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Chapter 14: The Cultural Legacy of West Africa

Delve into the vibrant cultural heritage of West Africa through oral traditions, griots, folktales, and visual arts. Learn about genealogy, proverbs, call-and-response music, instruments, and more that shape this rich legacy.

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Chapter 14: The Cultural Legacy of West Africa

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 14:The Cultural Legacy of West Africa Mr. Meza 7th Grade World History

  2. 1. What is oral tradition? • Learning and cultural ideas passed down orally, from one generation to the next

  3. 2. What is a Griot? • Poet-musicians who tell stories, sing songs of praise, and recite poems • Preserved the history and culture of West Africa • Some of the most famous artist in West African music

  4. 3. What is genealogy? • An account of the line of ancestry within a family

  5. 4. What are folktales? • Stories to pass along history and teach morals and values • Enslaved Africans brought folktales to American

  6. 5. What is a proverb? • Popular sayings • “Every time an old man dies, it is as if a library has burned”

  7. 6. What language was used to write the first books in West Africa? • Muslims published many books in Arabic

  8. 7. What is Call and Response? • A song style in which a singer or musician leads with a call, and a chorus responds

  9. 8. What musical styles are influenced by call-and –response? • gospel, jazz, blues, rock and roll, and rap

  10. 9. What are some West African instruments? • Balafon, ngoni, kora, and drums

  11. 10. What are forms of W. African visual arts? • Fabrics and baskets = everyday needs • Masks and sculptures = used in rituals or ceremonies, honor ancestors and royalty

  12. 11. What is terra-cotta? • Baked clay used to make pottery and sculptures

  13. 12. What is kente? • Traditional form of cloth produced in West Africa

  14. 13. What is appliqué? • A technique to make designs or pictures using fabric

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