comprehension. Can You Read The Following Words?. when contains factor form not this other inverse inequality have sides of with be adding do as negative terms variable both side additive equivalent.

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Read These……….

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Read These………. Comprehension

  2. Can You Read The Following Words? when contains factor form not this other inverse inequality have sides of with be adding do as negative terms variable both side additive equivalent

  3. When the inequality contains terms that have the variable as a factor and terms that do not have the variable as a factor on both sides, form an equivalent in equality that has all the terms with the variable as a factor on one side and the terms not having the variable on the other side. This can be accomplished by adding the additive inverse (negatives) of the terms to both sides of the inequality. Now Read This Passage and Solve the Problem

  4. Were you able to solve the problem? Why or why not?

  5. What Prevented You From Fully Comprehending The Passage?

  6. EgregioMichaelangelo,Mi scusod’avertardatocositanto a scriverti.Ti ringraziotanto per la tuaospitalita. Mi sonodivertitamoltissimo in Italia. Sperodiritornare in molto presto. Grazie, Anna

  7. Why did Anna write the letter?What did Anna say in the letter?How did Anna feel about her trip?

  8. What Prevented You From Fully Comprehending The Passage?

  9. The woggly thenk squonked zurrily mire the herp. What Squonked? How did it squonk? Where did it squonk? What kind of thenk is it?

  10. Where You Able to Fully Comprehending The Passage?

  11. What Does This Tell Us About Comprehension? It is affected by: Understanding of genre or content Familiarity with language & structure Background knowledge Vocabulary knowledge

  12. How Do We Get Kids To Comprehend When they lack vocabulary, background knowledge, genre experience? • We give them strategies • We model the strategies • We give them time to practice the strategies while reading

  13. COMPREHENSION Explicit Instruction for Developing Strategic, Active, Critical Readers

  14. The “BIG FIVE”

  15. Comprehension Comprehension is the reason for reading. If readers can read the words but do not understand what they read, they are not really reading. As they read, good readers are both purposeful and active.

  16. What is challenging about helping your students learn to read with comprehension? THINK…PAIR…SHARE…

  17. What Does Research Say About the PROFICIENT READER? Text comprehension can be improved by instruction that helps readers use specific comprehension strategies. • By using conscious plans- sets of steps to make sense of text • By helping students become purposeful, active readers Students can be taught to use comprehension strategies. • Through explicit or direct instruction • Through cooperative learning • Through learning how to use multiple strategies flexibly and as they are needed

  18. Reading is Thinking!

  19. Strategic Thinking! “True comprehension goes beyond literal understanding and involves the reader’s interaction with text. If students are to become thoughtful, insightful readers, they must extend their thinking beyond a superficial understanding of the text.” Stephanie Harvey and Anne Goudvis

  20. What Strategies Should be Taught? Researchers identified strategies that proficient readers use to construct meaning from text. Pearson, Keene, Harvey, Goudvis, Robb and others summarized these strategies.

  21. The Comprehension Strategies Identified through Research

  22. Use your schema to make connections Text to Self Text to Text Text to World Making connections between the new and the known, building and activating background knowledge.

  23. Make mental images “Visualizing is a comprehension strategy that enables readers to make the words on a page real and concrete.” Keene and Zimmerman

  24. Ask questions “Questioning is the strategy that keeps readers engaged. When readers ask questions, they clarify understanding and forge ahead to make meaning. Asking questions is at the heart of thoughtful reading.” Harvey and Goudvis

  25. Make Inferences “Inferring is at the intersection of taking what is known, garnering clues from the text, and thinking ahead to make a judgment, discern a theme, or speculate about what is to come.” Harvey and Goudvis

  26. Pick out Important Ideas “Thoughtful readers grasp essential ideas and important information when reading. Readers must differentiate between less important ideas and key ideas that are central to the meaning of the text.” Harvey and Goudvis

  27. Synthesize Information The Evolution of Thought Synthesizing is putting together separate parts into a new whole….a process akin to working a jigsaw puzzle. Harvey and Goudvis

  28. Metacognition “If confusion disrupts meaning, readers need to stop and clarify their understanding. Readers may use a variety of strategies to “fix up” comprehension when meaning goes awry.” Harvey and Goudvis

  29. Four Kinds of Readers/Learners Tacit Readers/Learners Aware Readers/Learners Strategic Readers/Learners Reflective Readers/Learners

  30. Four Kinds of Readers/Learners Tacit Readers/Learners Aware Readers/Learners Strategic Readers/Learners Reflective Readers/Learners

  31. Gradual Release of Responsibility

  32. Instruction in Action… Irene C. Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency Thinking, Talking, and Writing About Reading


  34. MODEL “THINK ALOUD” • The teacher explains the strategy. • The teacher demonstrates how to apply the strategy successfully. • The teacher thinks aloud to model the mental processes she uses when she reads. “I DO.”

  35. Instructional Approach • Reading Aloud • Thinking Aloud and Coding Text • Lifting Text (overhead projector) • Reasoning Through Text (engaging in conversation)

  36. Instructional Approach • Providing Anchor Experiences (mini lessons on strategies) • Rereading for Deeper Meaning (multiple readings of text) • Sharing Our Own Literacy by Modeling With Adult Literature (using more difficult text to teach)

  37. Anchor Charts

  38. Using SHORT TEXT Magazines Poetry Newspapers Short Stories Essay Picture Books

  39. PROVIDE GUIDED PRACTICE • The teacher scaffolds the students’ attempts and supports student thinking, giving feedback during conferring and classroom discussions. • Students share their thinking processes with each other during paired reading and small - and large – group discussions. “WE DO.”

  40. ALLOW FOR INDEPENDENT PRACTICE “YOU DO.” • After working with the teacher and with other students, the students try to apply the strategy on their own. • The students receive regular feedback from the teacher and other students.

  41. GIVE MULTIPLE OPPORTUNITIES TO EXPERIMENT USING THE STRATEGIES • Whole class discussions • Pair shares • Small informal discussion groups • “Compass” group – four way share • Book Clubs or Literature Circles • Informational Study Groups “I DO. WE DO. YOU DO.”

  42. Responses to Reading Authentic, Diverse, Open Ended

  43. Ways To Share Thinking • Coding text with sticky notes • Making notes in the margins • Circling, highlighting, framing, bracketing, and underlining the text • Using two-and three-column note forms to explore thinking

  44. More Ways to Respond to Reading • Writing and responding in notebooks – Steno notebooks, literature response journals, Think Books • Writing letters to teachers, classmates, others in the school community, authors, illustrators Read me again for deeper understanding!

  45. CHILDREN’S CHOICES: Helping Children Choose Text

  46. STOP! And use the 5 finger rule when you choose a book! Read a page in the middle of the book. Put up one finger for every “clunk” you have. 0 fingers – too easy 1-3 fingers – just right 4-5 – quite hard – go slow! 5+ - too hard for now

  47. Helping our English Language Learners

  48. REFERENCES: QUESTIONS?COMMENTS? Strategies that Work Harvey & Goudvis Mosaic of Thought Keene & Zimmerman Elkhart Community School District Wisconsin Literary Education Comprehension and Fluency Fountas & Pinnell Reading with Meaning Debbie Miller www.readinglady.com What Really Matters for Struggling Readers Richard Allington

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