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Discover predictable areas of human growth and development in teens as they evolve into independent individuals. Learn about their struggles with identity, changing behaviors, emerging interests, sexuality exploration, moral development, and cognitive changes. Explore chronological milestones, puberty, hormonal changes, and physical growth spurts. Gain insights into the psychological, emotional, and social aspects of adolescent development.
Areas Of Growth Human Growth and Development isPREDICTABLE!
Each teenager:*is an individual *unique personality *special interests *likes and dislikes.
Moving towards independence….. • Struggle with developing one’s own identity • Feeling awkward or strange about one's self and one's body • Focus on self, alternating between high expectations and poor self-esteem • Interests and clothing style influenced by peer group • Moodiness • Improved ability to use speech to express one's self • Realization that parents are not perfect; identification of their faults
Behaviors…. • Less overt affection shown to parents, with occasional rudeness • Complaints that parents interfere with independence • Tendency to return to childish or immature behavior, particularly overwhelmed or stressed
Future Interests and Cognitive Changes • Interests focused on the present, with limited thoughts of the future • Intellectual interests expand and gain in importance • Greater ability to do work (physical, mental, emotional)
Sexuality • Display shyness, blushing, and modesty • Girls develop physically sooner than boys • Increased interest in what sex is….. • Begin exploring issues and questions about their sexuality and sexual orientation
Sexuality cont. • Concerns regarding physical and sexual attractiveness to others • Frequently changing relationships • Worries about being normal
Morals, Values, and Self-Direction • Greater testing of rules and limits • Capacity for abstract thinking • Development of ideals and selection of role models • More consistent evidence of conscience • Experimentation with sex and drugs (cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana)
1 - Chronological 2 – Physical 3 – Intellectual 4 – Emotional 5 – Social 6 - Philosophical
1- CHRONOLOGICAL • iswhen you reach a certain AGE…..and by law something is legal to do.
It’s your birthday! • Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
Some examples of chronological growth are… • Drinking Alcohol • Voting • Tattoo w/out parent consent • Kindergarten • Hunting license • Driving • 21 • 18 • 18 • 5 • 12/10 • 16
…more examples… • Speedboat 30 HP+ • “R” movie • “Pg 13” movie w/out parents • Snowmobile • Fishing license • Jet Skiing, alone • Tobacco • Other? President, enlistment, sr. discounts, talking on cell phone while driving…. • 12 • 17 • 13 • 12/14 • 16 • 14 • 18
1 - Chronological 2 – Physical 3 – Intellectual 4 – Emotional 5 – Social 6 - Philosophical
“Adolescents”…… • …….a stage of development between childhood and adulthood.
Puberty Puberty signals the beginning of Adolescence.
“Puberty”…… • ….is the part of adolescence when the reproductive system becomes mature.
Puberty…… *growth period when a teens body starts looking like and adult *develops the physical ability to
Puberty is often referred to as ….. • “the passage into adulthood“
Puberty…… • ….is when the body matures both inside (inside) and out (externally)
puberty[ˈpjuːbəti]nounthe time when a child's body becomes sexually mature Arabic:سِن البُلوغ Chinese (Simplified):青春期 Czech:puberta Danish:pubertet Dutch:puberteit French:puberté German:die Pubertät Indonesian:pubertas Italian:pubertà Japanese:思春期 Korean:사춘기 Finnish:murrosikä Norwegian:pubertet Portuguese (Brazil):puberdade Portuguese (Portugal):puberdade Romanian:pubertate Slovak:puberta Slovenian:puberteta Spanish:pubertad Swedish:pubertet Other cultures recognize puberty too!
Puberty….. Isn’t a single event – but rather a gradual process that lasts 3-6yrs…… so get used to it…your body is changing!
Puberty….. Changes inside: brain & certain glands begin to release larger amounts of hormones into your blood stream.
Puberty….. Hormones play an important role in your bodies development
A HORMONE is … • ..a chemical made in one part of the body > >>> • carried in the bloodstream>>>> • causing a change in another part of the body. • HORMONES that cause sexual maturity are called sex hormones ex: testosterone (male), progesterone (female)
The PITUITARY GLAND • …is responsible for physical growth • It releases two hormones 1. HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE > stimulates growth 2. FOLLICLE STIMULATING HORMONE> development of reproductive system • …stimulates ovaries and testes to release hormones.
SLEEP • Teens frequently sleep longer. • Research suggests: • that teens need more sleep • allows their bodies grow and repair • on average, teens need about 9 1/2 hours of sleep a night.
Awkwardness /Growth Spurts • Teens may be more clumsy because of growth spurts. • During puberty: • body parts don't all grow at the same rate • leads to clumsiness as the teen tries to cope with limbs that seem to have grown overnight • Teens can appear uncoordinated.
Weight concerns .. girls • Teenage girls may become overly sensitive about their weight. • This concern arises because of the rapid weight gain associated with puberty.
Weight concerns .. girls cont. • 60%of adolescent girls report that they are trying to lose weight. • A small percentage of adolescent girls (1-3%) become so obsessed with their weight that they develop severe eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia.
Eating Disorders….male and female • Anorexia = self starvation • Bulimia = binge and purge • Binge Eating = bingeing on high calorie/comfort food • Anorexic/Bulimic = a combination
Developing at different rates! • Teens may be concerned because they are not physically developing at the same rate as their peers. • Teens may be more developed than their peers ("early-maturers") or less developed than their peers ("late-maturers"). • Being out of developmental "step" with peers is a concern to adolescents because most just want to fit in.
Early maturation… • Early maturation affects boys and girls differently. • BOYS……. • Research suggests that early maturing boys tend to be more popular with peers and hold more leadership positions.
early maturing…Boys continued…. • Adults often assume that early maturing boys are cognitively mature as well. • This assumption can lead to false expectations about a young person's ability to take on increased responsibility. • Risk taking
Early maturing girls • Because of their physical appearance: • more likely to experience pressure to become involved in dating relationships with older boys before they are emotionally ready. • Early maturing girls tend to suffer more from: • depression • eating disorders • anxiety.
Awkward expressing feelings • Teens may feel awkward about demonstrating affection to the opposite sex parent: • An teen girl who used to hug and kiss her dad may now shy away. • A boy who used to kiss his mother good night may now wave to her on his way up the stairs. • As they develop physically, teens are beginning to rethink their interactions with the opposite sex. • Friendships • Dating
Asking questions about sex Teens may ask more direct questions about sex: **trying to figure out their sexual values. **Teens often equate intimacy with sex. ** teens will assume that if they engage in the physical act, the emotional attachment will follow.
Puberty….. • It is unpredictable as to EXACTLY when it will occur…..BUT, • Puberty will eventually happen.
“Physical” changes include….. Growth Patterns Aggressiveness Hormone Changes Primary Sex Characteristics (reproductive changes) Secondary Sex Characteristics (other changes beyond reproductive ones)
Am I normal???? Height, foot size, foot size experiments “My shirts and pant legs are all of sudden too short”. “I now have B.O. when I never used to” “My hands can grab an adult size basketball easier now and shoe’s are changing sizes (it seems to be almost each month!)
Am I normal???? Yes – everyone will develop into an adult! Some start sooner/later than others… slower/quicker than others…. All at their own pace. THAT IS NORMAL! Your body will develop at the time that is right for YOUR BODY!
Primary Sex Characteristics • Structures necessary for reproduction develop fully • Males> testes, penis, & related internal reproductive organs • Females> ovaries, vagina, uterus & related internal reproductive organs
Secondary Sexual Characteristics for both genders Underarm hair More body hair/texture Change in skin texture … ZITS & Oily hair ! Body Odor – need to wear deodorant
Hormonal Changes cause a “Growth Spurt” The body grows faster than it ever has (except the first year of your life). • results in energy levels being high and low • Appetite increases • Need more sleep = repair and growth
Physical Growth and Development The Teenage Brain explained ( Physical Growth) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiduiTq1ei8
Growth patterns • Uneven – and at a different rate than peers may cause embarrassment due to lack of or over development. • Awkwardness – proper coordination of all body parts haven’t developed yet. • Growth of bones & muscle tissue can be painful “growing pains”
Osgood-Schlatter disease. • affects the softer area of bone near the top of the shinbone, where bone growth occurs. • It's most common in boys who play games or sports that involve running or jumping. • discomfort can last a few months and may continue to recur until the child's bones stop growing.
Aggressiveness • Physiological changes often cause restlessness (changes in your body) • Aggressive play may be a way of reducing stress • Aggressiveness may be a way to establish personal identities
Changes in BOYS: • Generally occur between 10 – 18… years • First sign is usually the “Growth Spurt”… growing in inches and pounds. • Usually begin developing 2 years after girls do. • Complete sexual development by 18.