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Design Environments for Global Applications. DEGAS. Plan of the review: Introduction to the team and the project (5') Follow-up from previous review (10') Main technical achievements in the reference period (50') 30' Coreographer demo 10' Dynamic 10' Static
Plan of the review: • Introduction to the team and the project (5') • Follow-up from previous review (10') • Main technical achievements in the reference period (50') 30' Coreographer demo 10' Dynamic 10' Static • Exploitation and dissemination, Impact assessment (20') 10' MMPORG videoclip 10' WebBased MicroBusiness 5. Financial aspects: resources spent, etc. and Future plans (5')
PARTICIPANTS: PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Trento Prof. Corrado Priami Dipartimento di Informatica e Telecomunicazioni Via Sommarive, 14 38050 Povo (TN) - ITALY University of Trento Italy Technical University of Denmark Denmark University of Pisa Italy University of Edinburgh United Kingdom Email: priami@science.unitn.it Tel.: +39 0461 882085 Fax: +39 0461 881624 Motorola Electronics Italy Omnys Wireless Technology Italy Euro 2.283.386 TOTAL PROJECT COST: START DATE: 1st January 2002 Euro 1.600.000 EU FUNDING: DURATION: 40 months
OBJECTIVES Degas addresses foundational aspects for the design of global applications by enhancing the state of the art in scientific as well as engineering principles. The main concerns are the specification in UML and the qualitative and quantitative analysis of global applications. • DESCRIPTION OF WORK Customization of a tool to build the designers interface and manipulate UML models. Extraction from UML models to process algebra representation. Reflection of the formal analysis in UML notation. Case studies of two global (wireless) applications. • EXPECTED RESULTS UML extensions. Definition and implementation of extractors. Definition and implementation of new models and techniques for the analysis of global applications.
UML models and specifications of Global Applications Extraction Representation in Process Algebra Reflection Qualitative and Quantitative analysis (Performance, Security) THE PROJECT SCOPE Designer’s Interface DEGAS Environment
UNITN UNITN UEDIN UNITN DIPISA IMM MTCI WP1Management of the project WP2 Assessment of progress and results WP3 UML feasibility, modification and tool customization WP4Extraction, Reflection and integration WP5 Dynamic analysis WP6 Static analysis WP7 Case studies Structure of the project
WP5 Case study 1 Dynamic analysis (PePa, EOS) UML WP6 WP3 Case study 2 Static analysis (LySa) WP4 WP7 Structure of the project
D4 International WK proceedings UNITN D5 Final report and TIP UNITN D13 Final report dynamic techniques DIPISA D14 Final report static techniques IMM D20 Reflector UNITN D21 UML tool customization for reflection UEDIN D22 Degas prototype UNITN D23 Project meetings UNITN D26 Case studies MTCI Deliverables
POSITIONING WITH RESPECT TO THE STATE OF THE ART S1 - implementation of a real mobile MMPORG (Massive Multi Player Online Role-playing Game) game running in a distributed environment. W1 - Ability of deriving quantitative measures about protocols and for their performance analysis. Self-Evaluation Criteria
COMPARISON WITH ALTERNATIVE/COMPETING APPROACHES S2 - Clarification of the fundamentally different behaviours of model checking and static analysis as regards protocol validation; The extractor, that allows UML users to obtain representations of their protocols in the process algebra LySa with no knowledge on it. W2 - Capability of using model checking to validate the flaws reported by static analysis. Self-Evaluation Criteria
USABILITY AND EXPLOITATION PERSPECTIVES S3 - Design of the analysis tool so that also educated users outside of the research group (mainly MSc-students) can use the tool for realistic protocols. The PEPA workbench is now equipped to accept models as XMI files from a UML tool and will automatically reflect results into the XMI file, removing the need for the user to understand PEPA. The mathematics is transparent to the user. S4 - The ability of both PEPA and PEPA nets to handle real global applications has been demonstrated on a number of (published) case studies. W4 - Ability to analyse the OASIS protocol for Single Sign On and finding a new flaw. Self-Evaluation Criteria
S5/W5: We developed an integrated environment based on the coreographer that could surely be exploited on software production frameworks. We think to have surely matched this weak indicator and having good chances to catch the strong one as well. Self-Evaluation
DISSEMINATION S6 - The ability to teach the analysis method to advanced MSc- students and PhD-students that subsequently can use it for projects. W6 - Presentation of scientific documentation to relevant conferences and presence of the project on the web. Self-Evaluation Criteria
OTHER SCIENTIFIC CRITERIA S7 - Organization of international events on topics related to the project and publication of proceedings in scientific books. Jane Hillston winning of the Roger Needham award for the PEPA project over the last ten years, including the DEGAS work. W7 - Publication of results in relevant conferences and international journals. Self-Evaluation Criteria
Publications: 46 Presentations: 39 • Meetings attended and visits: • Project meetings: 3 • Visits among project partners: 7 (1 long) • Conference, Workshop, etc: 12 • Other • PhD courses: 3 • PhD theses: 2 • Undergraduate dissertations: 3 • Master theses: 6 • Organization of international events: 2 Dissemination
Y1 recommendations to clearly identify which part of the work on modelling biological systems will be pursued in the current project, how this work contributes to the overall goals of the project, and which of the currently planned work it will replace. No biological work done under DEGAS, it is going on with other funded projects to further emphasize the integration of formal systems models with UML models and to clearly demonstrate the relevance of the former within the framework of the later; Implementation of prototypes, analysis of case studies, discovery of flaws.
Y2 main recommendation To further investigate the AGILE airport case study as a test case into DEGAS. We fully exploited the example (recall presentations)
FUTURE We wait for the approval of deliverables and then Dissemination material (DVD) TIP Final PPR Leaflets
FUTURE Additional Partners GC2: SENSORIA Agile + Degas