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Who vs. Whom. Who- Substitutes for the subject. Who can be used only for subjects and subject complements. Example: Who let the dogs out? Example: All of the school bullies want to take on a big guy who they know will not hurt them. Who vs. Whom. Whom - can be used only for objects.
Who vs. Whom Who- Substitutes for the subject. Who can be used only for subjects and subject complements. Example: Who let the dogs out? Example: All of the school bullies want to take on a big guy who they know will not hurt them.
Who vs. Whom • Whom- can be used only for objects. • Whom substitutes for objective pronouns (him, her) • Example: The tutor whom I was assigned to was very supportive. • Example: Whom did he question? • Example: Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.
Who vs. Whom Trick and Tip • When you have to make a who/whom decision, read the sentence twice. The first time, replace who with “he/she.” The second time, replace who with “him/her.” If the sentence sounds correct with “he,” use who. If correct with “him,” use whom.
The She/He-Him/Her Method Replace the Who or Whom in a sentence with she or her and see if it’s grammatically correct. • Choose Who if the personal pronoun is in the subjective case: I, we, he, she, it, they • Choose Whomif the personal pronoun is in the objective case: me, us, him, her, them • *Note: whoever and whomever follow suit
Examples • Who/Whom wrote the letter? • Replace who with she: • She wrote the letter • Replace whom with her: • Her wrote the letter. • The correct pronoun is Who. • She works in the sentence.
More Examples of Who vs. Whom: • For who/whom should I vote? • Should I vote for him/her? • Should I vote for he/she? So, we know that whom is correct. • Remember: whom is replaced with him or her.
And….more…. • Try another: • Who/Whom would be the best candidate? • She would be the best candidate. • Her would be the best candidate. • Therefore, Who is the answer.
Try some more: • We all know who/whom pulled the prank. • Try it out: • She pulled the prank. • Her pulled the prank • Therefore, who is the answer. • I asked who/whom they plan to send to the new island. What is the answer?
Keep going! • Who will be making the trip. They are not sure who/whom will be making the trip. • Again, reconstruct the sentence: Her will be making the trip. • She will be making the trip. • Therefore, the sentence reads: • They are not sure who will be making the trip.
And, more……. • Who/Whom do you think has the best ideas for learning grammar? • Turn the sentence around: • You think…..has the best ideas for learning grammar. • You think he/him has the best ideas for learning grammar. • You think he has the best ideas….(correct)
Fill in the blanks with either who or whom: • 1.She is the girl_____was employed here. • 2. He is the man_____we employed last year. • 3. Of______were you speaking? • 4. _______do you think will do the work best?
Your turn! • Now write five correct sentences using who and five correct sentences using whom.