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Movies. Of the environment. Environmental Films on Net Flix. A Crude Awakening the Oil Crash Food Inc. No Impact Man Fuel King Corn The Beautiful Truth Blue Gold World Waters Wars Killer at Large The Big Energy Gamble Frontline Heat The Age of Stupid Dirt the Movie
Movies Of the environment
Environmental Filmson Net Flix • A Crude Awakening the Oil Crash • Food Inc. • No Impact Man • Fuel • King Corn • The Beautiful Truth • Blue Gold World Waters Wars • Killer at Large • The Big Energy Gamble • Frontline Heat • The Age of Stupid • Dirt the Movie • The End of the Line • 100 Salt Water Mistakes • Wall-E • Six Degrees Could Change the World • Food Matters • Radically Simple • Deconstructing Supper • Thirst • The Day After Tomorrow • What’s on Your Plate • The Ecological Footprint • Strange Days on Planet Earth • Strange Days on Planet Earth 2 • Homo Toxicus • Global Warming The Signs and Science • Trapped • Frontline: The Spill • Happy Feet
Fuel Josh Tickell • Trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upTCSSkxlxE • Check it out at: You Tube and Net Flix
Summary • Oil companies • American cars • Oil crisis in the past and soon to come • Government influences • Rudolph Diesel • Other countries environmental policies • Global Warming • Long distance transportation of goods
Allies in the United States • Truckers • School Buses in Las Vegas • United States Navy • Mc Donald’s • Fed Ex • United Postal Service (UPS) • Hero BX • Virgin Atlantic
Solutions • Sustainable Biofuels • Biomass • Wind • Tidal • Solar • Plug in hybrids • Public transportation • Energy efficiency
Wall-EDisney and Pixar • For those who haven’t seen Wall-E: Pixar made a film in 2008 starring a robot named Wall-E. After years of doing what he was designed to do (collect garbage and pile it) he helps humanity return to Earth which was previously made uninhabitable by humans. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4YyiC3BQ54
How? • A total consumer culture (instigated by a mega-company Buy-N-Large) led to such a huge amount of garbage that life was no longer sustainable on Earth.
So humanity packed up and moved to space, but living on a intergalactic cruise ship had some side effects…. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gag-aujPiKY&feature=related
So What is Reflected?? In Wall-E humanity is ultimately responsible for how it treated the Earth and the environment (which is true in real life also) and people were the main cause in making life on Earth unsustainable (depending on who you ask that holds some truth too). Many people know today that doing things like carpooling and recycling can cut down on our ecological footprint; including reducing the amount of garbage we produce. However, these solutions are not executed as much as they could be. • Consumer culture • Environmental negligence • Increasingly sedentary lifestyles • Passive attitudes toward the environment
Unfortunately Wall-E stops where our real life progress does too • The Captain knows that the Earth has to be taken care of, and the movie ends when people come back to Earth. It doesn’t feature what is necessary to keep life sustainable, only that our actions, if they continue in the path they are on will destroy the home that we all have. • We are all aware of what can be done to help our environment, but are we doing enough?
How Close Are We to a World Covered in Trash? How close are we to a Wall-E description of the future? http://society.ezinemark.com/manshyiat-naser-garbage-city-773663c65023.html This is in a part of the globe that is somewhat far away form us, in a country that is currently hosts riots and corrupt police The fact that there is actually a city buried in garbage in our generation is shocking.
Garbage Organizers Wall-E ManshyiatNaser
The Main Message from Wall-E Earth is the planet we are meant to live on, we need to treat it like we do our own homes. Our actions now affect the future; it is easier to take preventative steps now instead of rebuilding society later. Another note- Would we really have something like the Axiom from Wall-E to live on in space? Would the quality of life on a space ship be very good?
The Day After Tomorrow Summary: An environmental scientist must travel through the storm of the century to save his son who is trapped in New York City. The storm is the effects of the long term damage done by the greenhouse effect and global warming. Hundreds of people die because they refuse to listen to the scientist's until it is too late.
The Scientist V.S. The Skeptic • In the movie the main scientist is a Paleoclimatologist and tries to warn the government about the recent shifts in ice sheets in Antarctica. He warns that if serious action does not happen soon to reduce the effects of green house gases and he says that it could lead to dire consequences • The vice president and other government officials ignore what the scientist has to say. They believe that they still have plenty of time to deal with global warming and can procrastinate their actions. They were wrong.
Is it Possible? • In the movie the conditions of the storm become so serve that people die as soon as they go outside because they freeze to death in a matter of seconds. • There are also massive tidal waves and multiple tornados that spring up in out of nowhere. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgXH949dbIE
It wouldn’t be possible for the effects of global warming to completely swarm together to create one massive storm. It is not possible for the human population to do enough damage so that in a matter of days people would freeze within seconds of being outside. It is also not possible for this storm to only last a few days, like in The Day After Tomorrow, and then everything return back to normal and be ok. The effects of global warming happen over a much greater period of time than a week. However the effects of global warming and greenhouse gases can cause more dangerous and powerful storms. As the temperature increases it can cause an increase in more common and more serious hurricanes. http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/sciencetech/5-deadliest-effects-of-global-warming/276
The Moral of The Story The point of a the movie was to show that as an entire species we have to cooperate to make a difference. We only have one planet Earth. Things may not happen as rapidly as in Hollywood movies but the things we do and don’t do have consequences. This movie shows that the differences between the scientists and the skeptics won’t matter once it is too late to do anything to save our planet.
Effective Media Movies are a sensationalized portrait of what is going on in the environment. There may not be many facts in films such as The Day After Tomorrow but it gets people thinking about the possible effects of global warming, pollution, over population, and sustainability. Once people start thinking about the consequences they can start thinking about what they can do to help
The Story • The plot revolves around a singing penguin society. Mumble, the main character, can’t sing, but dances instead, and is ridiculed for it • Throughout the movie, the penguins are suffering from a food shortage. Mumble decides to find out why this is happening and learns to accept himself, as others also eventually do, on his journey
The Message? • Mainly, the focus is on preservation of the environment and its resources and the depletion of fish in the Antarctic • Also, pollution is briefly included
Examples http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nZPNGOdfb0&NR=1 • In the beginning of the movie, a group of birds tries to eat a young Mumble. The leader of this group of birds has a tag on his ankle. He claims it was from an ‘alien abduction’, which, to us, translates that he was tagged in hopes of tracking his location and progress. This is due to the devastatingly extravagant fishing that had been taking place there • These birds also complained about the lack of fish for food-this is attributed to the overly abundant way humans have been fishing recently
More Examples • Lovelace, regarded as a ‘mystic’ in another penguin society because of his ‘talisman’-a six-ring beverage holder that is stuck around his neck • Obviously, this happened because of pollution. Many people disregard dropping some trash here and claim it harmless, but this begins to choke Lovelace, almost killing him. This happens, as do other similar situations, to way too many actual animals http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ppo_jS0ieac
Result • When trying to discover what happened to all the fish, Mumble is captured by the ‘aliens’. Once he is released, equipped with a tracking device, those he was taken by find him along with the rest of the penguins he lives with and realizes the lack of food they’ve been suffering with • At the end of the movie, many debaters are shown trying to figure out what to do. It is eventually decided to place a ban on fishing and marine harvesting where it’s especially devastating
What People are Saying about it • On Babble.com, StefaniaPomponi Butler posted an article called “Happy Feet: Who Knew it Was About the Environment?” says it “has a very overt environmental message. So much so that it’s been called an animated version of An Inconvenient Truth” • In the article “New film 'Happy Feet' confronts serious issue” by Kate Kelly, from the Wall Street Journal, the author states that “Studio executives say that such movies aren't intended to be political screeds. But they believe that young people have a growing concern about issues like global warming and so adding environmental themes to family films seems increasingly appropriate”