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The French Revolution. The French Revolution was was violent, expensive, and ultimately it leads to a strong man leader taking control. On April 28, 1789 unrest broke out in violent protest at the Reveillon’s wall paper factory.
The French Revolution • The French Revolution was was violent, expensive, and ultimately it leads to a strong man leader taking control. • On April 28, 1789 unrest broke out in violent protest at the Reveillon’s wall paper factory. • In July the loss of jobs, lack of food, and lack of political power leads to the French Revolution
The Estates General of France • The Estates General of France was similar to the English Parliament. • The First Estate was composed of the clergy and church officials. • The Second Estate was the nobility. • The Third Estate - common people, 97% of the population of France.
Growing Discontent in France • In the 1700’s the population of France grew. • The Nobles and Clergy both attempted to gain revenue. • The Bourgeoisie wanted political power. • The Nobles and Clergy resented the power of the king and the bourgeoisie. The Third Estate wanted liberty and equality. • The Ancien Regime or old order is divided into three classes or estates which causes widespread resentment.
Financial Crisis in France in 1789 • Louis XV dies in 1774. • Louis XVI takes over with his bride Marie Antionette. • France has huge debts, partly from helping the U.S. in the Revolutionary War. deficit spending. • Louis XVI’s advisors all advised him to tax the first two estates. • In 1789 Louis XVI called the Estates General for the first time in 175 years.
The Formation of the National Assembly • On May 5, 1789 Louis XVI tells the Estates General to meet separately and then vote. • The Third Estate refuses. • On June 17, 1789 the Third Estate proclaims itself the National Assembly. • Louis XVI has the doors to the Estates General locked. • The National Assembly met and declared the Tennis Court Oath. • July 14, 1789 - The Bastille falls
The End of the Old Regime in France • After the Bastille falls General Lafayette takes control of Paris with the National Guard. • The Flag of France changes to the Tricolor - red, white, and blue. • The National Assembly takes control of the government. • The Declaration of the Rights of Man adopted : liberty, equality, and fraternity. • The Assembly rejects the, “Rights of Women.”
Quiz • 1. Who made up the first estate? • 2. What was one criticism of the first estate? • 3. What was one service that they provided? • 4. Who made up the second estate? • 5. What was one criticism of the second estate? • 6. What was one service that they provided? • 7. Who made up the third estate? • 8. What was one criticism of the third estate? • 9. What was one complaint of the peasantry? • 10. The parliament of France was known as what?
Reforms in Government • Emigres flee to Great Britain, Italy, and Germany. • The National Assembly divided France into 83 districts called departments. • Clergy were to be elected. • The Constitution of 1791 was approved, National Assembly was dissolved. • Louis XVI tries to flee France. • Legislative Assembly divides into conservative, liberal, and moderate.
The End of the Monarchy • Emperor Leopold II of Austria and Frederick William II of Prussia vow to invade France. • France declares war on Austria. • The Commune takes control of Paris. • Legislative Assembly abolishes the monarchy. • National Convention draws up new Constitution. • Louis XVI executed on Jan. 21 1793.
The National Convention • The French elected delegates to the National Convention using universal manhood suffrage in 1792. • On the right side or the conservative side were the Girondists and on the left were the radical Jacobins. • Marat was one of the sans-culottes. • The National Convention had Louis XVI executed.
Quiz Section 2+3 • 1. What was the government assembly created by the constitution developed by the National Assembly? • 2. This new assembly was divided into what three sections or divisions? • 3. The leader of the French National Guard was ? • 4. The nobles that fled France were known as ? • 5. The working class citizens of Paris and cities became known as __________ __________, because they wore trousers. • 6.Name the document that stated that the King of Austria and Prussia might invade France.
Exporting the Revolution • The French have initial success in battle and want to spread the Revolution.. • The Monarchies of Europe combine to form the first coalition. • The Committee of Public Safety set up to protect France. • The Revolutionary Tribunal is set up to try enemies of the state.
The Committee of Public Safety • The Committee begins to Draft recruits. Conscription. All men between the ages of 18 - 45. • Counter-revolutionary work done by the French nobility. • Charlotte Corday kills Marat • Jacobins - Danton and Robespierre oppose the Girondists
The Reign of Terror • The Reign of Terror lasted from September 1793 - July 1794. • The National Razor chopped off the head of anyone disloyal to the state. • Robespierre turns on Danton and has him executed. • Robespierre put to death on July, 1794. • National Convention codifies law, and metric system.