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Explore Matthew 5:3-16 as Jesus reveals the nature of the Kingdom of Heaven through the Beatitudes, emphasizing true righteousness and spiritual blessings beyond worldly happiness.
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
The Messiah’s Kingdom ProgramMatthew 5-7 Jesus is in Galilee ministering to a multitude of people from all over Jesus explains the nature of the Kingdom of Heaven Theme: “your righteousness must exceed that of the scribes & Pharisees” Matthew 5:20
The BeatitudesMatthew 5:1-16 A description of the characteristics that describe true righteousness Each is a statement of fact They are not a way to earn salvation Happiness depends on circumstances Blessedness depends on mind-set
Blessedness vs. the World’s Happiness Blessed are the poor in spirit, they inherit the kingdom of heaven Happy are the proud, they gain their own kingdom Blessed are those who mourn, they are comforted Happy are the celebrating, they will laugh
Blessedness vs. the World’s Happiness Blessed are the meek, they inherit the earth Happy are the assertive/mighty, they will take over the earth Blessed those Hunger & thirst after righteousness, they will be satisfied Happy those Hunger & thirst after mammon - they will get success
Blessedness vs. the World’s Happiness Blessed are the Merciful, they will receive mercy Happy are the Vengeful, no one will dare cross them Blessed are the Pure in heart, they shall see God Happy are the Sly / Cunning, they shall gain profit
Blessedness vs. the World’s Happiness Blessed are the Peacemakers, they are called the Sons of God Happy are the trouble-makers, others will do their bidding Blessed are those persecuted, theirs is the kingdom of heaven Happy are the Persecutors, they will get respect
The BeatitudesMatthew 5:3-16 Poor = destitute, impoverished Come to God in complete humility - they enter the kingdom of heaven Mourn – godly sorrow that leads to repentance (2 Corinthians 7:9-10) & results in forgiveness They receive mercy & are merciful
The BeatitudesMatthew 5:3-16 Meek = under control of Holy Spirit & respond in godliness to circumstances Those who hunger & thirst after righteousness will walk with God and grow in His word The pure in heart long to see God & be fully sanctified. They will see Him
The BeatitudesMatthew 5:3-16 Peacemakers seek to reconcile sinners to God - & are called sons of God They will be persecuted, insulted & falsely accused for the sake of Christ & righteousness They are blessed – the prophets were so treated – they are assured of heaven
The BeatitudesMatthew 5:3-16 They are the salt of the earth: Their presence helps preserve society from moral & spiritual decay They are the light of the world: They reveal the truth promoting stability and exposing evil
The BeatitudesMatthew 5:3-16 Don’t lose saltiness by contamination or hide your light! Let your light shine before men to bring glory to God
The Purpose of the SermonMatthew 5:17-20 Jesus came to fulfill the law & prophets, not abolish them The purpose of the law was not being fulfilled under their religious leaders True righteousness is a heart issue, not conformity man made rules
Refuting the ScribesMatthew 5:21-28 Murder (Matthew 5:21-26) Acts of hatred also bring God’s judgement – 1 John 3:15 Adultery (Matthew 5:27-30) Unrighteousness exists in the heart, not just the outward actions
Refuting the ScribesMatthew 5:21-28 Divorce (Matthew 5:31-32) Unrighteous divorce results in increased adultery Vows (Matthew 5:33-37) God holds people accountable for all vows. The righteous answer “yes” or “no” and do not swear
Refuting the ScribesMatthew 5:21-28 Revenge (Matthew 5:38-42) The righteous are humble & gracious They leave any vengeance in God’s hands (Romans 12:19). Neighbors & enemies (Matthew 5:43-48) Both are to be loved. Pray for those that persecute you
Correcting the PhariseesMatthew 6:1-18 The Lord does not reward those who perform righteousness in order to be noticed by men – Matthew 6:1 Alms = gifts to help the poor Give them in secret
Correcting the PhariseesMatthew 6:1-18 Prayer – Matthew 6:5-15 Purpose: talk with God, not impress men – so done in secret Practice: Communicate your actual prayers, petitions & thanksgivings – repetitious prayers are meaningless God knows our needs before we ask
The “Lord’s Prayer”Matthew 6:9-13 A model for prayer – not to be prayed repetitiously It is simple, yet covers all that is important in prayer
The “Lord’s Prayer”Matthew 6:9-13 PrayerRelationshipSpirit of Prayer Our Father Father/ChildFamily Who art Creator/CreatureUnpretentious in heaven Hallowed be Deity/WorshiperReverent Thy name Thy Kingdom Sovereign / Loyal come. Subject
The “Lord’s Prayer”Matthew 6:9-13 PrayerRelationshipSpirit of Prayer Thy will be Master/ServantSubmissive done, On Earth as it is in heaven Give us Benefactor /Dependent this day Beneficiary our daily bread
The “Lord’s Prayer”Matthew 6:9-13 PrayerRelationshipSpirit of Prayer And forgive Savior/SinnerPenitent us our debts, Teacher/studentResponsible as we also forgive our debtors.
The “Lord’s Prayer”Matthew 6:9-13 PrayerRelationshipSpirit of Prayer And do not Guide/PilgrimHumble lead us into temptation, but deliver us Liberator/DebtorGrateful from evil
The “Lord’s Prayer”Matthew 6:9-13 PrayerRelationshipSpirit of Prayer For Thine Sovereign/SubjectTriumphant is the kingdom, Protected and the power, Jubilant and the glory, Eternal forever. Amen.
The “Lord’s Prayer”Matthew 6:9-13 Matthew 6:14-15 Matthew 18:21-35 Those who refuse to forgive will not be forgiven themselves
FastingMatthew 6:16-18 When you fast, others should not be even able to tell that you are doing so.
Prohibitions for the RighteousMatthew 6:19-7:6 Do not lay up for yourselves treasures upon earth – lay up treasures in heaven Matthew 6:19-34 You cannot serve both God and mammon (riches of the world)
Prohibitions for the RighteousMatthew 6:19-7:6 No worry about the needs of life if you seek first God’s kingdom & righteousness. He will provide for you No such promise to those who make mammon their master
Prohibitions for the RighteousMatthew 6:19-7:6 Judging others - Matthew 7:1-5 Use a correct standard, humbly correct your large faults first, then help brother with his small faults (See: Galatians 6:1-5)
Prohibitions for the RighteousMatthew 6:19-7:6 Do not give what is holy to dogs, etc. - Matthew 7:6 Treat what is holy as holy. Don’t give them to those who will subject them to abuse.
Admonitions & WarningsMatthew 7:7-27 You can ask, seek & knock because you can trust God’s good character to answer prayer (Matthew 7:7-12) The “Golden Rule” - how to practically live in righteousness and love your neighbor (Matthew 7:12)
Admonitions & WarningsMatthew 7:7-27 Enter by the narrow gate – (Matthew 7:13,14) Spoken to religious people All the unrighteous – immoral, moral & religious – are on road to destruction
Admonitions & WarningsMatthew 7:7-27 Beware of false prophets & wolves in sheep’s clothing (vs. 15-23) You will know them by their fruit – how well they follow Jesus Some are self-deceived – vs. 21-23 They think they are serving Christ, but they are lawless
The Wise & the FoolishMatthew 7:24-27 The wise man hears and heeds the words of Jesus. The foolish man hears but ignores the words of Jesus.
The Wise & the FoolishMatthew 7:24-27 The wise build on the righteousness of Christ, withstand the storms & enter the kingdom The foolish build on self-righteousness, they will fall & not enter the kingdom
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ