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Implementing the EPOSTL ( E uropean Po rtfolio for S tudent T eachers of L anguages) in Pre-service Teacher Education. Barbara Mehlmauer-Larcher barbara.mehlmauer-larcher@univie.ac.at English Department , University of Vienna/Austria.
Implementing the EPOSTL(European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages) in Pre-service Teacher Education Barbara Mehlmauer-Larcher barbara.mehlmauer-larcher@univie.ac.at English Department, University of Vienna/Austria B. Mehlmauer-Larcher/Univ. of Vienna
EPOSTL:(European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages) • Developed for the European Centre for Modern Languages/Council of Europe by a team of teacher educators from 5 different countries (Austria, Armenia, Norway, Poland, UK, led by David Newby together with Rebecca Allan, Anne-Brit Fenner, Barry Jones, Hanna Komorowska & Kristine Soghikyan) • Available in various European languages (English, German, French, Polish, etc) • Overall aim : harmonisingteacher education in Europe B. Mehlmauer-Larcher/Univ. of Vienna
The EPOSTL in the European context Language Learning Language Teaching European Language Portfolio > Tool for Reflection & Self-assessment Common European Frame of Reference > Reference tool f. teaching, learning & assessment European Profile for Language Teacher Education > Reference tool f. teacher education programmes EPOSTL > Tool for Reflection & Self-assessment B. Mehlmauer-Larcher/Univ. of Vienna
EPOSTL: 3 main sections • 1) Personal statement section: help students to reflect on general questions of teaching • 2) Self-assessment section: list of > „can-do“ descriptors, e.g. „I can evaluate and select meaningful speaking and interactional activities to encourage learners to express their opinions, identity , culture etc.“ • 3) Dossier: document progress, record examples of work etc. 3 further sections: • Introduction • Glossary of terms • Index & Users‘ Guide 24.06.2007 18. 09. 2008 B. Mehlmauer-Larcher/Univ. of Vienna
Organisation of the self-assesment section(source: EPOSTL, p. 6) B. Mehlmauer-Larcher/Univ. of Vienna
EPOSTL: Aims & Function [1] • Target groups: primarily student teachers, teachers, but also teacher educators, curriculum designers, etc. • EPOSTL: general aims: to support the concept of teacher & learner autonomy • EPOSTL: a tool for reflection, dialogue & self-assessment B. Mehlmauer-Larcher/Univ. of Vienna
EPOSTL: Aims & Function [2] • to assistin discussions between student teachers & teacher educators • to encourage reflection on competences to be attained and on the required underlying knowledge • to help students develop awareness of their strengths & weaknesses • to provide support during school placement & to assist in discussions with mentors (> systematic feedback, reflection, self-assessment) (cf. Newby 2007) B. Mehlmauer-Larcher/Univ. of Vienna
EPOSTL: Aims & Function[3] • EPOSTL: process and no „show case“ portfolio • EPOSTL: belongs to the [student] teacher, and is no assessment or grading tool • Underlying principles: CLT, learner autonomy & interdependence of language& culture Outcomes: • increase transparency ofeducation programmes • encourage a reflective mode in teacher education • aid comparison of teacher education programmes (cf. Newby 2007) B. Mehlmauer-Larcher/Univ. of Vienna
Implementation of the EPOSTL [1]in pre-service teacher education at the English Department, University of Vienna / Austria Overview of the TE Programme: B. Mehlmauer-Larcher/Univ. of Vienna
Implementation of the EPOSTL [2]Overview of the methodology programme • 2 general introductory courses on ELT methodology/ EPOSTL • 4 courses on ELT methodology/ EPOSTL pilot project: using the EPOSTL in the course accompanying the school placement phase B. Mehlmauer-Larcher/Univ. of Vienna
Pilot project: using the EPOSTL in the course accompanying the school placement phase (usually 4 parallel courses per semester) beforethe school placement phase: introduction of the EPOSTL, working with selected descriptors while/after school placement: working with selected & particularly relevant descriptors after the school placement phase: using the EPOSTL as basis/spring board for the final reflective talk with the course leader/teacher educator B. Mehlmauer-Larcher/Univ. of Vienna
Research Project:Potentials of the EPOSTL with regard to … data collection B. Mehlmauer-Larcher/Univ. of Vienna
Reflection: some definitions Dewey (1910): „…active, persistent, and careful consideration of any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the grounds that support it, and the further conclusions to which it tends“ According to Dewey (1910) reflection is characterized as : „[…] disciplined, conscious, explicit[…]“ Reframing(notion developed by Dewey): reflection enables the reframing of problems > leads to a change of perspectives and wider range of possible solutions (cf. Roberts 1999) B. Mehlmauer-Larcher/Univ. of Vienna
Reflection and professional growth [1] Reflection in the context of professionalism: „It [critical reflection]) is a response to past experience and involves conscious recall, and examination of the experience as a basis for evaluation and decision making, and as a source for planning and action.“ (Bartlett 1990) With regard to teaching and learning reflection is seen as: „…self inquiry, and critical thinking […]as central for continuing professional growth […] help[ing] teachers move beyond a level where they are guided largely by impulse, intuition, or routine“ (Boud, Keogh, and Walker 1985) B. Mehlmauer-Larcher/Univ. of Vienna
Reflection and professional growth [2] Types of reflection: a) retrospective, prospective, and innovative b) monological, dialogical (cf. Akbari 2007) Reflection as a pre-condition of professionalism for: > development of autonomy & self-assessment, > mediation between theory and practice (cf. Akbari 2007) B. Mehlmauer-Larcher/Univ. of Vienna
Reflection: preliminary results [1] Types of reflection: prospective /retrospective „ You can use the EPOSTL again and again, well, you can use it for planning…so if you want to hold a similar lesson again, for example, you can try to remember, right…, how was it when I first held this lesson ?“ monological/ dialogical „I think, at the beginning, you should discuss things together with colleagues, I am sure later on you can work on your own on it [descriptors of the EPOSTL] and make your own entries… when you have become used to it [EPOSTL] , you can just use it yourself, that‘s no problem…but you can always use it as a springboard for discussions …“ B. Mehlmauer-Larcher/Univ. of Vienna
Reflection: preliminary results [2] EPOSTL as a tool for structured reflection: A) „… for my second subject we don‘t have anything like this [EPOSTL]... there, things are less structured... you just look and take notes...there is no structured reflection in such a way.“ B) „… well, it really is a kind of stimulusto think about various things and not just act in a kind of intuitive way, but have something to look at and be able to structure things. And then, in case something goes wrong you need not rely only on your intuition and react accordingly…“ C) „Also this kind of self-assessment is sometimes really helpful. There are always situations when I think, well, I haven‘t really thought about that, or... you know…I had to think carefully, did I take everything into consideration, ..ok... you know, it [EPOSTL] really made me think“. B. Mehlmauer-Larcher/Univ. of Vienna
Reflection: preliminary results [3] D)„… it [EPOSTL] takes, I think, this idea of reflection away from … we all sit in a circle and talk about what‘s just crossing our minds. It hasn’t got this kind of strange element of a therapeutic session where everybody is just talking about his or her emotions…because it actually forces you to think about, I don‘t know, for instance,… ‘challenging learners to their full potential‘ and not…‘how did I feel at the time‘.“ EPOSTL as a tool for self assessment & planning further professional development „Well I don‘t know, for instance, it‘s also this reflection on how good am I at [teaching] speaking or writing. Somehow listening seems to be some kind of a feared opponent of mine, for whatever reason, I haven‘t quite got the hang of this […] Maybe, when I am in a good mood, I might attend a course on teaching listening…because it is a reasonable thing to do, isn‘t it?... it [EPOSTL] has an impact, definitely!“ B. Mehlmauer-Larcher/Univ. of Vienna
Further comments by student teachers Challenges: A) „I found filling in the descriptors a bit difficult because it‘s hard to assess yourself. I mean nobody got a 100% obviously, but it‘s difficult to find out where you really are.“ B) „Particularly at the beginning I found it extremely difficult to assess competences with the help of can-do-descroptors. I still feel I haven‘t got enough practical experience to do so.“ Final positive comment: „Using the EPOSTL before, while and after teaching at school made me realise I was actually making some progress. I found this so motivating.“ B. Mehlmauer-Larcher/Univ. of Vienna
Summary and outlook EPOSTL: • challenges teacher students with regard to their self assessment capacity • helps chart progress • has amotivationalforce , helps initiate discussions • is a useful planning device for professional growth • supports a systematic approach to reflection and discussion at our department we will… • continue to use the EPOSTLin our classes accompanying the school placement and intensify using the EPOSTLin other methodology classes • continue data collection regarding the use of the EPOSTL (student teachers & teacher educators) B. Mehlmauer-Larcher/Univ. of Vienna
for now enough of ... „EPOSTLING“ ! B. Mehlmauer-Larcher/Univ. of Vienna