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SHORT COURSE ON MARXISM THIRD SESSION Enrique Miguel Sanchez Motos Translation to English Stefan Campillo Fette. PROGRAM WHAT IS MARXISM? a. The key phrases of The Communist Manifesto b. The essence of Capital c .The key ideas of The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State
SHORT COURSE ON MARXISM THIRD SESSION Enrique Miguel Sanchez Motos Translation to English Stefan Campillo Fette
PROGRAM WHAT IS MARXISM? a. The key phrases of The Communist Manifesto b. The essence of Capital c .The key ideas of The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State d. What is the essence of Marxist thought? 2. WHAT ARE THE MAJOR MISTAKES OF MARXISM? 3. IS THERE AN ALTERNATIVE TO MARXIST THOUGHT?
Karl Marx 1818-1883 Friedrich Engels 1820-1895
CONTRIBUTIONS OF ENGELS (1820-1895) THE MARXIST THOUGHT • He met Marx in 1844, they collaborated closely from that moment and published many works together, including "The Communist Manifesto" (1848). • Works only by Engels • The role of work in the transformation of the monkey into man • From utopian socialism to scientific socialism • The origin of the family, private property and the state. • Work is God: WORK is the origin of man: • Ape + Work = Use of tools + Language + Reason = • Work has created Man • Marx: Work is the main characteristic of the human species
The human species is alienated because: • The worker is alienated from the product of his work = the merchandise does not belong to him • The worker is alienated from work = the capitalists buy their labor force • The worker is alienated from his human nature • The worker is alienated from the other members of his species since he has no human nature. The guilt of everything: the private property of the means of production. THE MARXIST THOUGHT
"It is not the conscience of man that determines his social being, but his social being that determines his conscience” "By changing the economic structure, the immense superstructure that is built on it is transformed, more or less quickly" (Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy) Solution: Eliminate private ownership of the means of production. How: It can not be derived from human kindness or heart. We have to act through THE CLASS STRUGGLE + THE VIOLENT REVOLUTION. THE MARXIST THOUGHT
Summary of the second session The Communist Manifesto 1848
Where and how are the key ideas of the Communist Manifesto based? The Manifesto as its name indicates is a synthetic program or set of recipes for action. Now, these recipes are based on Marxist texts that claim to justify them. The Marxists consider that they are not mere opinions but truths supported by scientific evidence. Main Marxist texts that claim to justify the rationality of ideas: 1. The CAPITAL, by Marx 2. The origin of the family, private property and the state. Engels 3. From utopian socialism to scientific socialism. Engels
THE CAPITAL First edition July 25, 1867 Karl Marx Last edition June 25, 1890 Frederick Engels
THE CAPITAL • Book I volume I. Page 15. "I have not dodged efforts to expose in a clearer and more accessible way to the masses what concerns the analysis of the substance and the magnitude of the value" • P.16 "Therefore, except for the section dedicated to the value form, nobody can accuse this book of being difficult to understand" THE MARXIST THOUGHT
THE CAPITAL INTRODUCCION Book I volume I. Pages 28 and 29. "Marx conceives the social movement as a natural-historical process governed by laws that are not only independent of the will, conscience and intention of men, but also determine their will, conscience and intentions" P. 30. "My dialectical method is not only fundamentally different from Hegel's method, but it is, in everything and everything, the antithesis of Hegel.For Hegel, the thought process, which he even converts, under the name of idea, into a subject with a life of its own, is the demiurge of the real, and this is the simple external form in which it takes shape. For me, the idea is not, ... more than the material translated and transposed to the head of man " THE MARXIST THOUGHT
THE CAPITAL : THE VALUE OF THE MERCHANDISE (I) Book I volume I. Pg. 55. "Merchandise is, in the first place, an external object, a thing apt to satisfy human needs, of whatever kind they may be” P. 56 "The utility of an object converts it into use value ... In the type of society that we propose to study, the values of use are, in addition, the material support of the exchange value. At first glance, the exchange value appears as the quantitative relation, the proportion in which values of use of one class are changed by values of use of another, a relationship that varies constantly with places and times ” Pag. 58. "the exchange values of the merchandise: they must necessarily be reduced to a common something with respect to which they represent a plus or a minus .... As values of use, goods represent, first of all, different qualities; as exchange values, they are only distinguished by quantity: they do not contain, therefore, an atom of use value. Now, if we dispense with the value of the use of the merchandise, they only retain one quality: that of being the product of labor ... ” THE MARXIST THOUGHT
THE CAPITAL : THE VALUE OF THE MERCHANDISE (II) Book I volume I. Page 60. "Therefore, a use value, a good, only encloses a value because it is an embodiment or materialization of abstract human work. How is the magnitude of this value measured? For the amount of "creative substance of value", that is, of work, that it contains. And, in turn, the amount of work that is contained is measured by the time of its duration, and the time of work, has, finally, its unit of measurement in the different fractions of time: hours, days, etc ... " Pag. 60. "Socially necessary work time is that which is required to produce a value of any use, under the normal conditions of production .... what determines the magnitude of value of an object is not more than the amount of socially necessary work, that is, the socially necessary work time for its production ” Pag. 61 "the goods are not all of them more than certain amounts of crystallized work time” Pag 67. "The work of the tailor and the weaver, even representing qualitatively different productive activities, have in common to be a productive expenditure of human brain, muscle, nerves, arm, etc .; therefore, in this sense, both are human work ” THE MARXIST THOUGHT
THE CAPITAL : THE VALUE OF THE MERCHANDISE (III) Book I volume I. Page 88. "Our analysis has shown that the form of the value or expression of the value of the merchandise arises from the very nature of the value of the merchandise, and not vice versa, the value and magnitude of the value of the merchandise. its modality of expression as an exchange value ” Pág.92 "Now, it is evident that the magnitude of value of the merchandise is not regulated by the change, but that, conversely, it is regulated by the magnitude of the value of the merchandise". P. 105. "Therefore, men ... when equating with each other in change, as values, their various products, what they do is equate their different jobs, as modalities of human work. They do not know it, but they do it ” P. 107 "The determination of the magnitude of value by working time is, therefore, the secret that lies behind the apparent oscillations of the relative values of the goods" P. 115. "The exchange value is not more than a certain social way of expressing the work invested in an object" THE MARXIST THOUGHT
THE CAPITAL : THE VALUE OF THE MERCHANDISE (IV) Book I volume I. Page 121. "Human labor invested in commodities only counts as soon as it is invested in a form useful to others. To what extent does this happen, that is, to what extent these products satisfy the needs of others, only the change itself can demonstrate it? P.140. "The price is the name in money of the work objectified in the merchandise" P. 144.- "The merchandise is a value of real use; its existence as a value is only revealed in an ideal way in the price " P. 147. "Therefore, the price of the merchandise will not be more than the name in money of the amount of social work materialized in it" P. 213. "The value of the merchandise appears already expressed in its prices before they are released into circulation" Book I. Volume II. p. 293. "But, let's see, what is the value of a commodity? The materialized form of social work invested for its production. And how is the magnitude of its value measured? Because of the magnitude of the work that it contains " THE MARXIST THOUGHT
SUMMARY: THE VALUE OF MERCHANDISE - WORK VALUE THEORY (I) 1. All merchandise has a value of use insofar as it satisfies human needs and a market exchange value or price. 2. What do the different goods have in common? That are products of human work 3. How is the amount of work that each commodity contains measured? For the time of work used to produce it 4. But not all carpenters produce the same type of chair at the same time. Would each have a different value? For the average working time that is usually used. 5. But there are jobs of different types (tailor, carpenter, etc). Is the same thing the work that each one of them creates at the same time, for example in one hour? DO NOT. But deep down, all of them are jobs, although some of them need to spend more time training to be able to do it. This time of training means that from a simple type of work to other types of complex work and changes the value that each contributes in the same hour. THE MARXIST THOUGHT
SUMMARY: THE VALUE OF MERCHANDISE - WORK VALUE THEORY (II) 6. The essence of the use value of each commodity is manifested in the market price. 7. The values of the different types of human work (tailor, carpenter, etc.) can be compared by seeing the value that the goods produced by each one obtain when sold. 8. The exchange value of a commodity is only a way of expressing the value of the labor invested in producing it. 9. The price of the merchandise will not be more than the name in money of the amount of social work materialized in it. 10. What is the value of a merchandise? The social work invested for its production. And how is the magnitude of its value measured? For the time of work used to produce it. THE MARXIST THOUGHT
THE CAPITAL: THE BENEFIT = THE SURPLUS VALUE (I) Book I volume I. Page 220 .- "The exchange of goods does not create any value". P. 225. "We understand by capacity or work force the set of physical and spiritual conditions that occur in corporeality, in the living personality of a man and that he puts into action to produce values of use of any kind" P. 225. "The labor force can only appear in the market, as a commodity, as long as it is offered and sold as a commodity by its own owner, that is, by the person to whom it belongs" P. 229. "The value of the labor force, like any other commodity, is determined by the time of work necessary for its production ... it is the value of the means of life necessary to ensure the subsistence of its owner" Page 230. "After having worked today, the owner of the work force has to repeat the same process tomorrow, under the same conditions of strength and health. Therefore, the sum of food and livelihoods must be sufficient to keep the worker in his normal state of life and work " P. 231. "The sum of the means of living necessary for the production of the labor force therefore includes the means of livelihood of the substitutes, that is, of the children of the workers, so that this special race of holders of merchandise can be perpetuated in the market " THE MARXIST THOUGHT
THE CAPITAL: THE BENEFIT = THE SURPLUS VALUE (II) Book I volume I p. 275. "a means of production can never transfer more value to the product than it loses in the work process, when its own use value is destroyed. If he had no value to lose, that is, if he himself were not, in turn, a product of human labor, he would not transfer any value to the product. ” Pág. 277. The means of production only transfer a value to the new form of the product insofar as, during the work process, they lose value in the form of their old use value. P. 281. As we can see, the part of capital that is invested in means of production, that is, raw materials, auxiliary materials and work tools, does not change the magnitude of value in the production process ... On the other hand, the part of capital that is invested in labor force changes value in the production process. In addition to reproducing its own equivalence, it creates a surplus, surplus value, which can also vary, being larger or smaller. P. 309. "We started from the assumption that labor power is bought and sold for its value. This value is determined, like that of any other merchandise, by the working time necessary for its production. Therefore, if the production of worker's livelihoods requires, one day with another, 6 hours, he must also work 6 hours a day on average, to produce his daily work force. THE MARXIST THOUGHT
THE CAPITAL: THE BENEFIT = THE SURPLUS VALUE (III) Book I volume II Pag.5 "But, after covering this necessary work time, the worker can continue working 2, 3, 4, 6 and more hours. Of the magnitude of this prolongation depend, as we saw, the quota of surplus value and the duration of the working day ... " Pag. 9. The surplus value produced by the prolongation of the working day is what I call absolute surplus value; ... on the contrary, the one that is achieved by reducing the necessary work time, with the consequent change in the proportion of magnitudes between both parts of the working day, I designate it with the name of relative surplus value. Pag. 9. The increase of the productive capacity and the corresponding cheapening of the merchandises in those industries that supply the instruments of work and the materials for the elaboration of the necessary means of life, contribute, therefore, to lower the value of the work force. P. 41. The performance of work does not only depend on the virtuosity of the worker, but also depends on the perfection of the tools with which he works ... Only in Birmingham are produced about 500 varieties of hammers. THE MARXIST THOUGHT
THE CAPITAL: THE BENEFIT = THE SURPLUS VALUE (IV) Book I volume II Pag.79 "the machinery used by capitalism (pursues) ... to scratch (cheapen) the merchandise and shorten the part of the day in which the worker needs to work for himself, and, in this way, lengthen the part of the day that gives free to the capitalist. It is, simply, a means for the production of surplus value ” P. 110. "The machinery, by rendering the strength of the muscle useless, allows employing workers without muscular strength or without a complete physical development, who possess, on the other hand, a great flexibility in their members ... the work of the woman and the child ” P. 147 "Even measures that tend to facilitate work become means of torture, because the machine does not free the worker from work, but deprives the worker of its content" P. 185. "The manufacturers aspire to cheapen the merchandise by violently lowering wages below the value of the labor force” P. 257. "The production of absolute surplus value is achieved by prolonging the working day beyond the point where the worker is limited to producing an equivalent of the value of his labor power and making this extra work appropriate for the capital” P. 265. "Mr. John Stuart Mill ... says: "The cause of the gain is that the work produces more than necessary for sustenance" THE MARXIST THOUGHT
THE CAPITAL: THE BENEFIT = THE SURPLUS VALUE (V) Book I, Volume II, page 269. "The value of the labor force is determined by the value of the means of life customarily necessary for the sustenance of the average worker” P. 270. "A workday of a given magnitude always translates into the same product of value, no matter how much labor productivity varies” P. 271. "From which it follows that, by increasing the productivity of labor, the value of the labor force decreases, thereby increasing surplus value” P. 272. "The increase or decrease in surplus value is always a consequence, never cause, of the corresponding decrease or increase in the value of the labor force” P. 273. "The value of the labor force depends on the value of a certain amount of means of subsistence. What changes, by changing the productive force of labor, is the value of these means of subsistence and not their mass ” P. 277. "The reduction of the working day ... (without having modified) the necessary work time ... what it does is reduce the extra work and the surplus value" THE MARXIST THOUGHT
THE CAPITAL: THE BENEFIT = THE SURPLUS VALUE (VI) BOOK I VOLUME III. Pág. 7 "The capitalist, who produces surplus value, that is, who directly starts unpaid work for the workers, materialized in merchandise, is the first one who appropriates this surplus value, but it is not the last owner of it. "(Eg landowners, lenders, ...) P. 69 "(capital) is divided into constant capital or value of the means of production and variable capital or value of the labor force” P. 83 "This law, according to which constant capital tends to increase in relation to the variable, is confirmed at each step” Page 87. "The cost of goods depends ... on the performance of work and this on the scale of production. According to this, the largest capitals necessarily dislodge the smallest ” P. 92 "Capitalist accumulation constantly produces, in proportion to its intensity and its extension, an excessive working population for the average needs of exploitation of capital, that is, a remaining or remaining worker population" THE MARXIST THOUGHT
THE CAPITAL: THE BENEFIT = THE SURPLUS VALUE (VII) BOOK II VOLUME I Page 147. "the worker invests most of his salary in livelihoods and almost all of it in basic necessities” P. 154 "Work always transfers the value of the means of production to the product” P. 186. "The general law is that all circulation costs that respond simply to a change of shape of the merchandise do not add any value to it” P. 199. "the buildings in which one works, with the machinery, etc., in a word, with all that we encompass under the name of means of work. This part of the constant capital transfers value to the product in the same proportion as it loses, with its use value, its own exchange value ” BOOK II VOLUME II. P. 52. "The value of the labor force, like that of all merchandise, is determined by the amount of work necessary for its reproduction" THE MARXIST THOUGHT
THE CAPITAL: THE BENEFIT = THE SURPLUS VALUE (VIII) BOOK III VOLUME I Pg 34. "The value of all merchandise produced by capitalist methods, M, is expressed in this formula: M = c + v + p (= constant cap + variable cap + surplus value)” P.45. "If we call gain g, we will have the formula M = c + v + p = pc + p becomes the formula M = pc + g, which means that the value of the commodity = cost price + the profit ... Therefore, profit, as it is presented here, is the same as surplus value ” P. 51. "The capitalist does not produce the merchandise for the merchandise itself , in virtue of the value of use that it contains nor with a view to its personal consumption” P. 52 "The value contained in the merchandise is equal to the working time that its production costs, work whose sum is formed by two parts: paid work and unpaid work” P. 90. "The main means to shorten the phase of production is to increase the productivity of labor: what is usually called industrial progress" THE MARXIST THOUGHT
THE CAPITAL: THE BENEFIT = THE SURPLUS VALUE (IX) BOOK III VOLUME I Page 111 "This economy translates into the overcrowding of workers in narrow and unhealthy premises ... in the concentration of dangerous machinery in the same premises ... in the omission of all precautionary measures ... This, not to mention the absence of any measure aimed at humanizing, making the production process pleasant or bearable for the worker ” Page 209. "the average daily wage is always equal to the value product of the number of hours the worker needs to work to produce the indispensable means of subsistence” Pág. 235 "So that the commercial price of identical goods, but produced perhaps with an individual nuance each one of them, corresponds to the commercial value, ... it is necessary ... to launch to the market the mass of merchandise that demands the social needs, that is to say, the amount for which the company is in a position to pay the commercial value ” Pág. 245 "when the merchandise can be sold by its commercial value, the demand and the offer coincide” Page 249 "That is, it is not the relationship between supply and demand that explains the commercial value, but, on the contrary, it explains the fluctuations between supply and demand" THE MARXIST THOUGHT
THE CAPITAL: THE BENEFIT = THE SURPLUS VALUE (X) BOOK III VOLUME I Page 278. "The gradual increase of constant capital in proportion to the variable results in a gradual decrease in the general rate of profit” P. 279 "This increase in the volume of value of constant capital ... is accompanied by the progressive cheapening of products” Pág. 286 "the concentration of capital ... implicitly leads to the growth of the working population ... that even exceeds, in general, their needs, that is, a workers' overpopulation” P. 335. "The paralysis of production will leave a part of the working class idle ... which will have no choice but to access a wage reduction, even below the average level” P. 345 "once the new more expensive installation is implemented in a general way, the small capitals are eliminated from the industry for the future” P. 350. "Three fundamental facts of capitalist production: A) Concentration of the means of production in a few hands ... B) Organization of work ... through cooperation, division of labor and combination with the natural sciences. C) Implementation of the world market " THE MARXIST THOUGHT
THE CAPITAL: THE BENEFIT = THE SURPLUS VALUE (XI) BOOK III, VOLUME I, p. 381. "(Expenses for shipping, transportation, customs disbursements, etc., may be considered, in part, as if the merchant made them for the purchase of merchandise, forming a part for him, therefore , of the purchase price.) All these expenses are not incurred in the production of the use value of the goods, but in the realization of their value ” P. 386. "The merchant, as a simple agent of the circulation, does not produce value or surplus value ... reason why also the mercantile workers dedicated by him to the same functions cannot directly create surplus value for him” BOOK III VOLUME II Pág.72. "The administration salary, both for commercial managers and for industrial managers, appears completely separate from the entrepreneur's profit” P. 156. "In times of prosperity ... the workers are working at full capacity. Most of the time, there is also in these cases a rise in wages that comes to compensate ... the decline of them below their average level ... in other periods of the business cycle " Pag.205. "The ultimate reason for any real crisis is always poverty and the restricted capacity of consumption of the masses" THE MARXIST THOUGHT
THE CAPITAL: THE BENEFIT = THE SURPLUS VALUE (XII) BOOK III VOLUME III Page 47. "Natural force is not the source of extraordinary gain. The same value of use, if it could be created without the need for work, would lack all exchange value, although it would always lend the same natural utility as use value ” P. 88. "The different fertility of the different classes of land only acts in the differential rent as long as it makes the capital invested in the land give results” P. 268. "The earth acts as an agent of production in the creation of a value of use, of a material product, of material, of wheat, for example. But it has nothing to do with the production of the value of wheat ” P. 268. "The productivity of agricultural work is linked to natural conditions and, depending on whether it is greater or lesser, the same amount of work translates into a greater or lesser quantity of products, values of use” Pag.272 "the realm of freedom only begins where the work imposed by necessity ends and by the coercion of external ends" THE MARXIST THOUGHT
SUMMARY: EXPLOITATION = THEORY OF SURPLUS (I) 1. Where does the capitalist get his profit? The exchange of goods does not create any value. All the goods are exchanged for their value. It is from the production process that the capitalist obtains his profit. 2. The value of all merchandise is the sum of the values that come together to produce it. 3. The means of production only transfer to the merchandise the value that they integrate or lose during the work process. 3. Raw materials contribute their own value to the merchandise in which they are integrated 4. Machines and tools provide the value (depreciation) that is consumed in the production process. 5. The worker contributes the value of his work. 6. However, the worker is paid only his salary, not all the value of his work. 7. The worker sells his labor power to the capitalist as one more commodity. 8. The price of labor power, like that of any other commodity, is determined by the time of work necessary to produce it or maintain it THE MARXIST THOUGHT
SUMMARY: EXPLOITATION = THEORY OF SURPLUS (II) 9. The salary (or price of the labor force) is equivalent to the value of the means of life necessary to ensure the subsistence of the worker. 10. If to produce these means of subsistence it is necessary to dedicate 6 hours but the day is 10 hours, there are 4 hours of extra work. It is from these that the surplus value that the capitalist appropriates comes from. 11. The capitalist increases his profit by lengthening the working day. It is what is called absolute surplus value. 12. How is it possible for the capitalist to also increase his profit when the working day is reduced? Through what is called relative surplus value. 13. By increasing overall productivity in the economy, as more means of subsistence are produced in fewer hours, the value of these means decreases and therefore the value of the labor force or salary decreases. Therefore, the capitalist earns more. 14. The first capitalists who have increased productivity gain even if the individual price of commodities falls. 15. But lower prices reduce the profits of less productive capitalists. THE MARXIST THOUGHT
SUMMARY: EXPLOITATION = THEORY OF SURPLUS (III) 16. In order not to be left out of competition, capitalists need to improve their industrial productivity, for which they must invest more. When you invest more your profit rate in relation to the capital invested decreases. This is the first law of Marxist economic theory: the decreasing tendency of the rate of profit of capital. 17. There will be small capitalists who do not have the capacity to invest more and will be ruined. They will then swell the ranks of the proletariat. Then, what the second Marxist law says: the growing concentration of capital in fewer hands. 18. On the other hand, as industrial productivity increases, fewer workers will be necessary. Third Marxist law: the growing impoverishment of the population. 19. This process of socio-economic evolution would give rise to two final groups: a mass of proletarians increasingly numerous and impoverished and a capitalist minority that would have concentrated all the capital. 20. The revolutionary explosion would be inevitable. THE MARXIST THOUGHT