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BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions

BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions. BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions. http://people.nnu.edu/jocossel. BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions. What is Science? Develop a definition with someone near you… Share a couple of class examples…

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BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions

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  1. BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions

  2. BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions http://people.nnu.edu/jocossel

  3. BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions • What is Science? • Develop a definition with someone near you… • Share a couple of class examples… • Testing the assumptions • Results & Discussion • Methodologies • “…but the truth is that science is the search for evidence that proves our concepts wrong.” Smith and Smith 2006

  4. BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions

  5. BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions • Assg. 1 (URL here…)

  6. BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions “Today, most of earth’s human population lives in cities and most of us have little direct contact with nature. More than ever before, though, the future of our species depends on how well we understand the relationships between organisms and the environment!” Manuel Molles

  7. BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions How have humans altered Earth’s environment? http://www.idrc.ca/uploads/user-S/11474593533New_York_City.jpg

  8. BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions • What is Ecology? • History • 1800s - Botanists … • 1800s - • 1900s - • 2000s - http://www.miamisci.org/ecolinks/mapbiosphere.html

  9. BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions • What is Ecology? • Definition “Oikos + logos” • What is an environment?!? • What kinds of data do ecologists collect?

  10. http://www.deepseaworld.com/attractions/lake_malawi.asp?css=1http://www.deepseaworld.com/attractions/lake_malawi.asp?css=1 http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap971026.html http://www.lazyjames.co.uk/hotrock/malawi.html http://www.vagabonding.com/gallery_app/view_photo.php?set_albumName=malawi&id=DSC01998_lake_malawi_fish http://www.mdafederal.com/geocover/geocoverortho/gcorthoregional/africa_mosaic.jpg/view http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Malawi BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions • Levels of hierarchy

  11. BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions

  12. BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions • Different types of ecology? • Ecosystem ecology • Population ecology • Community ecology • Evolutionary ecology • Landscape ecology • Physiological ecology • Behavioral ecology • Conservation ecology • Restoration ecology • Forest ecology • Fresh water ecology Natural groupings?

  13. Fig. 1.2 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions • Examples of ecological studies… • MacArthur 1958 • Evaluating the notion of ________________________

  14. Fig. 1.3 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions • Examples of ecological studies… • Morse 1980 • Evaluating the notion of __________ __________

  15. Fig. 1.4 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions • Examples of ecological studies… • Nadkarni 1980s • Evaluating ___________ ___________ and storage in rainforests

  16. BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions • Examples of ecological studies… http://www.roysephotos.com/AmericanRedstart.html

  17. BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions “Humanity, in the desperate attempt to fit 8 billion or more people on the planet and give them a higher standard of living, is at risk of pushing the rest of life off the globe”. - E.O. Wilson

  18. BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions • Examples of ecological studies…

  19. BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions • Examples of ecological studies… Temporal vs. Spatial change

  20. BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology - Introductions • Examples of ecological studies…

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