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ING105 Effective Communication. Lecture 7: Nonverbal communıcatıon. Verbal vs. Nonverbal Communication. Verbal communication is often called language . In that sense it refers to the use of sounds and words to send a message.
ING105 EffectiveCommunication Asst. Prof. Dr. Emrah Görgülü Lecture 7: Nonverbalcommunıcatıon
Verbal vs. NonverbalCommunication • Verbal communication is oftencalledlanguage. Inthat sense itrefers to the use of soundsandwordsto senda message. • It serves as a vehicle for expressing ourthoughts, ideas,desiresandotherthingswewanttogetacross. • Therearetwotypes of verbalcommunication: speechandwriting • A friendlychat • A phoneconversation • Writing a letter • A classdiscussion • How about a baby’scry? Whataboutgrunting?
Verbal vs. NonverbalCommunication (cont’d) • Nonverbal language is often definedas gestures and body language. It is any method of transferring information without words. • Facialexpressions, gestures, body languageandposture. • In addition to gestures and body language, sometimes what we donot say couldbe consideredto be nonverbalcommunication. • For instance, not answering a question could communicate severalthingssuch as: • not knowing the answer, • not having actually heard the questioner, • not worthy of answering.
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Objectives Afterreadingthischapter, youshould be ableto • Explaintheconcept of body movement • Identifyuses of emblems, illustrators, affectdisplays, regulatorsandadaptors • Explaintheconcept of time communication • Explaintheconcept of smellcommunication • Explaintheconcept of touchcommunication • Define thetermparalanguage
NonverbalCommunication • Nonverbalcommunicationradiates (i.e. comes) fromall of thesenses but does not includetheuse of verbalsymbols. We can communicatethrough: • Sight (motion, colorandshape) • Artists communicatetheir ideas and feelings through colors and shapes. • Touch • Ahandshake, hug, a pat at the back • Smell • Yousmellsmokeandyoususpectifthere is fire somewhere • Sound • Youhear a bellringingandyouknowtheclass is over
NonverbalCommunication (cont’d) • Wesendmessagesthroughouruse of space, color, andtime; artifactssuch as furniture, clothingandjewelry. • Q: Why is nonverbalcommunicationimportant? A: A solidblend of verbalandnonverbalcommunicationskillsenhancesyoureffectivenesswithotherpeople. • It is importanttomakeadjustments in personalstyletomake sure ournonverbalmessagescomplementourverbalmessages.
NonverbalCommunication (cont’d) • Wecannot not communicate: Communicatorsassignmeaningtoallnonverbals. • Althoughyouhavenocontroloversomephysicalcharacteristicssuch as height, communicatorswillinterpretnonverbalmessagesfromphysicalcharacteristics. • Accordingto a University of Florida study: • Tallerpeopleearnmoremoney; supervisorsratedtallerstaffmembers as moreeffective.
NonverbalCommunication (cont’d) • It is importantforyoutoknowthatnonverbalsaccountfor a largeportion of our total communicationpackage. • Verbalcommunicationcomprisesonly 35% of our total communication. This is interestinglylessthanhalf. • Weusenonverbalsmuchmorethanverbals. • Youneedtomakecarefulchoicesaboutthenonverbalsthatyou can controlsothattheoverallimpression is consistentwithyourmessageandyourpersonalbrand.
FourFunctions of Nonverbals Therearefourbasicfunctions of nonverbalcommunication: • They can substitutefor a verbalmessage: It is far easiertopointtosomethingthantoexplainwhere it is. Inthiscasewechoose a nonverbalmessageratherthanwords. “Talk tothehand” It is a commonsubstitutionfor ______________
FourFunctions of Nonverbals (cont’d) • They can emphasize a verbalmessage: We can use a handgesturetomake a verbalstatementmoregrandiose. Sometimespeoplewanttoemphasize how bigsomething is by a handgesture. Itwas THIS BIG! Thedonationamountwas THIS SMALL!
FourFunctions of Nonverbals (cont’d) • They can contradict a verbalmessage: Wehaveto be careful of not contradictingourverbalswithournonverbals. Sometimes it is a nervousreactiontosmilewhenwetellveryseriousbadnews. • A person verbally expressing a statement of truth while simultaneously avoiding eye contact may convey a mixed message to the receiver.
FourFunctions of Nonverbals (cont’d) • They can regulateconversation: Weuseeyecontacttoletsomeoneknowwhen it is theirturnto talk orwe put up a handto stop someonefrominterrupting us. • Touchingsomeone's arm can signal that you want to talk next or interrupt. (do thehandout)
Types of NonverbalCommunication Thereare a number of types of nonverbalcommunication. • Body movement (Kinesics): Body movementgives a lot of informationaboutwhoweare. • Movements of the body, orsomepart of it, usedtocommunicate an idea, intentionorfeeling. • Eventhesmallestgestureormovementcommunicatesinformationabout us. • Eyecontact • Gestures • Facialexpressions • Headmovements (AmyCuddy’s video)
Types of NonverbalCommunication (cont’d) • Direct eyecontactwithotherpeople is expected in somecountries as a sign of respect but it is consideredto be aggressiveanddiscrespectful in others. • How about in Turkey? • Whatkind of body movements do youthinkareconsideredinappropriate? • Constant body motionshould be controlled • Shaking a footandtapping a penduringconversations • People mayinterpretthisbehavior as nervousnessor an indication of impatience.
Types of NonverbalCommunication (cont’d) Emblems • Emblems are nonverbalmovements which have a direct verbal translation, generally a word or phrase. • Theyaresubstitutionsforwordsandare often culture specific. They do not have a universalmeaning. • After an examyourfriendgivesyou a thumbs-up • The ‘V’ gesture • The ‘be quiet’ sign (watchtheclip!!)
Types of NonverbalCommunication (cont’d) Illustrators • Illustratorsarenonverbalsusedtoenhancetheunderstanding of a message. Theyaccompanyandliterallyillustratetheverbalmsg. • Saying ‘Let’sgo’ whilemotioningwithyourarmforyourfriendstogo • Saying ‘how big’ something is andopeningyourhands • We can pointtodirectattention of ourlisteners • Asking ‘what time is it?’ whilepointingtoyourwatch. • Be careful not tousetoomanyhandgestures. Inmanycultures, gesturingforeverycomment is distracting. (watchtheclip!!)
Types of NonverbalCommunication (cont’d) Affectdisplays • Affectdisplaysarefacialmusclemovementsusedtoconveymeaning. Affectdisplaysarefeelings expressed through our bodies. • Facialexpressionsrevealwhetherweare: • Happy • Sad • Angry • Interested • Surprised • Disgusted (watchtheclip!!)
Types of NonverbalCommunication (cont’d) Regulators • Regulatorsaremovementsthatdirecttheconversation. • Whentheinstructorasks a questionandyou do not wantto be called on, youlookdown at yourdesk. • Incontrast, thestudentwhomakeseyecontactwiththeinstructorsignals a desiretoanswerthequestion. • Regulatorsareactsthat help to initiate and terminate the speech of participants in a social situation. • Regulatorsmight suggest that the speakerwantstokeep talking, clarifysomething, or hurry up and finish. • Eyecontact is usedtolettheconversation partner knowwhethertokeeptalkingorwhen it is thelistener’sturntospeak. (watchthe video!!)
Types of NonverbalCommunication (cont’d) Adaptors • Adaptorsare self-touchingbehaviors. Adaptorsareofteninterpretedin a negativewaybyothercommunicators. • A personwho is alwaysfussingwithhair, glassesorclothing is perceivedto be nervousor not payingatttentiontowhat is beingcommunicated. • Adaptors areacts related to satisfying bodily needs. • Movinginto a more comfortable position, scratching