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Digital Design with VHDL

Digital Design with VHDL. Presented by: Amir Masoud Gharehbaghi Email: amgh@mehr.sharif.edu. Design Hierarchy. Design Specification & Requirement. Behavioral Design. Register Transfer Level (RTL) Design. Logic Design. Circuit Design. Circuit Design. Physical Design. Manufacturing.

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Digital Design with VHDL

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Digital Design with VHDL Presented by: Amir Masoud Gharehbaghi Email: amgh@mehr.sharif.edu

  2. Design Hierarchy Design Specification & Requirement Behavioral Design Register Transfer Level (RTL) Design Logic Design Circuit Design Circuit Design Physical Design Manufacturing

  3. Design Automation (DA) • Automatic doing task in design process: • Transforming one form of design to another • Verifying functionality and timing of design • Generating test sequence for design validation • Documentation • …

  4. Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) Describing Hardware for: • Design & Modeling • Simulation • Synthesis • Testing • Documentation • …

  5. VHDL History • Initiated with VHSIC project in 1981 by DoD • VHSIC: Very High Speed Integrated Circuits • In 1983 DoD established requirements for VHSIC HDL (VHDL) • In 1987 VHDL became an IEEE standard: VHDL 1076-1987 • In 1993 a new version of VHDL released: VHDL 1076-1993

  6. VHDL Specifications • Designing in Various Levels of Abstraction: from Behavioral to Gate Level • Support for Design Hierarchy (Structural Design) • Library Support • Support of Generic Design • Timing Control • Concurrent & Sequential Statements • Type Declaration • ..

  7. Components in VHDL • Each Component in VHDL is described as an ENTITY-ARCHITECTURE pair • ENTITY part describes the interface of component • ARCHITECTURE part describes the functionality and timing of component • An ENTITY may have different ARCHITECTURES, describing the component at various levels and with different details of timing and functionality

  8. ENTITY Declaration ENTITY entity_name IS generic clause port clause END ENTITY entity_name ; ENTITY and3 IS GENERIC (delay: TIME := 5 ns); PORT (a, b, c : IN BIT; z : OUT BIT); END and3;

  9. Ports • Ports are Component Interface Signals • Each Port has: • Name • Mode • IN : Input signals • OUT : Output Signals • INOUT : Bidirectional Signals • BUFFER : Like OUT from outside the component & INOUT from Inside it • Type

  10. Standard Types • Standard Package Types: • BIT • BIT_VECTOR • BOOLEAN • INTEGER • REAL • TIME • CHARACTER • STRING

  11. ARCHITECTURE Declaration ARCHITECTURE arch_name OF entity_name IS architecture declarative part BEGIN concurrent statements END ARCHITECTURE arch_name ; ARCHITECTURE single_delay OF and3 IS BEGIN z <= a AND b AND c AFTER delay ; END single_delay ;

  12. Concurrent Statements • Concurrent Signal Assignment • Component Instantiation Statement • Generate Statement • Process Statement • Block Statement • Concurrent Procedure Call Statement • Concurrent Assert Statement

  13. Concurrent Signal Assignment • Conditional Signal Assignment Statement • Selected Signal Assignment Statement

  14. Conditional Signal Assignment target <= conditional_waveforms; conditional_waveforms ::= { waveform WHEN condition ELSE } waveform [ WHEN condition] waveform ::= waveform_element {, waveform_element} | UNAFFECTED waveform_element ::= value_expression [AFTER time_expression] | NULL [AFTER time_expression]

  15. Conditional Signal Assignment Examples a <= b; a <= ‘0’ AFTER 10 ns ; x <= a AND b OR c ; y <= a AFTER 1 ns WHEN x = y ELSE b ; z <= a AND b, c AFTER 5 ns, ‘1’ AFTER 30 ns WHEN NOW < 1 ms ELSE ‘0’, a AFTER 4 ns, c OR d AFTER 10 ns;

  16. 2 Input NAND Gate ENTITY nand2 IS PORT (a, b: IN BIT; z: OUT BIT); END nand2; ARCHITECTURE no_delay OF nand2 IS BEGIN z <= a NAND b; END no_delay;

  17. 3 Input NAND Gate ENTITY nand3 IS PORT (a, b, c: IN BIT; z: OUT BIT); END nand3; ARCHITECTURE no_delay OF nand3 IS BEGIN z <= NOT (a AND b AND c); END no_delay;

  18. 2:1 MUX ENTITY Mux2x1 IS PORT (a0, a1, sel: IN BIT; z: OUT BIT); END Mux2x1; ARCHITECTURE conditional OF Mux2x1 IS BEGIN z <= a0 WHEN sel = ‘0’ ELSE a1; END conditional;

  19. VHDL Operators • Logical AND , NAND , OR , NOR , XOR , XNOR • Relational = , /= , < , <= , > , >= • Shift SLL , SRL , SLA , SRA , ROL , ROR • Adding + , - , & • Sign + , - • Multiplying * , / , MOD , REM • Miscellaneous ABS , **

  20. Selected Signal Assignment WITH expression SELECT target <= selected_waveforms ; selected_waveforms ::= { waveform WHEN choices, } waveform WHEN choices choices ::= choice { | choice } choice ::= expression | range | simple_name | OTHERS

  21. 2:1 MUX ARCHITECTURE selected OF Mux2x1 IS BEGIN WITH sel SELECT z <= a0 WHEN ‘0’, a1 WHEN ‘1’; -- a1 WHEN OTHERS; END selected;

  22. Component Instantiation Statement label: instantiated_unit [ GENERIC MAP (association_list) ] [ PORT MAP (association_list) ] ; instantiated_unit ::= [COMPONENT] component_name | ENTITY entity_name [ (architecture_name) ] | CONFIGURATION configuration_name association_list ::= association_element { , association_element } association_element ::= [ formal_part => ] actual_part

  23. 4:1 MUX (using entity) ENTITY Mux4x1 IS PORT (a : IN BIT_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0); sel: IN BIT_VECTOR(0 TO 1) ; z: OUT BIT); END Mux4x1; ARCHITECTURE mux2x1_based OF Mux4x1 IS SIGNAL im0, im1 : BIT; BEGIN m1: ENTITY WORK.Mux2x1(conditional) PORT MAP (a(0), a(1), sel(0), im0); m2: ENTITY WORK.Mux2x1(conditional) PORT MAP (a(2), a(3), sel(0), im1); m3: ENTITY WORK.Mux2x1(selected) PORT MAP (im0, im1, sel(1), z); END mux2x1_based;

  24. 4:1 MUX (using component) ARCHITECTURE comp_based OF Mux4x1 IS SIGNAL im0, im1 : BIT; COMPONENT mux2 PORT (a0, a1, sel: IN BIT; z: OUT BIT); END COMPONENT; FOR ALL: mux2 USE ENTITY WORK.Mux2x1(conditional); BEGIN m1: mux2 PORT MAP (a(0), a(1), sel(0), im0); m2: mux2 PORT MAP (a(2), a(3), sel(0), im1); m3: mux2 PORT MAP (a0 =>im0, a1 =>im1, sel =>sel(1), z => z); END comp_based;

  25. 4:1 MUX (another binding) ARCHITECTURE another OF Mux4x1 IS SIGNAL im0, im1 : BIT; COMPONENT mux2 PORT (a0, a1, sel: IN BIT; z: OUT BIT); END COMPONENT; FOR m1, m2: mux2 USE ENTITY WORK.Mux2x1(conditional); FOR OTHERS: mux2 USE ENTITY WORK.Mux2x1(selected); BEGIN m1: mux2 PORT MAP (a(0), a(1), sel(0), im0); m2: mux2 PORT MAP (a(2), a(3), sel(0), im1); m3: mux2 PORT MAP (a0 =>im0, a1 =>im1, sel =>sel(1), z => z); END another;

  26. Testing the Mux4x1 ENTITY test_mux4x1 IS END test_mux4x1; ARCHITECTURE test1 OF test_mux4x1 IS SIGNAL inp: BIT_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL sel: BIT_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL outp: BIT; BEGIN comp: ENTITY Mux4x1(another) PORT MAP (inp, sel, outp); inp <= "0101", "1101" AFTER 50 ns, "1110" AFTER 100 ns, "0011" AFTER 200 ns; sel <= "00", "01" AFTER 20 ns, "11" AFTER 60 ns, "10" AFTER 90 ns, "00" AFTER 180 ns; END test1;

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